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1、邮寄快递相关的英语口语对话【篇一】邮寄快递相关的英语口语对话职员:Would you like to mail it by air or sea?您寄航空还是海运?简:How long will it take to mail things to the USA by air?寄航空几天能到美国?职员:About 10 days. You can send it express mail if you need it faster. It will only take three or four days.大概十来天.如果您想更快的话.能够寄特快专递.大概三四天就能到.简:I want to

2、send it by express mail. The faster, the better.那我寄特快专递.越快越好.职员:OK, the postage is 325 Yuan.好的.您的邮费是三百二十五元.简:Here you go.给你.职员:This is the receipt, please keep it.这是收据.请您拿好.【篇二】邮寄快递相关的英语口语对话A:I need to rush to the post office.我得赶紧到邮局去.B:Youd better hurry.Its gonna close in ten minutes.那你得快点了,再十分钟就要关

3、门了.How much is the postage?请问邮资多少?A:How much is the postage?请问邮资多少?B:Please put it on the scale!请你把它放在磅秤上!Id like to send it as registered mail!我要寄挂号!A:How would you like to send the letter?你要怎么寄这封信?B:Id like to send it as registered mail.我要寄挂号。Excuse me,you didnt write down the zip code.对不起,你没有写邮政编

4、码.A:Excuse me,you didnt write down the zip code.对不起,你没有写邮政编码.B:oh.its 4o6.喔!是4o6。Is this international mail?这是国际邮件吗?A:Is this international mail?这是国际邮件吗?B:Yes.its addressed to Greece.是的,要寄到希腊。Do you want to send the package by airmail or by surface mail?你的包裹要平邮,还是空运?A:Do you want to send the package

5、 by airmail or by surface mail?你的包裹要平邮,还是空运?B:Which is cheaper?哪一种比较便宜?Its much cheaper to send a package by surface mail. But It takes two months.用海运寄便宜很多,但要花两个月的时间。A:Its much cheaper to send a package by surface mail. But It takes two months.用海运寄便宜很多,但要花两个月的时间。B:Then,Ill just send it by airmail.那我

6、还是寄空运的好了.Id like to buy stamps for a postcard to Europe,please!我要买邮票寄明信片到欧洲!A:Id like to buy stamps for a postcard to Europe,please!我要买邮票寄明信片到欧洲!【篇三】邮寄快递相关的英语口语对话ack:Are you satisfied with your current job?你对现在的工作满意吗?Tracy:No.不。Jack:Why?为什么?Tracy:The salary is low.工资低。Jack:Youre an OL, I thought you

7、 got a good salary.你不过办公室女郎,我以为你收入不错呢。Tracy:Just 2800yuan. It is said that even couriers could get more than 6000yuan a month.只有2800元。据说连快递员每月收入都能超过6000元。Jack:But thats really a hard work. They work long hours everyday, and they have to deliver the goods in all weather conditions.但那是很辛苦的工作。他们每天都长时间地工作,而且在任何天气情况下都得投递货物。Tracy:Absolutely.确实如此。Jack:Your job is easy. You have no reason to complain.你的工作很轻松。你没有理由抱怨。Tracy:Youre right.你说得对。


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