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1、Teaching Plan for PEP Primary English Book5Unit5 Whose dog is it?Period 6 Read and write By Hu Yafei from Nanxi Primary School Good morning, everyone. Im Hu Yafei from Nanxi Primary School . Im glad to be here to share my lesson with you. Today, Im going to talk about part B (Read and write)of unit

2、5, PEP Primary English, Book 5. Ill divide it into four parts.Part I Analysis of Teaching Material1. Status and FunctionFirst, let me analyse the teaching material. The topic of this unit is about finding the owner of the animals and describing animal actions with present participles. This period is

3、 the ending of the unit. So the students have learned six nominal possessivepronouns and six present participles. In this part, as a teacher, I must arouse their interests too, let them have a general idea about what they have learned. Furthermore, to help students understand a story about Robin and

4、 read correctly.2. Teaching Aims(1) Knowledge Aims a. To enable the students grasp the key words with “ing” form, “climbing, eating, jumping, playing, drinking and sleeping”Make sure they can use them in real situations.b. To enable the students to grasp the new words “excited and like”,and the new

5、meaning in the context.c. Review the usages of nominal possessivepronouns (2) Ability Aimsa. To develop the students abilities of listening and speaking.b. To train the students ability of working in groups.(3)Emotion Aimsa. To foster the students consciousness of good cooperation and proper competi

6、tion.b. To lead the students to show the loveliness to the animals and to the nature.3. Teaching important points and difficult pointsa. The important points: To help the students grasp the key words with “ing” form and the key structures. Make sure they can use them in real situations.b. The diffic

7、ult points: To help the students grasp the key verb phrases with “ing” form, Make sure they can pronounce and write them correctly.Part II Teaching Methods1. Communicative teaching method.2. Audio-visual teaching method.3. Task-based teaching method.As we all know, the main instructional aims of lea

8、rning English in Primary School is to cultivate pupils basic abilities of listening and speaking and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson Ill mainly use Communicative teaching method, Audio-visual teaching method and Task-based teaching method. Thats to say, Ill let the studen

9、ts get a better understanding of the key words and structures. Ill arrange several kinds of activities: singing, watching pictures, listening, guessing game, group work and so on. So in this lesson, multi-media, cards and blackboard will be needed.Part III Studying Ways 1. Let the students master th

10、e key words better by watching, listening, guessing and using.2. Enable the students study English language by communicating, describing and listening.3. Let the students understand how to cooperate. Part IV Teaching ProcedureStep 1 Warm-up1. Listen to the tape and sing the song “Animals, animals ar

11、e everywhere” together.2. Do some TPR. Ill Show some cards of words and let the students read and do the actions.3. Free talk with the students: What are you doing?This step can arouse students interests of learning English by singing and doing some total physical response and at the same time it pr

12、ovides situations to review learned knowledge for the next step.Step 2 Presentation1. Ill play the sounds of all kinds of animals, and let the students guess what the animal is and review the words about animals: bear,tiger,rabbit,monkey,elephant,fish,bird;2. Lead-in:Do you like animals? Do you want

13、 to go to the zoo to see the animals with me? Now lets go. (introduce the new word “excited”)3. Read the story “Robin at the zoo” and answer the questions: How many animals do they talk about? What are they? What is the monkey doing? What is Robin doing?4.Present the sentence pattern on PPT: Im look

14、ing at the bear. Im dancing like a bear. Then the teacher asks the students to find the similar sentence pattern and do the actions.(Pay attention to the new meaning of “like”)5.Lets chant and do the actions. Bear,bear,Im looking at a bear.Bear,bear,Im dancing like a bear.Rabbit,rabbit,Im looking at

15、 the rabbit。 Rabbit,rabbit,Im eating like a rabbitStep 3 PracticeGames: 1. Imitation show 2.News Reporter.Finish the exercises on Page 53.54 and know the differences between the adjectival possessive pronouns and the nominal possessive pronouns.Step4 Homework1. Read the story fluently2. Finish the exercises on the exercise book Blackboard designLook, Robin is at the zoo. Im looking at a panda!_ at an elephant! _ _ _ a dog ! Im looking at the rabbits. _ _ _ the _ !Thats all for my teaching plan of this lesson. Thank you for your attention.


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