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1、课题PEP3 Unit6 A Lets learn 课型单词课教材分析本课内容是对三年级已学家庭成员单词的补充,并提出了family 的概念,除了词汇的增加,还有一年学习下来句型积累的体现,在本课中,学生应能简单的介绍家庭成员,并熟知各成员之间的关系。教学目标知识目标:能听说读本课单词: family, parents, uncle, aunt, baby brother. 水平目标:能理解使用单词family, parents, uncle, aunt, baby brother,grandparents等家庭成员单词,并用简单的语句介绍。能根据已学的单词的发音规律拼读部分生词。能说简单的绕

2、口令。情感目标:热爱家人。教学重点掌握本课单词 family, parents, uncle, aunt, baby brother 的音和意,并能简单说说介绍人物特点的语句。教学难点根据字母和字母组合的发音学习简单的直拼规律。熟练说读绕口令。教具准备单词卡片,课件, Family Tree.设计意图教学过程教学评议师生交流,简单介绍,加深了解。通过欣赏歌了解“family” 的含义。通过找找有相同音素的单词,让学生初步了解发音规律。复习家庭人员单词。引出主人公,并简单介绍。复习father,mother并且介绍自己父母。用已学有相近发音的单词组成 rhyme, 练习发音。通过公式的推算让学生

3、说 grandparents ,拓展课文内容。解释aunt 的意义。对 aunt 实行语音拓展,让学生学习直拼有相同因素的单词。对 b实行语音拓展。对U 实行语音拓展。拓展训练 b br bl 的发音。复习单词,并理清人物关系。快速反应水平检查单词掌握情况复习本课所学的句子,也能够检查学生对于前面语音拓展的掌握情况。渗透情感教育。Step1:Greeting1.Greeting.2.Watch the video of Disney song and sing.Step2:Presentation.1.表现一组歌曲场景图片,教学 familyThey are a family.用 fat ,f

4、an, black, grand , milk, miss, mini, really ,Billy 这些单词来辅助理解family发音。2.呈现第二组图片。T: How many people are there in the family?T: Who is she ? Guess “How many people are there in her family? Who are they?”复习Father, mother, sister, grandma and grandpa.教学 baby3.介绍朋友 BillyT: I have a friend. His name is Bil

5、ly.简单介绍:He is .He has He likes4. father and motherBilly: Hi,friends.Come and meet my family.简单介绍 father , mother. 说说学生自己的父母。教学 parent, 注重发音。用hair ,pear等单词来训练巩固parent 发音。T: Father and mother mean parents.Rhyme: My parents have brown hair. My parents like green pears.5.教学:grandparents.Grandfather and

6、grandmother mean grandparents.T:Grandparents are parents parents.They are great.Rhyme: My grandparents are great.I love my grandparents.My parents love grandparents,too.6.通过车,门铃的声音引出客人,教学aunt.She is mothers sister. She is Billys aunt.教学aunt. 以 art, car ,ask, father, student, isnt ,arent 等单词来拓展语音训练。R

7、hyme:My aunt likes art . My aunt likes car.Aunt送礼物 bear.Rhyme: Billy likes bears. The bear is for Billy.7. 门铃再响,引出带礼物进来的 uncle教学: uncle用uncle, under ,bus, nuts, umbrella 来拓展训练语音.T:This is Billys uncles photo.Rhyme: Uncle is under the umbrella. Uncle likes nuts.Uncle 带来礼物black bread brown breadIt is

8、for.? 引出教学: baby brotherRhyme: Baby brother likes brown bread.Billy likes some black bread.9. How many people are there in Billys family? Who are they?总结复习 Billys family Step3:Practice1. Make a family tree. 2.说说对应词。T: mother S: father3. Fill in the blanks and chant. Parents like pearsBilly likes bea

9、rs.Aunt likes art.Uncle likes nuts.Billy and baby brother.They like bread.Grandparents are great.They are very happy.They are a happy family.Step4:ExtensionDo you have a happy family?Family means “Father and mother ,I love you .”Lets watch a video . Who do you love?S: I love my .Step5:Homework1.Listen to the tape and read books.(听磁带读课文第70页10分钟)2. Make a family tree.(制作家庭族谱图)


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