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1、2016初三五校集备资源(9BU5,长兴中学)9B Unit5 Grammar 导学卷胡希敏一、篇章说明本版板块帮助学生复习初中阶段所学的六种时态以及被动语态的相关知识。二、目标说明1、知识目标:1)复习初中阶段所学的六种时态的相关知识2)复习被动语态的用法2、能力目标:能够在具体的语境中正确使用时态和被动语态3、学习策略:主动探究、善于发现语言的规律并能运用规律举一反三三、教学重难点:1、教学重点:复习一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时以及现在完成时的结构和用法。2、教学难点:复习一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时和现在完成时的被动语态的形式和用法。四、学习过程时态复

2、习(一) 导入:以例句形式导入,让学生自己唤醒对于时态用法的记忆,归纳用法。【思路:采取观察-发现-归纳教学法:给出六个不同时态的句子,让学生观察谓语动词和标志性时间状语或单词,归纳六种时态的基本结构】【材料】1. Tom often sleeps late on Saturdays.2. I saw a film with a friend yesterday.3. Mary will come here tomorrow.4. Hurry up! We are all waiting for you.5. I was reading a book at 10 oclock last nig

3、ht.6. I have lived in Guangzhou for more than 10 years.【材料】中考必会的6种时态(以study为例)时态形式概念一般现在时经常发生(主将从现)一般过去时过去发生一般将来时/ 将来发生现在进行时/ /正在进行(可表将来)过去进行时/ 过去进行(可表将来或持续)现在完成时/ 动作完成(影响持续到现在)(二)内化过程:设计练习,指导策略【思路】通过用所给动词的适当形式填空的练习引导学生进一步内化和掌握6种动词时态。“ I hope you_ ( not forget ) what I _ ( tell ) you to buy.” said M

4、other.“ No,” said John. “ I wont forget. You want three oranges, six eggs and a pound of sugar.” He _( go ) running down the street to the shop. As he _( run ), he said to himself over and over again what his mother wanted. In the beginning he _( remember) everything but he _ ( stop ) several times.

5、 Once he _( see ) two men quarrelling outside a shop until a policeman _ ( stop ) them. Then he _( meet) some of his friends and he _( play ) with them for a while. When he _( reach ) the shop, he had forgotten everything except the six eggs.As he walked home, his face _( become ) sad. When he saw h

6、is mother he said, “ I am sorry, Mother. I _( forget ) to buy the oranges and the sugar. I _ ( remember ) to buy six eggs, but I _( drop) them.【说明】让学生根据题目和自己的错题归纳出6种常用时态在运用中自己要注意的问题。(三)归纳过程:总结错误,举一反三【思路】再次整体重现本单元要求掌握6种常用时态结构及运用中要特别注意的问题。【材料】重点归纳1.归纳6种常用时态的标志性时间状语和单词。1) 一般现在时连用的时间状语 :always, usually,

7、 often, sometimes, seldom, every week, once a week, on Sundays.2)一般过去时连用的时间状语:ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, in 1989, just now, at the age of 5, one day, long long ago.3)一般将来时连用的时间状语:tomorrow, next day, soon, in a few minutes, by, the day after tomorrow.4)现在进行时连用的时间状语:now, at t

8、his time, at the moment, these days.5)过去进行时连用的时间状语:at this time yesterday, at that time, 以when引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语等。6)现在完成时连用的时间状语:recently,lately,since, for, in the past few years, already, yet.2. 复合句中根据前后呼应确定时态。3. 宾语从句表示一个客观事实或客观真理时,其时态不受主句动词的限制,用一般现在时。答题技巧:1、题干出现标志性时间状语或词语,直接锁定时态。2、如果没有标志性时间状语或单词,要

9、分析具体语境。(四)、产出过程完成句子1 这学期谁将教我们历史? Who_ _ us history this term?2. 我还没有决定是否去那个派对。 I _ _ if I will go to the party yet .3. 当他六岁的时候,他就开始学弹钢琴。 He _ _ _ _ the piano when he was six.4. 当我们进来时,你在唱什么歌?What song _ you _ when we came in?5. 我想知道为什么你今天上学又迟到了。 I want to know _ _ _ late for school again today.6. 大约

10、有500个学生参加校运会。About 500 students will _ _ _ the sports meet next week.7. 从广州开车到清远需要多长时间。 How long does _ _ to drive from Guangzhou to Qingyuan.8. 每天晚餐后我通常和妈妈去散步。 I usually _ _ _ with my mum after supper every day.(五)、目标检测翻译句子&语法选择一、翻译句子 1. 他已经教了五年的书。_ 2. 自从去年夏天,我们就没见过面了。_ 3. 上个月她去了一趟北京。_ 4. 我进来的时候她正在

11、弹琴。_ 5. 带上雨衣吧,外面正在下雨呢!_ 6. 明天我将买好几本书。_二、 语法选择ZhengHui studies at a middle school in Guangzhou. Every day, he (1) up at six oclock in the morning. She reads English for half an hour. She (2) breakfast at seven oclock. After breakfast, she usually (3) to school at eight oclock. She (4) table tennis wi

12、th her classmates at school once a week. She is a very excellent student and is very helpful. One morning, she (5) up at six as usual. She was late, then she (6) out of the door. Suddenly, she (7) an old lady fall over and hurt her leg. So she (8) to call an ambulance. Five minutes later, an ambulan

13、ce picked up the old lady and Zhenghui got on her bike and happily rode to school. Zhenghui did avery good thing but she (9) late for school. But she is sure that she (10)like this if there is an accident next time. (1) A. got B. gets C will get D. get (2) A. haves B. had C. having D. has (3) A. get

14、 B. go C. gets D. getting (4) A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play (5) A. get B. got C. gets D. to get (6) A. run B. runs C. ran D. was running (7) A. see B. sees C. saw D. will see (8) A. ride B. rode C. rides D. is riding (9) A. was B. is C. be D. were (10) A. does B. will do C. do D. did 被动语态复习

15、(一) 导入:以“例句+填空”的方法导入,让学生根据所做的练习有思考和回忆。【思路:通过几个简单的句子,回忆被动语态的基本概念】Ex.1 请找出以下句子的主语,谓语,宾语,动作的执行者和承受者1) My parents forced me to attend a tutorial centre.2) I was forced to attend a tutorial centre by my parents.动作的执行者是:_ 动作的承受者是:_句_是主动语态,句_是被动语态Ex.2 请观察以下五个句子,写出被动语态的结构1. Your marks will be mailed back to

16、 you tomorrow.2. The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens.3. Children shouldnt be hired as an actor for TV commercials4. Small treats are always placed by the checked out 5. I have been forced to attend a tutorialcentre .被动语态的构成:_(二)内化过程:完成练习,找出错点【思路】通过“主动被动”的练习,进一步复习巩固Ex. 3 请根据主动句,完成被动句。时

17、态主动句被动句一般现在时Teachers take good care of us.We _byteachers.现在完成时He has finished the job.The job _by him.一般过去时Jim wrote that letter.The letter _by Jim.一般将来时I will find the answer.The answer_ by me.含有情态动词You should pay the bill.The bill _by you.(三)归纳过程:归纳总结,找出规律写出被动语态的结构: _时态主动语态被动语态一般现在时do/does一般过去时did

18、情态动词情态动词 +do一般将来时will/shall/be(am/is/are)going to +do现在完成时have/has + done(四)、产出过程Ex. 4单项选择.1. He _ some books as his birthday present as usual.A. will give B. gave C. is giving D. was given2. - Where did you find the children?-It _under a chair in that park.A. found B. find C. was found D. are found

19、3. Do you know why John isnt here ?Something horrible _to him.A. happened B. was happened C. will be happen D. has been happened. 4 The tall building _five years ago, but it still looks quite new.A. must be built B. built C. was built D. is built 5 This kind of paper_ for making stampsA. used B. use

20、s C. is using D. is uded EX.5单选题与完成句子1.The Olympic Games _ every four years.A. are held B. were held C. are holding D. will hold2. Excuse me, what is this for? -Its a cleaner and it _ to pick up dirt. A. uses B. is used C. is using D. used3. It _ that young people remember things easier. A. says B.

21、said C. is said D. was said4. When _ the hospital _? A. was, build B. did, build C. does, build D. is, build5. A neighbour helped to keep our dog. It _ while we were on holiday. A. was taken care B. took care of C. is taken care of D. was taken care of 6. 学生们每天都清洁教室的窗户。The classroom windows _ _ by t

22、he students every week.7. 昨天的会上问了很多问题。Many questions _ _ at yesterdays meeting.8. 下周三我们学校将举办一场关于电脑的讲座。 A talk on computer _ _ _ in our school next Wednesday.9. 这项工作必须在两天内完成。 This job mustbefinished in two days.10. 在过去的两年里这里建了一座桥。 A bridge _ _ _here in the past two years . (五)、目标检测1You seem busy toda

23、y, Jane. Our project _ in two days. I still have a lot to do.A. must hand B. must hand in C. must be handed D. must be handed in2. _ a new library _ in our school last year? A. Is; builtB. Was; builtC. Does; buildD. Did; build3. As usual, Meihua _ at 6:30 this morning by her mother to get ready for

24、school. A. has woken B. woke up C. wakes up D. was woken up4.Im sorry you cant go in now. The room _ yet. A. hasnt been cleaned B. hasnt cleaned C. isnt cleaned D. was cleaned5. As we know, things like that _ all over the world every day. A. are happening B. are happened C. happen D. will be happene

25、d6. 同学们经常取笑那个小女孩。 The little girl _ often _ _ by her classmates .7. 这些花必须每天浇水,否则就会枯死。 All these flowers _ _ _ every day ,or they will die.8. 生日礼物将在后天送给他。His birthday present _ _ _ to him the day after tomorrow.9. 这本书已经被我们班同学读了很多遍。This book _ _ _ by my classmates for many times.10. 在你离开前必须把所有灯关掉。All the lights _ _ _ _ before you leave.8


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