where is my car.doc

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《where is my car.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《where is my car.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Where is the car?一、Warming up1、Sing a song 2、A chant: show me your 3、Review the words二、Presentation1、表现单词:underT: Oh, no, where is the pencil box?Yeah, its under the book. (出示under板书,读音纠正,开火车读,操练)2、表现句型“where is the? Its ”操练句子“its under the book.”T: where is the pencil box?S: Its under the bo

2、ok.(句型出示,强调发音,升降掉)(板书)出示两幅图(一图两组答),操练后表现完整Chant 操练图片出示,顺着chantT: where, where, where is the pen? Under, under,S: Under, under,Its under the book.3、表现单词on, deskT: And where is the book? S: Its on the desk. (板书on,手势示意稍作操练,出示图片板书desk,)T: where is the book?S: its on the desk.(操练单词on desk,开火车)4、操练on 和und

3、er chairI say you do 简单分辨on under T: look at my hand, 手势表示on 和underT: now, put your hand on your book(PPT出示句子速度放慢,让学生听清句子,试着一起说) put your hand under tyour book put your hand on your desk. Put your hand on your chair.(呈现单词chair, where is chair? 指出,图片加板书。操练,ch 和air的发音,多人读,纠音)T: so look, where is the bag?S: its on the chair.4、呈现单词inT: now lets play a game. (快速移位游戏,每组时间限定,看哪组回答的人数多)T: Its in the box.(in稍微操练,板书)三Practice 1、实物出示盒子,一边放一边问(小组比赛)2、让学生自己动手操练(每一小组一个盒子)抽两组展示3、出示图片小组合作,展示4、文本呈现,


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