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1、库尔勒市第四中学课堂教学导学案初二英语(下)第九单元第一课时Unit9 Have you ever been to a museum?课型:新授 课时1 编制人:赵锦荣 审核:黄曙明 审批:_使用时间:_班级:_小组:_ 姓名:_ 组内评价:_ 教师评价:_ 家长签字:_第一课时(Section A 1a-2c)【Learning goals】1) Learn 5 new words and phrases: amusement, somewhere, camera, invention, amusement park 2) Use Present perfect tense to talk

2、about experiences.3) Experience and understand the joy of traveling.【使用说明与方法指导】1.做导学案之前先认真研读教材65-66页部分。边预习边用双色笔在课本上勾画重点单词、短语、句型.2. 根据已学知识,初步完成探究案,并提出自己的疑问。I. 自主预习。20分钟温馨提示:在不参考任何工具书,参考书的情况下,带着下面几个问题和要求,自主研读一遍Section A 1a-2d的单词、语法和句型。1. 自主研读完教材后,你觉得Section A 1a-2d的核心知识是什么?_2. 研读完后,你有什么疑问?(先把疑问写下来,完成导

3、学案若能解决,用红笔写上答案)_II 词汇预习。翻译下列短语.1. an amusement park_ 2. go somewhere different _3. have a great time_ 4. at the water park_5. have been to _ 6. take the subway_ III 句型预习。 1. 约翰从未去过太空博物馆。 John _ never _ to the space museum.2. 你曾经去过科学博物馆吗?_ you ever _ to a science museum? 3. 今天我们去某个不同的地方。 Lets go _ _

4、today.4. 琳达昨天去了游乐园。 Linda _ to the _ park yesterday.5. 弗兰克和他的朋友要去滑冰。 Frank and his friend are _ _.【探究案】I. 句型回顾。【观察思考1】Me neither. 我也没去过。Me neither. 常用于口语中,相当于_ _ _ 或 I havent, either., 表示前面所表达的否定情况也同样适合于他人或他物。其肯定形式为_ _.【即时训练】Ive never been to America._.A. Me ,too B. Me neither C. So have I D. Neithe

5、r do I 【观察思考2】Have you ever been to a space museum? Yes, I have. .Have been to 是现在完成时, 表示“_”, 其含义是“去过某地,现在已经回来了”。例如:Have they been to Shanghai ? 他们去过上海吗?【即时训练】1. Hello! Is your father in?No, she _ the supermarket.A. has been to B. has gone to C. has been in D. has come in【训练案】根据汉语意思完成句子。1 Have you _

6、(曾经) been to Guilin?2 Fred wants to travel to _ _(某个有趣的地方)。3 Jack hasnt finished his homework. _ _ _ (我也是)。4 He has seen this new movie._ _(我也是)。5 Miss Green isnt in the office. She_ _(去) to the library.单项选择1. Have you ever been to _ to take a vacation?A. somewhere quiet B. quiet somewhere C. anywhe

7、re quiet D. quiet anywhere2. Do you think Hainan is a good place for holidays?Yes, I _ to Sanya twice with my parents.A. had gone B. have been C. are going D. have gone3. Where is Zhang Ming? Oh, dont you know he _ to Beijing to see his parents and hell be back tomorrow.A. has gone B. has been C. ha

8、d gone D. have gone4.Ive never been to a water park. _.A. Me too. B. Me neither. C. Me also D. Me both5. Everyone except Tom and Mike _ Kunming before.A. has gone to B. have gone to C. has been to D. have been to6. There is _ amusement park near the river.A. a B. an C. the D. /7. Have you ever been

9、to Shanghai, Mary? Yes. I _ there for three days with my parents.A. have gone B. have been C. was D. went【合作探究】听力实践:听录音完成以下练习并大声朗读。Sarah: Im bored, Claudia. Lets do something interesting.Claudia: Have you ever been to a _ museum?Sarah: Yes, I have. I went to the National Science Museum last year. Ha

10、ve you ever been to a _ museum?Claudia: No, I havent.Sarah: Me neither. Lets go to one tomorrow. Claudia: Well, that sounds good, but Im not interested in history.Sarah: Really?I didnt know that. Well , how about the art museum? Have you been to the art museum?Claudia: Ive been to the _ museum many

11、times Sarah: Me too. But Id like to go again. Hmm, lets see How about the _ museum? Ive been there a few times.Claudia: So _ I. I went there on our last school tripSarah: I know. Lets go to the _ museum. Ive never been there. Claudia: Thats a great idea. I went there last year , but Id like to go th

12、ere again.听力实践:听录音判断句子正(T)误(F)。1. Tina went to the space museum last year. ( )2. John has never been to the space museum.( )3. They are going to take the subway.( )4. Linda has been to the amusement park. ( )5. Linda went to the amusement park yesterday. ( )6. Linda is going to the amusement park again by bike. ( )7. Frank had a great time at the water park. ( )8. Franks friend has never been to the water park. ( )9. Frank and his friend are going to skating.( )【阅读天天乐】我的疑问: 4 / 4


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