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1、 PEP 四年级下复习提纲 3-4单元Unit 3 第三单元 一、我会背单词我会背意思1cold冷的2.cool凉爽的3.warm温暖的4.hot热的5.sunny阳光充足的6.windy多风的7.cloudy多云的 8.snowy下雪的 9.rainy下雨的 10.outside在户外的 11.be careful小心 12.weather天气13.New York纽约 14.How about怎么样? 15.degree度数 16.world世界 17.London伦敦 18.Moscow莫斯科19.Singapore新加坡20.Sydney悉尼21.fly a kite放风筝 22.lo

2、ve爱23.inside 里面24.swim游泳二、我会读句子 我会背意思1. Can I go outside now?Yes,you can./No,you cant.现在我能出去吗?7. Its 26 degrees.是26度。2. Its cold outside. 8. Can I have some soup?Yes, you can .Here you are./No,you cant.外面冷。 我能喝些汤吗? - 可以。给你/不行。3. Whats the weather like in New York?Its rainy.纽约的天气怎么样?-是阴雨天。9. Be caref

3、ul. Its very hot.小心。很烫。4. Is it cold?No, it isnt./Yes, it is. 10. This is the weather report. Its warm in Beijing today. 天冷吗?-不是的/是的。 这里是天气预报。 今天北京是温暖的。5. Hi, Chen Jie! This is Mark. 11.Heres the world weather. Today its hot and sunny in Sydney.你好,Chen Jie! 我是Mark. 这里是世界天气预报。 今天悉尼的天气是热的和阳光充足的。6. Can

4、 I make a snowman?Yes, you can./No, you cant. 我可以堆雪人吗? -可以 / 不行。Unit 4 第四单元一、我会背单词我会背意思1tomato西红柿2.potato土豆3.green beans青豆4.carrot胡萝卜5.horse马6.cow奶牛7.sheep绵羊8.hen母鸡9.these这些10.those那些11.yum好吃的12.animal动物13.garden花园14.farm农场15.goat山羊16.lamb小羊羔17.eat吃二、我会读句子 我会背意思1. Are these carrots?-Yes, they are./

5、No,they arent. 7. Try some. They are good.-Thanks. Yum.这些是胡萝卜吗?-是的/不是的。 试着吃些。它们很好吃多谢。真美味。2. What are these?-They are tomatoes.这些是什么?-它们是西红柿。8. You have a lot of animals.你有很多动物。3. What are those?-They are horses.那些是什么?-它们是马。9.How many horses do you have?-Seventeen你有多少只马?-17.4. Are they sheep?- Yes, t

6、hey are./ No, they arent. They are goats. They love to eat carrots.它们是绵羊吗?-是的/不是的。它们是山羊。它们爱吃胡萝卜。5. MacDonald has ten sheep on the farm.迈克唐纳有10只绵羊在农场。6.I feel sleepy. 我有点想睡觉了。PEP 四年级下复习提纲 5-6单元Unit5第五单元一、我会背单词我会背意思1clothes服装2.pants长裤3.hat帽子 4.dress连衣裙 5.skirt短裙 6.coat大衣7.sweater毛衣8.sock短袜9.shorts短裤 1

7、0.jacket夹克衫 11.shirt衬衫 12.yours你的13.whose谁的 14.mine我的 15.pack收拾 16.wait等待 17.T-shirt体恤衫 18.jeans牛仔裤19.wear穿20.put on穿二、我会读句子 我会背意思1. Are these yours?Yes, they are./ No, they arent. They are Chen Jies.这双鞋是你的吗? -是的/不是的。它们是ChenJie 的。2. Is this Johns?Yes, it is./No,it isnt. Its Mikes.这是John的吗?-是的/不是的。它是

8、Mike的。3. Whose coat is this? Its mine. 4.Whose pants are those ? They are your fathers.这是谁的外套啊?-它是我的。 那条裤子是谁? -是你爸爸的。5.I like that green skirt.我喜欢那条绿色的短裙吗? 6.Are these Sarahs blue pants?这是Sarah的蓝裤子吗?-Me too. And I like those pants.我也是。我还喜欢那条裤子。Yes, they are./No, they arent.是的/不是的。7.Put on your shirt

9、. 8.Hang up your dress. 9. Take off your hat. 10. Wash your skirt.11. Put away your pants. 穿上你的短裙。 晾晒你的连衣裙。 摘下你的帽子。 洗你的短裙。 收拾你的裤子。 Unit 6 第六单元一、我会背单词我会背意思1glove手套 2.scarf围巾 3.umbrella伞 4.sunglasses太阳镜 5.pretty美观的 6.expensive贵的7.cheap便宜的8.nice好的9.try on试穿10.size尺码 11.of course当然 12.too太13.just right正

10、好14.how much多少钱15.eighty八十16. dollar美元17.sale大减价18.more更多的20.us我们二、我会读句子 我会背意思1. Can I help you?Yes. These shoes are nice. 9. Thats too expensive.那太贵了。 需要我的帮助吗?-是的。这些鞋子真好看。 10. Is the umbrella too expensive?No,it isnt/Yes,it is.2. Can I try them on? Size 6 ,please.Of course. Here you are. 这把雨伞很贵吗?-不

11、是的/是的。我能试一试吗?请给我拿6号。-当然可以。给你。 4. Are they OK?No, they are too small. 11. Are the sunglasses cheap?Yes,they are. 它们合适吗?-不,它们太小了。 太阳镜贵吗?-是的。4.Lets try size 7.让我试一试7号。 12. Look at that dress. Its pretty. Yes, it is.5. They are just right.它们刚刚好。 看那件裙子。它很漂亮。-是的。6. How do you like this skirt?Its very pretty. 13.The gloves are nice. Can I try them on?Sure.你觉得这件裙子怎么样?-它很漂亮。 这手套真漂亮。我能试一试吗?-当然可以。7. How much is it?Its $89. Ill take it. 这个多少钱?-要89美元。我买了。8. How much are those big apples?-They are ¥150.那些大苹果要多少钱?-要150元。


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