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1、1. 中文名与英文名: 【中文名】由两部分组成-姓和名,如:Wang Lili一 ,Sun Wukong. 中文名用汉语拼音写成,姓和名要分开写,开头字母都大写。 英文名与中文名顺序恰好相反,名字在前,姓在后。如:Jim Alan GreenFirst nameMiddle name Last name | |Given name(教名)Family name(姓氏)【英文名】一般由三部分组成:首名(first name)、中名(middle name)和尾名(last name),其中first name 和middle name是后起的名字,也叫given name(教名)。Last na

2、me 是家族沿用的名字,也叫family name.【巧学妙记】 先姓后名中文名,汉语拼音直写成,姓和名要分开写,开头大写才能行。英文名,大不同,前面名字后面姓,首名称呼最常用,若要表示受尊重,Mr.Mrs.Miss.Ms.姓前用专项演练( )1.My full name is Jerry Harry Potter. My first name isand my family name is.A .Jerry Harry B .Jerry Potter C .Potter Jerry( )2.Im Tom Green. You can call (称呼) meA. Mr. Tom B. Mr.

3、 Green C. Green2.物主代词:在英语中,表示“你的,我的,他的,她的,它的,你们的,我们的,他们的”等意义的代词形式就叫物主代词。物主代词是代词的所有格形式,用来表示物品的归属关系,即某物归某人所有。 人称 类型主格代词物主代词第一人称Imy我的第二人称youyour你的,你们的第三人称he/shehis/her他的(她的)【主格代词】在句中主要作主语,一般放在句首,说明是谁的情况。 I am a student.我是一名学生。She is my sister.她是我的妹妹。He is in China now.他现在在中国。【物主代词】分为两类,形容词性物主代词作用相当于形容词

4、,在句中用于修饰名词,如my name ,your phone number ,his ruler ,her schoolbag. 【巧学妙记】主格代词作主语, 放在句首说明谁, I, we ,you ,he ,she ,it ,they, 一共七个来打擂。 形物代词形容用, 说明某物归属谁, my, ,our, your ,his, her, its ,their, 后有名词做累赘。专项演练1.用所给词的适当形式填空:1.Whats (you) name? (I)name is Helen.2.This is my mother. (she) name is Maria.3.He is my

5、 teacher. (he) English is pretty good.4.These are (I)books and those are (they) computer games.5. (we)teacher is Mr. Wang. (he)mother is Liu Lili. 2. 单项选择:( )1. This isnt pen. Its pen .A. my , her B . yours , hersC. my ,yours ( )2.Bill is doing homework(做家庭作业).A . her B. him C. his( )3. I have a boy

6、 friend.name is Bob. The bag is . A. Her ,hers B. His ,his C. Hes ,his( )4. Whatstelephone number? Its 1387457528.A .his B. shes C. hers( )5. name is Alice and name is Eric.A. His, her B. Her, his C. Her, her1.指示代词指示代词家族主要有四名成员,this, that, these和 those。指示代词是用来指代、区分人或事物的,有单数和复数、近指和远指之分。this、that是单数,t

7、hese和those是复数,this与these表示近指,而that和those表示远指。This用来指代近处的单数人或事物;That用来指代远处的单数人或事物;These用来指代近处的复数人或事物; Those用来指代远处的复数人或事物。 This和that是单数,在句中作主语时,后面跟be动词;在含this或that的疑问句中,其疑问形式为:【Is this/that.?】,答语用代替回答。These和those是复数,在句中作主语时,后面跟be动词;在含these或those的疑问句中,其疑问句形式为:【Are these/those.?】,答语用代替回答。【巧学妙记 】指示代词用法歌诀

8、: 指示代词一大家, 兄弟四个笑哈哈。 this, these离我近, that, those跑远了。 this, that是单数, 后面is跟着它, 疑问总用it答。 these, those是复数, 作主语时跟着are, 疑问句中they来答。 【专项练习】(1)改复数句。1.This is my brother.-2.That is a pencil.-(2).改单数句。1.Those are my books.-2.These are dictionaries.-(3).改一般疑问句并做肯定、否定回答。1.This is my ruler.2.Thats an orange.3.The

9、se are your pictures.4.Those are his grandparents. 【点津坊】:有be句子变疑问,先把be词提向前。 注意改变大小写,记住人称对应变:一、二互变,三不变,最后句末加问点。 肯定yes否定no ,be词随着人称来使唤。(4).用所给词的适当形式填空。1. (this) are my parents and (those) is my sister.2.This her schoolbag and that his jacket.(be) 3.These my keys and those yours .(be)(5).单项选择。( )1.-Wha

10、ts that ?- a map.A. ThatsB. ItsC. TheyreD. This s( )2.-Are those your parents ?- .My parents are here.A. Yes, they areB. No, it isntC. Yes, it isD. No, they arentII.【名词所有格】 名词所有格是表示所有关系的名词形式,用来说明某物归某人所有,有【s】所有格和【of】所有格两种形式。1.有生命的【s】所有格 一般表示有生命的人或动物的名词要用【s】所有格,构成【所有者(人或动物)s+所有物】形式。 如Bobs pen , Helens

11、 dictionary , Li Leis ruler , Janes books , the dogs name 等。 【s】所有格的构成有以下几种情况: 1.不以s结尾的名词,在词尾加【s】。 如:Jacks keys ,Alans classroom , Childrens Day等。 2.以s结尾的名词,直接加【】。 如:James cousin, the girls teacher ,the dogs home ,Mr.Jones office等【名词加s后的读音规律:】 1.在清辅音后读/s/ 2.在浊辅音和元音后读/z/ 3.在/t/、/d/后面分别读/ts/和/dz/ 4.在/

12、s/、 /z/、/t/、/dz/后面读/iz/。如果名词是表示时间、距离、城市等意义的词也可以通过加s构成所有 格,如two hours walk, three kilometers distance , Zhao Dongs weather等。如果表示两个或两个以上的人共有一件东西,则在最后一个名字之后加【s】;如果表示各自所有,则每个名字后都要加上【s】This is Lucy and Lilys mother.(共同所有) Toms and Jims parents are in the teachers office.(各自所有)【点津坊】 :2.无生命的【Of】所有格:没有生命的名词

13、,要用of构成所有格,of和s相当于汉语中“的” 的意思。其结构为:【所有物+of+所有者】,此结构为倒装结构,后面的词修饰前面的词。如:a map of China ,the old walls of Beijing.有时有生命的事物也可以用of所有格来表示,如:The dogs name is Wangwang.=The name of the dog is Wangwang.有时,of所有格可以和s所有格合在一起连用,构成双重所有格,即【.of +s/名词性物主代词】.Here is a photo of Marias. Alan is a good friend of mine.【专项

14、演练】I.单项选择( )1.Its not my jacket. Its .A. Gina B. Joness C. Helens( )2.Wheres the Office ?I cant find it .A. teachers B. teachers C. Teachers( )3.This is a map China.A. at B. of C. in( )4.Helen is a friend of .I like her very much. A. my B. mine C. me( )5.This classroom is .A. Marias and Franks B. Ma

15、rias and FranksC. Maria and Franks( )6.Thats a photo of .She looks so beautiful.A. Erics B. Alices C. Jamess( )7. parents are at school now.A. Mikes and JacksB. Mike and JacksC. Mikes and Jack( )8. dog are over there.A. Lilys parents B. Lilys parents C. Lily parents( )9.Heres a picture .A. of her B.

16、 of hers C. of our( )10.June 1st(六月一日)is the Day.A. Childs B. childrens C. ChildrensII.改写同义句。1.Here is my family photo.Here is a my .2.Lucy is one of his friends.Lucy is .3.Whats the name of the dog ?Whats the ?4.Beijings weather(天气)is fine now.The is fine now.5.This is Jims father and mothers room.

17、This is Jims room.1.【名词性物主代词】: 【物主代词】是一种表示所属关系的代词形式,往往表示“我的,你的,她的(他的,它的),我们的,你们的,他们的”的意思。物主代词可以分为两类:形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。 形容词性物主代词作用相当于形容词,主要用来修饰名词作定语。而名词性物主代词的作用相当于名词,在意义上相当于他所对应的形容词物主代词+前面提到的某一名词。 This is my pencil.=This pencil is mine . These books are hers.=These are her books .数单数复数类型意义我的你的他(她,它)的我

18、们的你们的他们的形容词性物主代词myyourhis ,her ,itsouryourtheir注意名词性物主代词mineyourshis ,hers ,itsoursyourstheirs除了mine ,his和its外,其他的名词性物主代词都是在形容词性物主代词的后面加“s”构成。【点津坊】 巧选名物与形物口诀:有名(词)则形(容词性物主代词),无名(词)则名(词性物主代词)。【专项练习+能力培养】I.选词填空。1.This is (my ,mine)pen and thats (your, yours).2.I cant find (hers, her) ruler. Can you le

19、nd me (your, yours)? 3.-Are these books(her ,his)?-No, theyre(theirs, our).4.I have a dog . (Its ,Its) name is Coco .5.-Is that dictionary(your, yours)?-No ,its (her ,hers).II.用所给词的适当形式填空。6.This is (I) eraser and thats (you) schoolbag .7.These are (he) dictionaries and those are (she).8.-Is this (yo

20、u) teacher ?-Yes, its (we).9.This is not (we) classroom .Its (they)classroom . 10.Look at the hat. (it) color is red and its (she) .III.单项选择。( )11.-Is this pen?-Yes , it is .Its .A. your; my B. yours; my C. your ,mine( )12.-Are those pens?-No . are black.A. his, His B. he ,His C. hers ,Hers D. her ,

21、His( )13.The boy has some photos in room .A . her B. hers C. his D .its( )14.-Hi,Jane.Is this computer game ? -Oh ,no . computer game is in the bookcase . A .my; My B. his; His C. mine; Your D. your ;My( )15.-Is this notebook ?-No ,it isnt . A theirs ;their B .your ,mine C. your ,my D. hers ,hisIV.句

22、型转换。把下列句子改为同义句。16.This is my book .This is .17.The blue pen is mine .This is .18.Thats his green bag . That green bag .19.Are these your dictionaries ? Are these ?20.These are her books .These .2.【确认物主关系的一般疑问句】:请看下面几组句子:This is my eraser .这是我的橡皮。That is your schoolbag .那是你的书包。These are her dictionar

23、ies .这些是她的词典。Those are his teachers .那些是他的老师。 这些句子你一定不陌生吧。接下来我们看看他们的一般疑问句是什么样子的:This is my eraser .-Is this your eraser ?That is your schoolbag .-Is that my schoolbag ?These are her dictionaries .-Are these her dictionaries ?Those are his teachers .-Are those his teachers ? 你一定发现变一般疑问句的规律了吧!这些疑问句都是确

24、认物主关系的,含有指示代词和be动词。这样的句子变一般疑问句,首先把be动词提到句前,然后改变大小写(原来大写的要小写,提到前面的要大写),接着人称对应变(一二互变三不变),最后句末加标点(?)。你明白了吗?请你一定要记住以下句型:【Is this/that your.?Yes it is ./No, it isnt . 】 【Are these/those your. ?Yes, they are./No, they arent.】【专项练习+能力培养】改写一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答。1.These are my computer games . ? . 2.Thats his ID c

25、ard . ? .3.Those are her books . ? .4.This is your hat . ? .5.These are his keys . ? .3.【感谢及其应答语】英语中,得到了别人的帮助,受到了别人的赞美或邀请都要表示感谢。“常见的感谢语”除了Thank you和Thanks之外,还有Thank you very much ./Thanks a lot ./Its very kind of you.等说法。“感谢的答语”可以说:Youre welcome./Thats OK./Thats all right./Its a pleasure./My pleasur

26、e./ Dont mention it./Its nothing./Not at all.(不用谢,别客气)等。【典题演练】( )1.-Thank you for helping me .-.A. OK. B. Youre welcome C. Thats right. D. Nothing .2.Thank you very much.(同义句) a lot . 1.【介词短语】【介词】是一种虚词,常常介于名词或代词之间,用来帮助说明他们之间的关系。介词和它后面的名词或代词一起构成介词短语,可以用来说明时间、地点、工具、手段等意义。我们先来看看下面的句子:My friend is in Ch

27、ina now .我的朋友现在在中国。Wheres my schoolbag? Its on the desk.我的书包在哪儿?在桌子上。Lindas pencil box is under the sofa .琳达的铅笔盒在沙发下。这里的in China, on the desk ,under the sofa是用来描述物品位置的介词短语,像in, on, under, behind ,in front of ,next to等描述位置的介词叫方位介词,它们后面的名词或代词叫介词宾语,介词短语的结构为【介词+the/物主代词+名词】,在句中可以作定语、表语、状语、补足语等成分,对于介词短语提

28、问要用疑问词【where】。下图描述了常见的三种位置关系:onon The star is on the box.The ball is in the box. The sun is under the box.in【专项练习典题导练】under用合适的介词(on, in, under)填空.1.My pens are my pencil box .2.-Is your ruler the schoolbag?-No, its the floor(地板).3.The pictures are the wall(墙)and there are (有)some windows(窗户) the wa

29、ll .4.There are many (许多) apples the tree(树),and some birds(鸟) are singing(唱歌) the tree .5.Kate is ill bed and her computer game is her bed ,too .6.Lu Nans books are on the desk ,but Li Pings books are the desk . 【难点点拨】有几组介词短语意思相同,但要注意辨别他们用法的细微差别:1. 在床上on the bed/in bed: on the bed表示物品放在床上,且bed前有定冠词

30、the,如My quilt is on the bed.而in bed 表示人躺在床上,此时不用冠词the,如Li Lei is ill in bed and he cant go to school.2. 在墙上on the wall/in the wall:On the wall表示某物贴在墙的表面,如There are some pictures, a map and a blackboard on the wall. in the wall表示某物镶嵌在墙的内部,如In the wall are some windows(窗户)。 3. 在树上on the tree/in the tr

31、eeOn the tree表示树上自然生长的东西,属于树的一部分,如The apples on the tree are red.而In the tree表示外来的事物落在树上,如The kites are hanging in the tree.(风筝挂在了树上)【巧学妙记】用in用on不一样在树上,用in、on, on the tree树上长,in是外来事物落树上。 在墙上,用in、on, 贴在表面on在上, In在墙里门和窗; 在床上,用in、on, 人若生病躺床上,in后无the记心上,要是把物放床上,On the bed是榜样。2.【where引导的特殊疑问句】 由where引导的特

32、殊疑问句用来询问人或物的位置,其基本结构为【Where is/are +主语?】(1) 当询问的对象为单数名词,要使用句型【Wheres+ the/物主代词+单数名词?】,其答语形式为【Its +介词短语】。-Mom, wheres my pencil box?妈妈,我的铅笔盒在哪里? -Its in the bookcase.在书架上。(2)当询问的对象为复数名词,要使用句型【Where are+ the/物主代词+复数名词?】,其答语形式为【Theyre +介词短语】。-Where are the clocks?钟表在哪里?-Theyre on the table.在桌子上。【典题导练】1

33、.( ) -Where the radio?- on the desk . A. is ,Its B. are ,Theyre C. is ,Theyre D. are ,Its2.The tape is in the tape player .(就划线部分提问) the tape player ?3.我的英语书在哪里?他们在你的书包里。(翻译句子) . 【专项练习+能力培养】句型转换:就划线部分提问。 1.My tape player is under the chair. tape player ? 2.His keys are on the sofa . his keys ?3.Her

34、rulers are on her books . her rulers ?4.His pen and book are in the desk. his pen and book ?5.Your hat is in the bookcase . hat ?3.【含be动词的句子否定句的构成】be动词大家一定不陌生,包括am, is 和are三种形式,它们都表示“是”的意思,它们和后面的名词或形容词一起构成系表结构,用来说明主语的情况,即【主语+be +表语】。I am a student. This is my sister. Here are two nice photos of my f

35、amily.本单元我们主要讨论它们的否定形式。I am a student.(否定形式) I am not a student .This is my sister.(否定形式)This is not my sister .They are his keys.(否定形式)They are not his keys .怎么样,你知道怎样把一个含be动词的句子变否定句了吗?对了,这里的窍门就是在be动词(am ,is, are)的后面加not,其中is和are与not可以缩写为:isnt=is not,arent=are not,am和not不能缩写,句中如果有some要改成any。 【巧学妙记】

36、 be动词变疑问句、否定句歌诀: 有be句子变疑问,先把be词提向前, 注意改变大小写,记住人称对应变, 一二互变三不变,最后句末加标点。 变否定,也不难,be后再把not添, 是否缩写看着办,some要用any换。 【专项演练】试改下列句子为否定句:1.My notebooks are under the chair.-.2.The pencil box is in the schoolbag .-.3.I am tidy and Mike is tidy .-.4.Its under the chair.-.5Theyre. some English books .- 1. 【have的一

37、般现在时用法】have 是英语中出镜率最高的词,语意特别丰富,用法特别灵活。前面我们学过Have a good day.这样的句子,have 表示“经历,经受”的意思。本单元我们学习的have表示“有,拥有”的意思,用来表达物品的所属关系。常用的句式为【某人或某物+have/has+某物】,表示“某人或某物有某物”。 have有人称和数的变化:have.I,WE,YOU,THEY或名词复数1.当主语是I,WE,YOU,THEY或名词复数等非三单主语时,要用have表示“有”。I have a brother. His names Tom.We have a new teacher this t

38、erm.You have two soccer balls ,four volleyballs and eight basketballs. They have a nice classroom.The girls have a good teacher 其一般疑问句结构为【Do+非三单主语+动词原形have+其他成分?】,答语形式为【Yes,主语+do./No,主语+dont.】 -Do you have a dictionary?-Yes, I do . -Do they have a car?-No, they dont . 其否定结构为【非三单主语+dont+动词原形have+其他成分

39、.】I dont have a watch and they dont have ,either.We dont have baseballs or baseball bats.2.当主语是he, she, it或单数名词等第三人称单数主语时,要 用has表示“有”。has.Wang Bo has a ping-pong ball and three ping-pong bats .HE,SHE IT或单数名词 He has a happy family . She has a son and a daughter .Zhao Xi has a desk and it has three le

40、gs(腿).其一般疑问句结构为【Does+三单主语+动词原形have+其他成分】,答语形式为【Yes,主语+does./No,主语+doesnt.】 Does she have a soccer ball? No, she doesnt.Does Alan have a basketball? Yes ,he does. 其否定句为【三单主语+doesnt+动词原形have+其他成分.】 He doesnt have a volleyball. Jane doesnt have a ping-pong ball and she doesnt have a ping-pong ball.【巧学妙

41、记】 have/has用法口诀:have/has表示“有”,随着人称来改变:I,WE,YOU,THEY非三单,have紧紧跟后边; 疑问就把Do放前,否定dont动前站。HE,SHE,IT是三单,定把has勤召唤; 疑问does加动原,否定doesnt动原前。【专项练习能力培养】 I.用have和has填空。1.I a clock and he a watch .2.We an English teacher .She a son and a daughter .3.Wang Qiang a baseball bat and Li Ming a ping-pong bat.4.The girl a purple cup .5.You good parents ,and they a good son .II.将下列句子改为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答。1.I have five tennis balls.2.Bill has three baseballs .


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