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1、 Book 1 Unit 4 一、短语翻译1.立刻,马上2.突然大哭 3.结束,终结4.严重受损 5.掘出,挖出 6.许多,大量 7.仿佛,好像 8.太而不能 9.穿过,贯穿 10.评价不高 11.由于(做)某事而震惊12.想像做某事 13.被困在里 14对感到恐惧 15.祝贺某人某事 16.根据.判断 17.为了纪念 18.向某人表达某事 19.很高兴做某事 20.为而自豪 21.防止某事发生 22.以.而闻名23.发出(光,热,气味等) 24.让(使)某人做某事 25.鼓励某人做某事 26.正在做这时27.很高兴做某事 28.提及,说到 29.出版,发行,出来 30.患.病 31.代替某人

2、,某事 32.在之间 33. 的题目,的称号 34.醒来,弄醒 35.邀请某人做某事 36.筹钱 37.发生,举行 38.计划做某事II. 用所给词的正确形式填空1. A beautiful old vase was _ (dig) out from the ruins of a house which was destroyed in a big fire.2. When she heard the funny story, she _ (burst) into laughter.3. She was not badly _ ( injury), but she could not spea

3、k.4. People were _ ( shock) to see that the little girl was often beaten by her stepmother. The _ (shock) news _ (shock) all the people around, which was also a shock to her father who was working abroad.5. The guests were _ (trap) in the fire.6. Death finally brought an end to his _ (suffer)7. They

4、 were _ (extreme) sad at the thought of their lovely dog.8. It is _ (use) quarreling with him. He wont listen to you.9. I offered my _ ( congratulate) on his success.10. The _ news made all of them _ to death .( frighten)11. There is an excited _(express ) on her face.12. I _ ( sincere) hope your si

5、ster will be well again so .13. That little boy is the only _ ( survive) in the disaster.14. One after another heavy storm _ (destroy) a good part of our crops.15. We invited four _ ( report) coming from America.III. 完成句子16. 听到那个消息,他忽然哭了起来。Hearing the news, he _ _.Hearing the news, he _ _ _.17. 救援人员

6、尽最大的努力把伤者从建筑物中救了出来。The rescue workers tried their best to the injured the building.18. 她谈论伦敦就好像她以前去过那儿一样。She taliked about London _she had been there before.19. 并非所有的人都喜欢流行音乐。_ _ the people are fond of music.20. 我很震惊听到这个令人震惊的消息。Im _ to hear the _news.21. 那个吓人的故事吓得小女孩不敢独自睡觉。The _ story _ the little g

7、irl out of _ by herself.22. 依他的口音来判断,他肯定来自北京。_ _ his accent,he must come from Beijing.23. 我很高兴能向你表达我的感激之情。(gratitude)Im _ to _ my gratitude _ you.24. 鲁迅以一位伟大的作家而闻名。Luxun _ _ _ a great writer.10、如你所知,昨天我的钱被偷了。_ _ _, my money _ _ yesterday. I _ my money _ yesterday.11、这一年结束了,新的一年即将来临。The year is _ _ _

8、 and the new year is coming.12、你穿过街道时再小心也不为过。You are _ _ careful _ cross the street.13、我们班三分之二的学生是女孩。_ of the _ in our class _ girls.四、写作 中国传统节日春节前,一场罕见的暴风雪袭击了中国很多地区。曾在你校工作的外籍教师Miss Rogers 非常关心这场雪灾。请你根据下面表格中的内容,给Rogers 写封电子邮件。影响交通几乎瘫痪,阻断了人们的团圆路一些电力设施被破坏,造成供电紧缺给百姓生活带来不便措施政府已经采取了许多措施个人如何做的?(至少谈3点)注意:1

9、. 电子邮件应包括以上所有信息,并进行适当发挥; 2. 词数:80-120词左右,文中已给出的部分不计入总词数; 3. 参考词汇:瘫痪-paralyze 设施-facility 不便-convenientDear Miss Rogers,Thank you for your concern about the heavy snow that has swept across many parts of China including Hunan since mid-January._. Luckily, effective measures have already been taken by our government, but fighting the snow disaster is not something left to our government alone. .Yours sincerelyLi Hua


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