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1、Unit 3 There is a policeman near the post office.执笔人: 授课人:教学内容Part D、E教学目标(1)通过生活活化教材人物,复习之前学过的词汇和句型如road、corner、street、post office、shopping centre、 “Is there a.”“Yes,there is a.”等,同时引入新知识;(2)理解drawing、sign、Bus Stop、 look at等单词和短语的含义;教学重点理解drawing、sign、Bus Stop、 look at等单词和短语的含义;教学难点通过短文阅读,巩固Is ther

2、e a.句型的用法教、学具准备卡 片教学时间一课时教学流程教 学 设 计个性反思 Step 1 自由谈话1. Greetings,sing a song:Ten Little Indians。2. Revision、T :Do you like going shopping?Ss : Yeah!(单是教室布置成了街道场景,就已经足够吸引学生了,现在老师这么一问,学生马上兴奋起来。)T:would you like to go shopping with me?(带着学生浏览教室布置,生动形象,学生一边看一边在老师的启发下用英语交流:Whats this?Is there a?)、T : roa

3、d、corner、street、post office、shopping centre.(学生看着“街道”上布置的这些地点单词,反复熟读,分组竞赛,给予赞扬和奖励)、T:Whats this?Ss:Its a road。T:Is there a post office near the road?Ss:Yes,there is a post office near the road。 (师生一边“逛街”一边用以上句型交流)3. Free talk(运用以上方法,学生自由交流)4. Act out in pairs(让几组学生上台表演对话)。Step 2 激趣导入T:Wow,How clever

4、 you are!Now look,where is she?(让一学生扮成Part D部分的woman模样,站在shop外面)Ss:She is standing outside a shop。(启发学生用现在进行时回答)T:Is there anything in her hand?Step 3 合作探究1、(利用投影仪投影Part D部分图片)T :OK, now can you tell me ? 1)Whose drawing is this? 2)Where is the woman standing? 3)What does she have in her hand?4) Wha

5、t is she looking at?2、Pair work。Step 4 快乐拓展1. T: Good job! Well done. Lets listen to the short passage at Part D. Then finish the following question quickly and silently. Thinking and writing by yourself.1)Whose drawing is this?This is _.2)Where is the woman standing?She is _.3)What does she have in her hand?She has a _.4) What is she looking at?She is _.Step 5 Lets have funLets sing: Ten Green Bottles(本歌曲朗朗上口易学易表演。事先准备好10个塑料饮料瓶,一排放于桌上。学生学会歌曲后围着桌子边跳边拍桌子,根据歌曲情景,瓶子掉地上的,该学生出列回桌位,直到最后一学生回到桌位。)Step6 Homework1. Review the words and patterns after class.2、今天回家时,试着用英语说一说街上的一些店铺和街道名称。板书设计:教学反思


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