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1、Unit 4 Where were you, Mingming?执笔人: 授课人:教学内容Part A教学目标(1)能认读掌握新单词(yesterday/ today/ weekdays/ sick/ railway station.)和新句型(“Where were you?” “I was”),做到发音准确、清晰,并能听懂其含义;(2)能熟练运用新句型清楚回答相关问句;(3)能够运用新句型进行情景会话;教学重点用 where were you ?进行提问并用一般过去时回答问题。教学难点一般过去时的概念.教、学具准备单词卡片,录音机,图片教学时间一课时教学流程教 学 设 计个性反思 Step

2、1 自由谈话Free talk:Talk about the day and the date.T: What day is it today?S1: Its Monday.Step2 激趣导入Sing an English song.歌名为“Ten Green Bottles”1. T: Today is September the fifth and what day was it yesterday? 通过today 引出yesterday .(出示日历课件) T:The day from Monday to Friday is weekdays. Saturday and Sunday

3、 are weekend.(边说边指着日历区分weekdays和weekend,将新单词在黑板上写下并带读。) 2.引入新句型,熟读并掌握运用 T: Today isand yesterday was(在日历上指出)then put some pictures under the weekdays words. T: Today is and Im at school. Yesterday was and I was at the library / sick and in the hospital(肢体演示) / Where were you? S: I wasEncourage the s

4、tudents to answer this question. 3. Listening and understanding听录音,从文中找出信息回答老师问题。T: Where was Mingming on Saturday?The teacher use the body language to teach these new words: during / hand in / in bed / visit / meet / finish.Let the students to listen to the tape recorder and read after the tape rec

5、order. Step3 合作探究1Read after the teacher:教师指着黑板,领读句子。2Group Competition :Ask the students to act the text out in groups and choose some to act in front of the class. Step 4 快乐拓展1创设情景,自由会话。Divide the whole class into four groups. And give each group some place cards, then ask the students to ask and

6、answer.:S1: Today isYesterday was and I was Where were you yesterday?S2:(answer it according to the cards.)小组问答竞赛,组内成员交际问答。将写有不同地点的卡片分发给各小组然后按照自己的地点名称回答。教师示范:T ask: Today is Monday, yesterday was Sunday and I was at home, Where were you yesterday? S1 answer: I was at school.2Read and write(按要求写出单词或句子)1今天_2.昨天 _3. 交作业_4Where were you on Saturday? _(回答) Step 6 : Summary课堂小结1引导学生共同总结这节课学的知识,可用幻灯片展示句型和词汇。2课后作业做调查表:从周一至周六你在哪儿MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayplace板书设计: 教学反思


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