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1、Period 1&2 Warming up and Reading I,Unit 4 Body Language,What is body language?,Body language is one form of nonverbal communication without _. Eye contact (眼神交流)or _, _, and_, or the ways you stand, are different kinds of body language.,saying words,facial expressions,gestures,postures,speaking,rin

2、ging,writing,typing,Spoken language,Written language,Body language,Ways of communicating,gesturing,Warming up I ( 2m ),Definition(定义) for Body Language,One form of communication without using any words,Eye contact,Facial expression,Gesture,Posture,Do you like to chat on QQ? What do these faces mean?

3、,What do these faces mean?,puzzling/confused amazing/surpried,crazy/very sad/unhappy,What do these faces mean?,puzzling/confused amazing/surpried,crazy/very sad/unhappy,What do these faces mean?,grievous/sad complaint,happy/shy,What do these faces mean?,amusing/happy laugh at,Im very tired.,What do

4、these faces mean?,sorry.,shock/angry.,angry,sorrowful,Scornful蔑视,happy,sad,shocked,facial expression: a look on a persons face,Facial expression,anger,fear,joy,sorrow,contempt 轻视,surprise,disgust 厌恶,Well-done,Ok,stop,quiet,Gestures,victory!,What do these gestures mean?,Good!/Well done,Thumbs up,Bad!

5、,Thumbs down,Come here!,Moving his hand up and down,Good luck!,Keeping his fingers crossed,Me?,Putting the fingers on the chest,I dont know!,Shrugging his shoulders,What is this gesture?,Ok /money/zero/ rude,Some body language is similar in most countries.,As one coin has two sides,Some body languag

6、e is in different countries.,different,I am full.,In China,In America,To be shy,In China,In America,What do people in different countries usually do when meeting?,Japan:,China, Britain:,bow,shake hands,Some western countries:,Russia, France, Arab:,hug,kiss,Kiss,shake,nod,bow,kiss your hand to sb.,I

7、love you.,expressions of this feelings,I am worried,I ate too much!,I am sorry that I did something wrong.,Im so happy.,a smile and a handshake,twisting hands together or holding head,patting stomach,smiling,handing head,You are welcome.,Summary,Just like verbal language(言辞), body language is part o

8、f culture. It plays an important role in daily communication. So, it is very important to understand and use it correctly. And for a foreign language learner, it is as necessary to learn the body language as to learn the verbal language.,Reading,Communication: No problem?,Reading Comprehension,1.Wha

9、t is the main idea of the text. A. There are different customs in different countries. B. Foreigners should follow the customs of the country where they are visiting. C. People use body language to send messages and people from different countries have different customs. D. The importance of knowing

10、 customs 2. If two men stand close to each other while talking, they cannot be from _. A. An Arab country B. USA C. Britain D. Russia 3. If you go to some Asian countries, which of the following can you do? A. Touch the head of a boy. B. Nod your head to others. C. Sit with your feet pointing at ano

11、ther person. D. Kiss each other.,Reading Comprehension,4. From the text, we can know that_ A. people are likely to keep the same distance in different countries. B. men from Muslim countries often stand close to others to shake hands. C. people from the same culture may greet each other in different

12、 ways. D. body language has nothing to do with our life and communication. 5. From the text, we can infer that people_ A. are facing multicultural communication problems. B. are trying to make progress in English learning. C. need to know more people and make friends with them D. are doing business

13、with each other,Discussion 合作探究(5m-7m),课堂的每一分钟都是至关重要的!,represent the university student association,wait for the flight,look around,introduce sb. to each other,touch ones shoulder,Kiss sb on the cheek,in defence,shake ones hand,1. 代表大学学生会 2. 等待航班 3. 四处张望 4. 介绍认识对方 5. 触摸某人的肩 6. 亲某人的脸 7. 往后退 8抬起双手 9防卫

14、 10. 伸手去够 11. 握某人的手,reach out ones hand for,step back,put up ones hands,12. 冲进门 13. 认出某人的笑脸 14. 向某人点头 15站得很近 16. 了解更多关于 身势语 17以相同的方式 18表达感情 19. 有可能 20总的来说,come dashing through the door,recognize sbs smiling face,nod at someone,stand close to,learn more about the body language,in the same way,express

15、 ones feelings,be likely to do,in general,C) to meet international students at Capital International Airport.,A) Summary of body language.,B) Different cultures, different body languages.,D) Examples of cultural “body language”.,(Para1),(Para 2 and 3),(Para 4),(Para5),Part 1 :,Part 2:,Part 3:,Part 4

16、:,Tony Garcia (Columbia) Julia Smith (Britain) Akira Nagata (Japan) George Cook (Canada) Darlene Coulon (France),Matching the people and their different ways of greeting (para2&3),shakes hands and kisses others twice on each cheek bows shakes hands approaches others closely and touches their shoulde

17、r and kisses them on the cheek does not stand very close to others or touch strangers,Part 3,Careful reading,1 . Who did another student and I meet at the airport? 2 . Why were they visiting China?,International students,They were coming to study at Beijing University.,3.Is the author of this passag

18、e male or female? How do you know?,male. Ahmed Aziz did not shake hands with women, but he shook with the author.,1. I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.,我看见几个年轻人走进了等候区, 好奇的向四周张望。 looking around作伴随状语. 仿写:I saw them enter the classroom, singing and laughing. (我看

19、见他们走进教室,又唱又笑。),2. Not all cultures greet each other the same way,nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.,各种文化背景下的人互致问候的方式 不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距离也 不尽相同。Sb be/feel comfortable with sb/sth某人对-自信而无忧虑/自在的 He is more comfortable with computers than with people.比起与人相处,他和

20、电脑打交道更能应付自如。 句型:nor/neither +助动词/情态动词/be +主语 仿写:I do not like living downtown,nor does she.(我不喜欢住在闹市区,她也不喜欢。 ),3. These actions are not good or bad, but are simply ways in which cultures have developed.,这些行为无所谓好与坏,只不过是文 化发展的不同方式而已。 notbut为并列连词,意思是 不是而是. 仿写:Not I but my friends were to go to/would go

21、/were going to Tianjin last summer. (不是我而是我的朋友们要去天津。),Fill in the blanks:,The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Columbia, closely _ by Julia Smith from Britain. When they were introduced to each other, Tony approached Julia, _ her shoulder and _ her on the cheek . Julia stepped back appear

22、ing surprised. Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiling at the same time with George Cook from Canada. As they were introduced, George _ his hand out to the Japanese who _ . His nose touched Georges moving hand, and they both _.,followed,touched,kissed,reached,bowed,apologized,These are examples of l

23、earned or cultural “body language”. Not all cultures _ each other the same way, nor are they comfortable touching strangers or being too close or too far away. In the same way that people _ with spoken language, they also _ their feelings using unspoken “language” through keeping physical distance, actions or _.,express,communicate,greet,posture,Fill in the blanks:,


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