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1、Unit 13 Health重点词汇n. dentist;nurse;stomach ;shoulder ;face ;finger ;fingernail ;foot,hand;head;health;heart;heel;temperature;hearing;eyesight;sight;pulse;blood;bone;muscle;body;wrist;knee;1ap;1eg;waist;lid;ankle;brain;breast;chest;belly;skin;nail;throat;organ;lung;fitness;diet;cigar;cigarette;tobacc

2、o;hospital;clinic;ward;aid;treatment;cure;patient;disease;illness;sickness;virus; bacteria;germ;poison;injury;wound;infection;prescription;capsule;tablet;drug;pill;medicine;operation;symptom;cancer;cold;cough;fever;flu;pain;headache;toothache;bandage;handkerchief;pressure;relief;nutrition;protein;vi

3、tamin;mineral;fibre;obesity;balance;alcohol;death;weight; xray,X;thermosv. examine;find;spread;operate;treat;heal;apply;rub;ache;hurt;cut;bleed;swell;squeeze;choke;suffer;poison;infect;tend;recover;diet;scan;sneeze;sniff;die;save;injure;keep;weigh;walkadv/adjwell;sick;i11;blind;deaf;weak;painful;all

4、ergic;dead;alive;mental;physical;poisonous;alcoholic;uncomfortable;vital;swollen;pregnant;unfit;urgent;visual;healthy重点短语suffer from;fall ill;build up;give birth to;be back on ones feet;lose weight;put on weight;balanced diet;wheel; chair;electric shock;no wonder;get burnt;get hurtinjured;get paid;g

5、et dressed;get married;get lost;in placein the right place;out of place;in the first place;putlayget ones hand on;givelend sba hand;give sba free hand;shake hands with sb;due to;in spite of;get into;get in;get out;get out of;over and over again重点句型1.Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette。remin

6、d yourself that you are a nonsmoker 2.There is no doubt that life means struggle 3.A truly healthy person is someone who is healthy in both body and mind4.Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn5.Women are slightly more likely to become infected than men Comprehend

7、ing Words1suffer1).At last he died suddenly and didnt suffer2).The poor suffer the most pain 【想一想】3).他正遭受失去老朋友的痛苦。 4).吸烟过多的话,你的健康会受到损害。2save1).“Hes fallen into the water!, “Dont worry:I11 save him”2).Children should learn to save 3).He saved his strength for the end of the race 【想一想】4).He saved the

8、child from drowning 5).I11 take the shopping home in the car to save you carrying it 6).Thanks again for the loanyou really saved my life 7).I tried to explain,but she told me to save my breath save face 3pressure egThey are putting pressure on people to vote yesunder pressure, put pressure on, redu

9、ce pressureTodays students are_(在压力下)of studyFor one thing,there are more things they have to learn than before,and what they learn becomes more difficultFor another,the competition is fierceBesides,teachers are_(施加压力)the students for onereason or anotherTherefore,the government advocates_(减压).【译一译】

10、-ure是常见的英语名词后缀,表示动作或动作的结果,请看以下词汇,并翻译成汉语1)press-pressure n_2)mix- mixture n_3)fail-failure n _4)please-pleasure n_4physical1)She was in constant physical pain2)They were kept in terrible physical conditions【想一想】physical contact _ physical strength_physical fitness _ physical appearance_【拼一拼】3)M_ heal

11、th is also important to a person心理健康对一个人来说也很重要。4)Students must study p_ in high school.高中生必须学习物理。5disease1)You cant catch the disease just from physical contactsuffer from a disease,fight the disease,heart disease_(心脏病)runs in her familyWhats worse,she_(患上了一种罕见的肝病).The government must take action to

12、_(与这种致命的疾病作斗争)【辨一辨】disease,illness,sickness和troubledisease指具体的疾病;illness和sickness通用,表示疾病或生病的状态;trouble指身体上的苦痛、不适。1)He has a heart_. 他有心脏病。2)He got a rare _of brain when he was only twenty他年仅20岁时患上了一种罕见的脑疾。3)He died after a long_他久病后去世了。 6dje 1)Flowers soon die without water 2)Our 1ove will never die

13、 【词义匹配】die offrom,die out,die for, die a.death,die away, die down, die off Jacks friends had all _(相继死去)and he was also _(死于)cancer. So he decided to spend some time with his children and then _(静静地死去).One day, when the wind began to _(逐渐平息), they went to a wildlife park. There, they heard that many

14、 rare species had already _(灭绝) and the others were in danger as well. He thought those animals shouldnt _(为、而死)nothing. He would help them! And his family gave their support, then sent him home and left. When the noise of their car_(逐渐消失), Jack went into the hours and began to search for informatio

15、n about the wildlife.拼一拼3)_ n. 死亡4)_adj.死的,已死亡的5)_adj.致死的【辨一辨】1)dead是形容词,指的是“死”这一状态,常与how long,for two years等表示时间段的短语搭配。2)dying是现在分词,表示“临死;快要死了”。dead, dying When the old man was _, he called all his three sons to his bed and left each of them a big fortune. But when he was _, his sons didnt even she

16、d a tear.7cut 1)Teachers are expecting further cuts next year l 搬家的时候,有些玻璃杯被打碎了。2)His hands were covered with cuts3)Be careful not to cut your finger4)we must cut our costs5)Would you cut some roses for the table?cut down,cut off,cut out, cut up As I planned to _(减少)on the use of power, the power of

17、 my house was_(切断). It was a good chance I _(戒除) the bad habit of watching TV all day. But then I thought maybe it was some kid_(胡闹) 8.alive 1)We stayed alive by eating berries.2)I only really feel alive when I am in the city.【辨一辨】alive和living表示“活着的”,两者含义很接近。alive主要用作表语(有时可用作后置定语),用于人或动物;living可用作表语

18、或定语,可用于人或物;living通常是客观描述某人“尚在人间”或“健在”,而alive则主要指生与死的界限”,live作形容词通常作定语,指活生生的,生机勃勃。 But anyone who is _ in the world of the _ has some hope; a _ dog is better off than a dead lion.Explaining Phrases1get burnt egBe careful not to get burnt near the oven 【用法提点】“get+及物动词的过去分词”这一结构中的get具有与be相同的作用,构成被动语态(也

19、有将该结构里的过去分词看作是形容词作表语),这种被动语态特别用于某种意想不到的、突然或偶然发生的事情、情况。类似的词组有:get hurtinjured_ get paid_get dressed_ get married_ get lost _e.g. Some glassed got broken when we were moving My car got stolen at the weekend. Daisys hours _(rob) last night. Luckily, everybody was out at that time and no one _(hurt). I

20、warn Daisy that she should lock all the windows before she goes out in the future.2.in place=_e.g. She likes everything to be in place before she starts to work.【想一想】out of placein the first place That bookshelf is _. Please put it _. Oh, before that, clean your desk_ because that is where you study

21、 everyday.3put ones hand on=layget ones hands on egI know their address is here somewherebut I cant put my hands on it fight now 【想一想】 givelend sba hand give sba free hand shake hands with sb 4due to egMost of the problems were due to human errors 【辨一辨】根据例句归纳due to,because of,owing to,as a result of

22、和thanks to的用法:1)His failure is due to the fact that he lacks experience 他的失败是缺乏经验造成的。 2) I said nothing about it because of his wifes being there由于他妻子在场,我对这件事只字未提。 3) Owing toBecause of his careless driving,we had a bad accident由于他大意驾驶,我们发生了严重的事故。 4) He was late as a result of the snow由于下雪,他迟到了。 5)

23、Thanks to your help,I passed the examination多亏了你的帮助,我通过考试了。_ his generosity,many children in poor areas are no longer starvingHowever,he is not rich himself actuallyAnd_ that donation,he has to eat bread for meals for the whole month. What a great man he is !5in spite of egIn spite of his disappoint

24、ment,he managed a weak smile 【用法提点】in spite of althoughthough egAlthough I cant help admiring the mans courageI do not approve of his methods _ he was tired,he insisted on climbing to the top of the mountainHe said he had promised his wife to do this for her _ any difficultyAt last,he did itIt was j

25、ust that his wife could not share this with him6get into 【词义匹配】1)Im sorry if I got you into any trouble2)Dont let yourself get into bad habits【想一想】get in get out get out of “Hey, sir, you are not allowed to get _ this place. Get _ here right now, or you will get_ trouble.” On hearing this, the man w

26、as scared and ran away.7over and over again egDont do this over and over again不要老是这样。 【想一想】time and time againagain and againall over again Dora had done this experiment_ Once she failed in the middle of the processshe had to do it _,but this could not stop her from tryingFinally she successfully di

27、d the experiment and shared her experience with all of us根据括号内的提示,将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 每次我烧伤的时候,我都会在伤口上涂些牙膏。(every time,get burnt)2.2、 毫无疑问,我们队的成功是我们所有成员努力的结果。(no doubt,due to)3、3、 除非你把所有东西摆回适当的地方,否则我是不会进去房间的。(unless,in place)4、4、 他很可能染上抽烟的习惯。(be likely toget into)5、5、虽然他帮助我,我还是找不到我的书。(in spite ofput ones

28、hand on)6.Its best to send him to the hospital at once._(否则恐怕会有生命危险).7As far as Im concerned_(他们正在计划健康饮食).8_(是他的冷静和大胆)that helped him out of difficulties.9_(据报导),the volcanoes in Iceland erupted10Only in this way_(你才可以保持身体健康).11计划一旦定好,就要严格执行。(once)12 把病人立即送去医院是最关键的。(Its vital to)13、 每天多喝水是有益的,但也不要太多。(Its beneficial to)14、 要保持身体健康,我们得多运动。(to keep,we need to)15、多运动让人变强壮。(make)短语翻译:1缺乏自信心_ 7含丰富的脂肪和糖_2冒着死亡的危险_ 8据我所知_3以健康为代价_ 9每天早上做运动_4同时_ 10.最后但并非最不重要的一点_5对孩子的成长有着消极的影响_11为健康的饮食制订计划_6理应去看医生_ 12毫无疑问_6


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