仁爱英语八下Unit6Topic3Section a教学设计.doc

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1、Topic 3 Bicycles are popular.Section ASection A needs 1-2 periods. Section A需用1-2课时。The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Aims and demands 目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases: passenger, crazy, anywhere, impossible, death, slow down, rush, policeman2. Learn useful expressions:When I

2、first arrived, I was afraid of riding my bike anywhere.Its easy to park bikes, too.It is impossible to finish so much work in an hour.To avoid hitting the truck, he ran into the wall and hurt his arm badly.3. Learn the usages of adverbial clauses of condition:If people obey the traffic rules, there

3、will be fewer accidents.4. Talk about the advantages of riding bikes.5. Learn how to write an accident report. Teaching aids 教具教学图片/录音机/小黑板/幻灯片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟)复习交通方式并导入1a。(师生问答,复习交通方式。)T:Hi, Class! Ill ask you some questions. S1, how do you usually go t

4、o school?S1:I usually go to school byT:Why do you go to school by?S1:Because(教师反复询问,了解更多学生的上学方式及原因。然后教师点评,为导入下一步做铺垫。)T: Yes. There are many ways to go to school. But I think the best way to go to school is by bike or on foot. Because cycling and walking save energy and they dont cause pollution.(教师板

5、书pollution,并写出汉语。) However, we must be careful when we are riding or walking. Sometimes accidents may happen.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 表现(时间: 10分钟)表现1a,教学生词,解决疑难点并完成1c。1. (教师出示载有乘客的公共汽车的图片。)T:Please look at this picture. What can you see in it?Ss:T:Where are they?Ss: Picture 1T:Yes. They are on a bus.

6、 So we call them (教师边说边板书。) passenger2. (教师表演不小心撞在桌上这个动作。) T:I hit the desk just now. Boys and girls, do you know the meaning of “hit”?S1:S2:T:Youre quite right! If a car hits another car, what will happen?Ss:There will be a car accident. T:Very good! (教师出示车祸的图片。)T:Please look at this picture. How t

7、errible!What can you see in this picture?Picture 2Ss:I can see two broken buses./I can see a bus hit another bus.T:Yes. They have an accident. Now, well learn about an accident today. Picture 23. (教师设置并板书听力任务,让学生带着问题去听,并获取有效信息。可以边听边记笔记。)T: Kangkang saw a traffic accident yesterday. Who was hurt in t

8、he accident? Please listen to 1a with this question. (教师板书听力任务。)Who was hurt in the accident? (检查答案。)T:Now stop! Who can tell me the answer?S1:Many passengers were hurt in the accident.4. (让学生读1a并找出生词及有用的短语或句子。教师板书,并对重点进行讲解。)T: Read 1a and find out the new words and useful expressions.passenger, cra

9、zy, be hurt, anywhere, get used to, pollution, impossible, be afraid of (doing) sth.When I first arrived, I was afraid of riding my bike anywhere.If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents.Its easy to park bikes, too. (教学生词、短语,解释重点句子,要求学生掌握crazy和anywhere;理解pollution;强调if引导的条件状语从

10、句,通过句型3导出Its+adj.+to do sth.句式结构。紧接着让学生做1c。)T: Next, please do 1c by yourselves. Hurry up!(核对答案。并教学impossible,要求学生掌握。完成1c。)T: OK, stop! Lets check the answers. Who knows the answers? Hands up, please!Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 10分钟)巩固1a,完成1b。1. (放1a的录音,学生跟读,注意语音和语调。)T: Please listen and repeat.

11、 Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. 2. (学生三人一组分角色朗读对话,教师板书对话中的关键词和短语。给学生四分钟时间准备,让他们看着关键词和短语表演。)T: Now, work in groups of three. I will give you four minutes, and you should act out the dialog without your books. The key words and phrases on the blackboard may be useful. Now, lets be

12、gin.(学生可用自己的语言来表达,不要照搬课文原句。)(板书)see a traffic accidenthurtcrazyget used tofirstbe afraid ofobey the traffic ruleslike ridingsavecauseeasyT: Time is up. Lets act out the dialog.(抽查几组,对于表达流利的学生,要给予充分的肯定和鼓励。)T: S1 acts well, S2 acts better .3. (教师重述1a中骑自行车的好处,然后让学生分组讨论骑自行车的其他好处,培养学生的发散性思维,然后完成1b。各组派代表发

13、言,并记分。)T:Riding a bicycle can help us save energy and it doesnt cause air pollution. Its easy to park bikes, too. There are many advantages in riding a bicycle. Now, please discuss with your partner and finish 1b. Then Ill ask one student from each group to give a report.(几分钟后) T:Stop! Please give y

14、our ideas to us.S2:S3:(教师给每组记分,说得越多越完整,得分越高。最后评出优胜组。)T:Which group can get the best result?Ss:Group 2!T:Well done! Congratulations!(学生边说教师边板书。)Advantage1. Its faster than walking.2. It can keep us healthy.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 15分钟)学习2a,完成2b。1. (让学生观察2a的图片,猜一猜并讨论发生了什么事,导入2a。)T: Now, turn to Pag

15、e 42. Look at the picture in 2a. Work with your partner. Guess what happened and discuss what caused the accident.(几分钟后)T: Stop, please! Now, Ill get a few students to talk about the picture. Whos the first one?S1:S2:S3:2. (教师总结,并引导学生进入下一步骤,学生快速阅读2a,完成2b。)T:OK! Good job! If you want to get more info

16、rmation about this accident, you should read 2a quickly. When you are reading, you have to do 2b. Are you clear?Ss: Yes.(学生开始快速阅读,稍后教师抽查学生的答案。)T: Time is up! Lets check the answers!S1:(若学生回答全部正确,应给予肯定;若有错误,尽量让其他学生来更正。完成2b。)3. (让学生再次认真阅读2a,并猜测生词的意思。)T: Now, you know about the bike accident, but do yo

17、u know the meanings of the new words? Read 2a again and try to guess their meanings.(在学生阅读时,教师板书2a中的生词。)deathslow downrushsharpoppositehotlineslowpoliceman(学生读完后,鼓励学生猜测生词意思,要求学生掌握death, slow, slow down, rush, policeman;理解sharp和opposite;了解hotline.)4. (让学生再读2a,为角色扮演作准备。)T: Read 2a again carefully and

18、try to remember the passage as much as you can.5. (角色扮演。在医院里,教师扮演警察,一个学生扮演年轻人,以对话形式介绍事故的过程。完成2a。)T:Now, I am a policeman. S1 is the young man. We are in the hospital. I am asking him some questions about the accident.(表演开始。)T:Were you riding fast?S1:Yes, I was.T:What were you doing when you were rid

19、ing?S1:I was listening to an MP3.T:Did you slow down at the sharp turn?S1:No, I didnt.T:What happened then?S1:Suddenly a truck came from the opposite direction.T:What did you do then?S1:To avoid hitting the truck, I ran into the wall.T:And then?S1:I hurt my arm badly. The driver called 122 hotline a

20、nd took me here.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 5分钟)探究本课的重点话题。1. (将学生分成小组,每组4人。学生分别扮演汽车司机、骑自行车的人、警察和新闻记者,编一段他们之间关于事故的对话。)T: Work in groups of four. Act as a driver, cyclist, policeman and reporter separately. Please make a dialog about the accident, and act it out.(给学生几分钟时间准备对话,然后到讲台上以小组的方式表演,并由每组的新闻小

21、记者报导此次事故。)T: Time is up. Please act out your dialog, and then the reporter from each group reports the accident.2. (小组活动:交流各自收集到的交通标志符号,讨论它们的含义。然后每组推荐一名学生向全班汇报本组所收集到的交通标志及其意义,完成3。)T: Share the traffic signs in groups and discuss their meanings. Then choose one to report to the class.3. Homework:(要求学生写一些关于如何预防交通事故的建议。)T: Give some advice on how to prevent traffic accidents.


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