导学案Unit1 How can we become good learners【无答案】.doc

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1、Unit 1 How can we become good learners?导学案第1课时Section A 1-1cClass: Name: Group:【学习目标】1.重点词汇及短语的用法。2.学会应用“How do you study for a test? I study by”【重点、难点】介词by的用法及“How do you study for a test? I study by”的应用。一、【自主学习】浏览教材P1,然后翻译下列单词及短语。1. 和朋友们一起学习 _ 2. 制作词汇卡片_ 3.读教材_ 4.听磁带 5.向老师求助 _ 6.你怎样为考试做准备?_7. 我通过和

2、小组一起学习来为考试做准备 _ 二、【合作探究】(一) 看课本1a, 朗读并翻译,仿照图片中的句子写出更多的新句子。(二) 听读说训练:1. 听一听,填一填,完成1b2. 1.朗读1c对话,用1b提供的信息再分别编写新对话。(1)boy:_Meiping:_(2)Boy:_Peter:_(3)Boy:_Tony: :_ (三)、【疑难解惑】1. How can we become good learners?:翻译为_.其中learner是动词_对应的名词形式,意为:2. by asking the teacher for help可翻译为: 那么下列短语该怎样翻译呢向警察求助 向同桌求助 向

3、父母要钱 四、【达标检测】I用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I am an English _(learn).2. We study by _(read) the textbook.3.Jim 的爷爷靠卖旧书来谋生。(谋生:make a living) 4.我通过听磁带来学习。 5.你怎样为英语考试做准备呢? II.拓展训练1. _did Liangliang without arms become a pianist? - By his feet.A. How, using B. How ,use. C. What, using. D. What, use2.Do you ever pract

4、ice (speak) in groups/3.What about (watch) an English movie?4.Tell me the story English.(用合适的介词填空)5.He thinks he can study English listening to English music。(用合适的介词填空)6.You can study English by reading the textbooks a_.7.If you want to study English well, you must be p_.8. Can you tell me how to pr

5、actice my English p_.9. Anna from the USA is going to give us a r_ in the meeting room.10.Try to guess the words meaning by reading the s_. 五、【课后反思】 我的收获及迷惑:本节课有关英语学习方法的学习,学生比较感兴趣,句型也比较简单,学生掌握起来比较轻松,但是还是有些学生忘记by+doing sth 的结构。Unit1 How can we become good learners?导学案第2课时Section A 2a-2d Class: Name:

6、Group:【学习目标】1.掌握下列单词:conversation, aloud, pronunciation, sentence, patient,2.学会使用下列短语:have conversation with, study with a group, give a report, get the main ideas, word by word,3.学会使用“The +比较级+(主语+谓语),the + 比较级+(主语+谓语)” 句型。 【自学导航】(一)对照生词表阅读P2,标注单词,勾画短语,并翻译下列词组:1. 与某人会话_ 2.大声读_3.小组合作学习_4.学了很多 _5.用那种

7、方法_6.说的技能_7.英语口语_,8.作报告_9.获得主要意思_ 10一个单词接一个单词_ 11首先_12 结束做某事_12 多于,超过_(二)自读、小组内互读单词和词组。(三)自主预习P2的文本材料并在课本上勾画出短语和自己不懂的句子,熟读P133的听力材料和P2的对话。【合作探究】(一)辨析aloud/loud/loudlyaloud 出声地;大声地,常与_ _ 等动词连用;loud高声地;大声地,常用于_ _ 等动词之后;loudly高声地;喧闹地,可以和_互换,但含有“吵闹”的意思。(二)too.to. 太.而不能.可以与so.that.(如此.以至于)或 形容词+enough to

8、 do(足够.以至于)转换He is too young to go to school. = He isnt old enough to go to school. = He is so young that he cant go to school. 他太年幼了以至于不能上学。(三)“the +比较级, the+比较级”,表示“越越”The more money you make, the more you spend. 钱你赚得越多,花得越多。The sooner,the better. 越快越好。【达标检测】1老师要求我大声朗读课文。The teacher asked me to _t

9、he text_.2 请大声说以便我能听清楚Please_ _so that I can hear you clearly.3 不要这么大声说。Dont _so _/_.同义句转换(46题)4The water was so dirty that we couldnt drink itThe water was _ dirty for us _ drink(2001上海市)5The child is so young that he cant put on his clothesThe child isnt _ _ _ put on his clothes(99四川宜宾)6. A. The b

10、ook is so difficult that none of us ca read it. B. The book is _ difficult _ us _ read. C The book _ _ _ for us to read.7.The longer she waited, _ she became. A. the most impatient B. more impatient C. the least impatient D. the more impatient 8._ he comes, _ I shall be. A. The sooner;the happy B. T

11、he sooner;the happier C. The sooner;happier D. Sooner;happier 9. The_ you put your heart into English, the _you will like it.A. much, more B. more , more C. much ,much D. more , much10. The more you eat, _.A .The heavier are you B. The heavier you are C. You the heavier D. You are the heavier 自我评价_小

12、组评价_教师评价_课后反思:通过对本节课的学习,同学们对于(1)What about sth ?=How about sth? .怎么样?(2)Why dont you sth? 为什么不呢?(3)Lets 让我们一起做某事吧。(4)Shall we/I do sth?我们做好吗?(5)Youd better (not)do sth 最好做/不做某事(6) Will/Would you please do sth 请你做好吗?(7)would you like to do sth.你想去做某事吗?(8)Would you mind (doing)sth?你介意做某事吗?这些提建议的句子掌握较好

13、,但也有个别同学掌握欠缺。Unit 1How can we become good learners?导学案第3课时Section A 4a-4c Class: Name: Group:【学习目标】1.重点词汇及短语的用法。2.复习:by与动词连用时表方式的用法。 【重点、难点】目标2【自主学习】(一)对照生词表阅读P4,标注单词,勾画注解短语,并翻译下列词组:1.大声朗读_ 2.发音 n. _3fast (比较级)_ _ (最高级) 4. 读得更快 _ 5. read word groups_6. 观看英文节目 _ 7.repeat out loud._8.练习讲话_ 9. 和朋友会话_10

14、. 提高发音_ 11.记笔记_12. do exercises_ 12.给笔友写邮件 13.memorize sentence patterns 14.做语法练习 15.用英语写日记 (二)自读、小组内互读单词和词组。我在预习中不懂的问题:_自我评价:_ 组长评价_二、【合作探究】(一)【疑难解惑】1.Do you learn English by reading aloud?本句的汉语翻译是: 。 By listening to a tape and repeating out loud.本句的汉语翻译是: 。 其中的loud 和aloud 有何联系与区别? 2.By taking note

15、s, doing exercises and reading a lot.的汉语翻译是: 。思考:exercises与exercise有何区别?练习:1:My father (exercise) every morning.2.Jim can study English by reading and doing (exercise).3.Students must do (exercise) every day to have a strong body.4.Read English (loud) and practice more ,then you can have a good pron

16、unciation.5.Speak (loud),or nobody will hear you.(二)读写训练:完成P4 4a,4b及4c(三)朗读Grammar Focus及4a,4b,联系实际用by造句子。_三.【达标检测】.翻译句子1.你曾经和小组一起学习过吗? 2。我该怎样怎样提高我的发音呢? 3.I study by reading aloud. 4.我爱上了这个令人兴奋而有趣的电影。 5.Its a piece of cake. 6.你可以通过记笔记和做语法练习来学习语法。 7.我的搭档通过写英文日记来学习英语。 8.你可以通过和朋友们对话来练习讲话。 四.【课后反思】 我的收获

17、和迷惑:通过本节课的学习同学们对于“秘密 ” “ 爱上 ” “ 有趣的对话 ” “更好地理解 ” “ 语法练习” “ 笔友 ” “查找”等词汇掌握较好,课上主要采取小组合作的方式,学生积极性较高,能完成3a和3b的任务。Unit 1 How can we become good learners?第4课时Section B (2a-2b) 导学案Class: Name: Group: 【 学习目标】1、 学会本节课出现的短语:be born with, whether or not, depend on, learning habit, pay attention to, connect wi

18、th, find out, be afraid of, make mistakes, share sth. with sb. 2. 掌握成为一名成功学习者的学习方法。【教学重难点】学会谈论学习方法。【自主学习】一、.预习单词,完成下列各词的变化。1.successful (adv) 2active (-er) 3easy (-er)4.wise_ (adv.)二、英汉互译: 1. be born with _ 2. whether or not _ 3. 依赖于,取决于_ 4.learning habit _ 5. 关注_ 6.connect with_ 7. find out_ 8.犯错,出

19、错 9.与某人分享某物 10.害怕 三、合作探究: 1.当不定式(短语),动名词(短语)或从句在句子中做宾语时,为保持平衡,避免句式结构的混乱,常以 做形式宾语,而将真正的宾语放在 。此时it 只起引导作用,无意义。1.He found it difficult _(stop) smoking.2.They_(发觉难)to finish their work in two days.3.We _(认为是我们的职责) to clean our classroom every day.【导学过程】一、讨论、展示预习内容,回答问题。二、试读课文,理解文章大意。三, 剖析,理解短语意思。【课堂检测】细

20、心的你能找出下列各句中的错误吗?1、Why did Wei Fen find its difficult to learn English?2. I keep a cat call Mimi in my house.【当堂检测】用所给单词的适当形式填空1I think knife is very (use)in our life2The best way (1earn)English is to use it.3. (watch)English-1anguage videos is a good way to 1earn English4I found it (interest)to talk

21、 with my grandfather【课后练习】单项选择()1.Mary thinks grammar is a great way a language A. to study;to 1earn B. studying;1earning C. studying;to 1earn D. to study;1earning( )2.Its not easy me to talk with the foreigners in EnglishA. to B. at C. for D. by( )3.You must pay attention _ politely when you talk t

22、o the old.A. speak B. speaking C. to speak D. to speaking( )4. Youve _lots of mistakes in your homework.A. make B. do C. made D. able to( )5. He has the _ look after himself well.A. Ability B. able C. ability to D. able to( )6.He _ getting the job.A. Succeeded in B. is successful C. succeeded D. was

23、 success 3翻译句子:我害怕发音,因为我贫乏的发音。I was afraid to ask questions _ my poor pronunciation.我喜欢上了这部激动有趣的电影。I fell in love with this _ and _movie.我在字典里查找它们。I _ _ _ in a dictionary.他如此的生气以至于说不出一句话。He was angry he couldnt say a word.课后反思:通过本节课的学习,同学们当堂读记了短语1、pronounce some of the words. 拼读一些单词2、understand spok

24、en English. 懂得口语3、how to increase my reading speed. 怎样提高我的阅读速度4、spell some English words. 拼写一些英语单词5、make mistakes in grammar. 语法方面出错误6、have a partner to practice English with. 有伙伴一起练习英语等,从总体而言同学们收获较多,表现积极。Unit1 How can we become good learners? 导学案第5课时Section B 1a-2bClass_ Name_【学习目标】1.掌握下列单词:pronoun

25、ce, increase, speed, partner2.学会使用下列短语:reading speed, make mistakes in, make a list, talk about, take to, writing practice, have trouble doing sth, sound like【自学导航】(一)对照生词表阅读P5和P134,勾画短语,并翻译下列词组:1. 看起来担忧_ 2.做某事有麻烦_3.使发音正确_ 4.在广播上 _5.在地铁上_6.不时,有时_ 7.去某地的路上_8.听起来像_9.提高我的阅读速度_ 10在某方面犯错_ 11列举_12 谈论_13 和

26、一个同伴练习英语_(二)自读、小组内互读单词和词组。(三)自主预习P5的文本材料并在课本上勾画出短语和自己不懂的句子,熟读P134的听力材料。【合作探究】辨析say, tell, speak, talk about/talk to/talk with1.say是及物动词,意思是说,强调说的内容,后面不能用人做宾语,可以说say to sb.eg. He said he was hungry.2.speak 用作及物动词时,其宾语一般是语言或词语之类的词;作不及物动词,意思是说话.在会议上正式发言也用speak.表示同某人说话,要用speak to sb.eg: He speaks Englis

27、h very well. He didnt speak a word.3.talk是不及物动词,一般指随便漫谈.表示同某人交谈,要用talk to sb.或 talk with sb. .表示谈论某事,要用talk about sth. talk to sb.和某人谈话.侧重单方主动. talk with sb.和某人 交谈 ,侧重双方互动的交流. talk to有时可以与talk with替换 talk about sth./sb.讨论关于.的事情/人.是指谈论的内容eg.I want to talk to you about something. We talked about music

28、 all night. Look! They are talking happily.4. tell 是及物动词,意思是告诉,讲述. 表示告诉某人某事, 要用 tell sb. sth.; 表示告诉某人做某事, 要用 tell sb. to do sth. 表示告诉某人不要做某事,要用tell sb. not to do sth. tell后面时常用人作宾语.如果句中有两个宾语,其中一个必是人.eg. Please tell me your secret. He is telling an interesting story. Hes told me everything about it.

29、Tell him not to make much noise.【达标检测】 单项选择( )1. - How do you study _ a test?- I study _ working with a group.A: for by B: by in C: for from( )2. Have you ever _ with a group?A: study B: studying C: studied( )3. My sister said she studied by _ English-language videos.A: watch B: watching C: watched(

30、 )4. What about _ the textbook?A:reading B: read C: to read( )5. It improves my _ skillsA: spoken B: speak C: speaking( )6. I have trouble _ the new words.A: memorize B: memorizing C: to memorize( )7. I dont know how _ commas.A: use B: to use C: used( )8. She needs a partner _.A. to practice English

31、 B. practicing EnglishC. to practice English with D. practice English with( )9. If you dont know how to spell new words, look them _ in a dictionary.A: up B: for C: after( )10. T She said she had some trouble _ her homework.A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finished()11. I found _difficult to l

32、earn English grammar.A. it B. thatC. it is D. that is()12. Remember not to speak _when we are in the reading room.A. fastB. loudlyC. quietlyD. quickly()13. I spend some time _ newspaper every day.A. read B. reading C. to read D. on read课后反思通过本节课的学习,同学们能运用动名词就英语学习方法进行写作1、介绍自己或他人的英语学习经验;2、给他人提出英语学习建议;3、描述自己或他人在英语学习中的问题,大部分学生很有创意,但个别学生也有文不对题现象。


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