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1、Unit 6 Meet my familyPart A Lets learn一教学内容分析:本课时是小学英语PEP教材四年级上册Unit 6 Meet My Family的第一课时。这一单元主要围绕“家庭”这一题材开展,让学生能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭,能用英语说出家庭成员的称呼以及家庭成员的职业。我借助“任务型”教学法,采用多样化的教学手段,将听、说、玩、演、唱融于一体,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生通过合作学习体验荣誉感和成就感,从而树立自信心,发展自主学习的能力,形成初步用英语进行简单日常交际的能力。利用Unit 3 My Friends旧知识,从而降低学习的难度,并使知识得以循环巩固。

2、二教学目标及重难点:教学目标:.知识与技能能够听、说、认读单词: family ,parents, uncle ,aunt ,baby brother,sister,cousin , puppy 及句型:“How many people are there in your family?和答语。能够将本节所学单词及句型运用于实际情境中。.过程与方法采用以旧知带新知、小组合作、角色扮演、课件展示等方法,使学生掌握本课重点单词及句型。.情感态度与价值观培养学生热爱家庭,热爱生活的美好情感。教学重难点:教学重点:掌握单词: family ,parents, uncle ,aunt ,baby bro

3、ther,sister,cousin , puppy 及句型:“How many people are there in your family?和答语。教学难点:单词parents, uncle ,aunt的读音。句型How many people are there in your family? 的实际运用。 能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭。教学过程Step 1 Warm up听歌曲I love my family(设计意图:师生听歌曲,渲染课堂气氛,复习旧知,也自然地导入了本课的新知,为本课的学习做好了铺垫。)Then find out how many people are there?

4、Who are they?Step 2 PresentationGreeting: T: Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, teacher.T:Show the studying aims.Read loudly.T:This is a tree.Who can tell me what kind of tree is this? (黑板贴一颗树,学生猜是什么树。引出家庭树)T:This is a photo of Peppa pig.Today we are going to meet her family.1、 导入:parent

5、s.出示猪爸爸的照片This is father.出示猪妈妈的照片This is mather.出示猪爸爸、妈妈的照片 T: This is Peppa father and this is Peppas mother. They are her parents! In the family , we call father and mother parents .教学单词parents .家庭树上拿下parents单词卡,学生开火车读单词后练习句型:They are parents .2、 导入:uncle出示uncle 图片T: Look! He is your dad s brother

6、 or mothers brother. How can we call him ?Ss: 叔叔!T: Yes! Hes uncle .教读单词uncle .家庭树上拿下uncle单词卡,学生开火车读单词后练习句型:This is my uncle .3.导入:aunt出示aunt 图片I: Guess! She is your fathers or mothers sister ,how can we call her ?Ss: 阿姨!T: Yes! We can call her aunt.家庭树上拿下aunt单词卡,学生开火车读单词后练习句型:This is my aunt .导入:co

7、usin出示 brother /sister 的图片T:This is your aunt s kid . This is your brother or sister.T: We can call hthem “cousin”.家庭树上拿下cousin单词卡,学生开火车读单词后练习句型:This is my cousin .出示baby brother的图片T: Look! Its a baby , yes ?Ss: Yes!T: He is your brother , so you can call him baby brother .教读单词 baby brother家庭树上拿下unc

8、le单词卡,学生开火车读单词后练习句型:This is my baby brother .Step 3 Practice talk(Pair work)学生们拿出事先准备好的照片,根据自己的实际情况结合本节课学过的内容,做对话创编练习。A:This is my family.B: Who is he/she?A:This is My _ and _ .Step 4 Consolidation and improvementTalk about your family!自我介绍:Hello! I am _ .(名字) I am _ years old.(年龄)This is my mom .Sh

9、e is _ and _. (介绍长相)This is my dad .He is _ and _ . (介绍长相)I love my family.(设计意图:通过该环节,不仅使知识系统化,而且培养了学生善于总结,善于归纳的能力。)Step 5 Homework1. Write new words twice.2. Introduce your family Step 6 Emotional sublimation看关于家庭的公益广告。Father and mother protect us and love us , lets say :thank you dad , thank you mom “Father and mother I love you , I love my family.”(配合手上的动作。)


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