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1、基于“一带一路”的中国与加纳双边农业合作潜力研究本文是一篇农学论文,该研究主要旨在征求关于加纳农业部门当前结构,绩效,优先事项,挑战和政策的信息,并根据一带一路;倡议评估与中国合作的机会。CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION1.1 BackgroundTheworldpopulationisestimatedtoreachover9billionby2050andasearchfor strategy to feed this soaring global population, reduce poverty and enhance shared prosperity lies

2、inadevelopedglobalagriculturalsectorFoodandAgricultureOrganization(FAO), 2009,which has proven to be more effective in increasing income levels of poor people.There isverystronglinkagebetweenindustrializationandagriculturaldevelopmentasithasbeen noticedthatcountrieswithhighagriculturalproductivitygr

3、owthandequalattentionforits agricultural sector weresuccessful in their industrialization drive while countries that practiced thereversewereineffectualindustrializers(Ludena,2010).Agribusinessdriveforseveral decadeswasthemaingrowthpaththatpropelledthedevelopmentoftheBrazilianeconomy which earned it

4、 an emerging economy; status, hence the power of agribusiness in development cannotbedownplayed(Scoonesetal.2016).InChina,throughacceleratedagricultural development, rural poverty declined from 53 percent in 1981 to 8 percent in 2001(World Bank, 2007).In Sub-Saharan Africa, agriculture serves as a m

5、ajor source of employment and income generation, since about two-thirds of the sub-continent?s population are found in rural areas and engaged in agriculture (Devèze, 2011).Furthermore, most African countries are mainly agrarian economies which imply that through agriculture, rural economies

6、could participate invaluably in the development of the national economies in the continent (Losch, 2011). However, there is still much to be done in Africa in order for agriculture to lead the overall economic transition of the continent as had happened in the so called developed and emerging econom

7、ies where agriculture served as a stage post for further development of other productive sectors such as manufacturing, industry and services (Losch, 2011).1.2 JustificationWhile moderate progress has been made over the years in agricultural growth in Ghana, it has however been highly erratic and he

8、terogeneous. The agricultural sector in Ghana recorded an averagegrowthof2%between1991-1995whichroseto5.6%in2006(Cervantes-Godoyand Dewbre 2010).However, there was a negative growth in 2007 (-1.7%) , whilein 2008,2009,2010, 2011 and2012it grew by 7.4%,7.2%, 5.3%, 0.8% and 2.6% respectively,indicatin

9、g a highlyerraticpatternofgrowthbetweentheperiod2008-2012MinistryofFoodand Agriculture, Ghana, (MoFA), 2012.Furthermore, growth experienced in the sector has largely been attributed to land expansion rather than productivity growth (Breisinger et al. 2008) while significantvariationsalsoexistingrowt

10、hamongvariousagro-ecologicalzonesdueto heterogeneityinagriculturalstructures.Forsustainabilityofthesector,andforagricultureto leadinthewholeeconomictransformation,asustainedgrowthisdesiredthroughincreased productivity.TheaboveuncertaintyshowedinthegrowthoftheGhanaianagriculturalsectorleaves several

11、questions unanswered albeit there have been several interventions in the sector by government and through international development cooperation.CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW2.1 History of Cooperation between China and Africa2.1.1 Classical History of China-Africa Relations Chineseporcelainsthatwere

12、madeduringtheTangdynasty(614-907)werealsofound byarcheologistsinKenyanvillagesandwerebelievedtobebroughttoKenyabyZhengHe during his 15th century ocean voyages (New African Magazine, 2015). A 15th-century Chinese Yongle Tongbao; coin which was a small disk of copper or brass and silver with a square

13、hole in the center was found by Kenyan and Chinese archeologists at the north of Malindi, Kenya?s north coastwhich is believed to be carried byenvoys of theemperor (New African Magazine, 2015).TheseareevidencesthatalludetotheageoldrelationshipwhichexistsbetweenChina and the African continent. These

14、classical relationships laid foundation for the furtherance of the modern synergy between China and Africa.2.1.2 Modern account of China-Africa RelationsContemporarily, the Sino-Africa relationship can be traced back to the late 1950s (Young &Neuhauser,1969),wherebilateraltradeagreementswereente

15、redbetweenChinaandEgypt, Algeria,Morocco,Somalia,SudanandGuinea(Khan&Baye,2008).Thefirstdiplomatic agreement was entered with Egypt in 1956; by early 1960s, 10 African countries had established similar relations and by the end of 1970, therewas a widespread recognitionof the Peoples? RepublicofC

16、hina(PRC)byAfricancountries(Strauss,2009).Intheearly1960?s,China supportedanumberofAfricancountriesinanti-imperialiststrugglesandindependence movements(Amanor&Chichava,2016).Inreturn,theseAfricancountriesgaveChinatheir politicalsupportontheoneChina;policy.Intheyear1971,Chinaregaineditsseatatthe

17、United Nations with the aid of 26 votes from African nations. This period (1950s-1970s) marks thefirstphaseofcontemporarySino-Africacooperation.InthisperiodChinaextendedaidto Africaintheformofagriculture,construction,etc(AmanorandChichava,2016).Thiswas followedbyamodifiedapproachinthe1980sto1990sand

18、anacceleratedengagementinthe beginning of the 21st century (Chun, 2013). In the second stage, China modified its cooperation withamixtureofaidandinvestments.2.2 Agricultural Cooperation between China and Africa2.2.1 The trends of agricultural Cooperation betweenChina and Africa China?s involvement i

19、n African agriculture is almost half a century now and engagement patternshaveevolvedovertime.Theearlyphaseofengagement(1950s-1970s)waslargely impelled by a need for the new Chinese nation to build soft power and gain recognition on the globalstage,thusinitiatedprojectsinAfricawerecharacterizedbybil

20、ateralagreementsand donation-based aid (Buckley, 2013). In the mid-1980s China?s agricultural engagement in Africa saw a blend of aid and investment after a reform of China?s foreign policy by the then premier of the PRC, DengXiaoping (Hees, 2013).In the beginning of the 21st century, strong diploma

21、tic and business ties were established with the institutionalization of FOCAC in 2000, which can be describedasafasttrackstageofSino-Africancooperation(Chun,2013).Thisperiodsawaseries of trade missions, state visits and a rising development cooperation program run from the MinistryofCommerce(MOFCOM)

22、(Scoonesetal.,2016).Agriculturehassincetakencenter stage in the Sino-African discourse.In the 2006 FOCAC summit in Beijing, China resolved to accelerateagriculturalinvestmentinAfrica(Sun,2011)andannouncedtheconstructionof Agriculturaltechnologydemonstrationcenters(ATDCs)acrossthecontinentasaflagship

23、 program. Furthermore, the Johannesburg Summit and the 6th Ministerial Conference of FOCAC whichwasheldinJohannesburgin2015alsocameoutwithanactionplan(2016-2018)with much focus on agricultural cooperation. In the action plan, eleven points were agreed on by both parties to boost agriculture and food

24、 security(FOCAC, 2015).As shown in Fig.2, by 2010a totalof221agriculturalcooperationprojectswereestablishedbytheChinesegovernmentin Africa,with35demonstrationfarms,47technologystations,47irrigationandwater conservation projects, 15 fisheries, 11 livestock projects and 66 other agricultural related p

25、rojects (Smaller et al., 2012).CHAPTER THREE: MATERIALS AND METHODS . 203.1 Study Area description . 203.2 Sampling Procedure . 21CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS . 254.1 Analysis of Agricultural Industry in Ghana . 254.1.1 Agricultural Structure in Ghana . 254.1.2 Principal crops in Ghana . 265.0DISCUSSIONS .

26、 425.1 Analysis of Ghanaian Agricultural Sector and current performance levels . 425.2 Analysis of Farmers’ Challenges and influencing factors of farmers’ willingness to participate in bilateral projects . 425.0DISCUSSIONS5.1 Analysis of Ghanaian Agricultural Sector and current performan

27、ce levelsFarming is mostlyconcentrated in the rural areas(Table 3) and predominantly on small holder basiswithnationalaveragelandsizeoflessthan2hectaresperfarmerMinistryofFoodand Agriculture Ghana, (2015). There is still vast land still uncultivated (53%) which is a potential toincreasecropproductio

28、ninGhana.However,cropcultivationinGhanaispredominantly rainfedwithlessthan5%ofcultivatedlandbeingirrigation(Table2).Developmentofthe irrigationsectorinthecountryisverylow.Otherstudiesevenpurgethisfigureat2%(e.g. Namaraetal.,2011).Theconcentrationoffarmingintheruralareasandtheconsiderable proportion

29、of women in this sector (Table 3) holds a great opportunity to impact and accelerate the integration of the rural economy to overall national economic transformation.This can only beachievedifthecurrentproductivitylevelsareraisedtomeetorapproachpotential productivities.Intable5,itisevidentthatmostfa

30、rmersinGhanaachievefarloweryields comparedtothepotentialyields.VariousregionsinGhanahavecomparativeadvantagesin terms of crop production. Inferring from data from MoFA, (MoFA, 2010, 2012, 2015, 2016), it is clearthattheBrong-AhafoandNorthernregionshaveveryhighadvantageintermsoffood security crops such as maize, rice and cassava. The private sector is by far the major contributor toinputsupplytocropproductioninGhana.Theagriculturalsectorstillremainsthelargest employer in Ghana despite a decline in proportion of contribution of agriculture to GDP in recent years.6.0 Conclusionreference(omitted)


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