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1、Book III Unit 1 Topic 3 The world has changed for the better.Section A Learning aims and demands : 1. Master the new words, phrases and main sentence patterns:Words: block,artist , visitor , industry , chemistry , term.Phrases: as a matter of fact, get used to (doing) sth., used to do sth.,come for

2、a visit, millions of, stand for.Sentence patterns: (1) You have been in New York for a long time.(2)The city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago.(3)You will get used to it very soon if you come.(4)As a matter of fact, its a wonderful place to live . (5) You must come for a visit . T

3、hen you can see New York yourself . 2. Grammar: Learn the sentences of the present perfect tense with “since” and “for”.3. Develop students listening and speaking ability.4.Introduce students to know about the changes in different cities and pay attention to the progress of social civilization, then

4、 study hard to build a better home. Preparation guidance :1. Lead- in. Look at the pictures and make sentences with the words given. (1) the streets in New York / used to be/ dirty (2) be /clean / since last year (3) living conditions in Beijing / bad / past (4) developed a lot / for 34 years 2.Prep

5、aration test. According to the first letter , complete the following sentences.(5)Xu Beihong was known as an a for his paintings.(6 )My favorite subject are science and c .Theyre interesting.(7)In recent years, Chinas i has developed rapidly.(8)Every year, thousands of v come to Beijing for a visit.

6、(9)The old woman often takes her dog for walk around the b after supper. (10) In China, all student have two t in a school year. Study of the issues :1. Check preparation guidance (steps 1-2). Give help if necessary. (Warm-up)2. Predict what was mentioned about New York in 1b with books closed. 3. L

7、isten to 1a and tick what was mentioned about New York and finish 1b. In the past ( ) terrible traffic ( ) dirty streets ( ) unfriendly people ( ) dangerous to live ( ) less shopping centers Nowadays ( ) beautiful parks ( ) clean and fresh air ( ) huge markets ( ) famous museums ( ) good schools ( )

8、 excellent restaurants Check the answers .4. Listen to 1a again and follow it , then practice it in pairs and act it out.5. Read 1a again in groups, and find the key points. Then make sentences in pairs.6. According to 1b,ask and answer with your partner like 1c,and then retell it. You may begin lik

9、e this : A: How much do you know about the traffic in New York ? B: I heard that the traffic there was terrible . Do you have any ideas about the streets there ? A: 7. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words or phrases, finish 2. theater used to improve

10、 wonderful as a matter of fact since Broadway is a street in New York . It has been there_ 1811. It _ be dirty. But it _ since the 1920s. The area near Times Square is the home of Broadway theaters . There have been many famous _ along the street for many years . A lot of artists perform plays , con

11、certs and operas there . Every year millions of visitors come to enjoy the _ music and dance on Broadway . _ , Broadway stands for the American theater industry .8. Grammar focus: Present Perfect(III) Please look at these sentences ,and then make a conclusion.(1)You have been in New York for a long

12、time.(2)I have been in the new school for a week.(3)., but the city has improved a lot since I came here a few years ago.(4)She works in the school since 1995.(5)He has waited for Tom since two hours ago. 结论: 现在完成时表示动作从_ 某一时刻开始,一直_ 到现在,而且可能还要继续下去。此时常与表示包括现在在内的_状语连用,如:for a long time, since two hours

13、 ago , for a week , since1995,so far, these days等。此用法中的动词多是_ (短暂性 / 延续性)动词。其中for引导的短语表示动作延续多长时间,for的后面加 ,Since引导的短语或从句表示过去的动作延续至今,since之后加 或者 。5. Brainstorming. Complete the sentences with since or for . Finish 3 Class feedback:( )1. I have seen the film “Titanic”already. When _ you _ it? The day be

14、fore yesterday.A. have; seenB. will; seeC. did; seeD. did; seen( )2. Mr. Brown Shanghai for three days. A. has been to B. have been to C. has gone to D. has been in ( )3. Miss.Gao has taught us English two years. I have been here two years ago.A. since; forB. since; sinceC. for; sinceD. for; for( )4

15、. you your homework yet? Yes, I it ten minutes ago.A. Did; do; finished B. Have; done; have finished C. Have; done; finished D. Will; do; finish( )5. Do you know who the first steamer(蒸汽机)?A. invented B. discovered C. created D. found Link to Senior High School Entrance Examination( )6.How long have

16、 your parents lived abroad? 2006. A.Since B.While C.Until D.Before( )7.The singers many concerts in the countryside since 2019. A. hold B.held C.have held D. holds ( )8. Jackson school two years ago and he for two years. A.leaves;has gone B.left;has been away C.leaves;has been away D.left;has gone(

17、)9.Since Project Hope started, it millions of children to come back to school. A.has helped B.helped C.is helping D.helps ( )10. Beibei, is Mr.Chen in the office? No. He for half an hour. A. left B. has left C.has been away D.leavesV Homework: 1. Read 1a aloud. 2. Make five sentences , using for and since. 3. Finish Section A in your workbook. 4. Preview Section B.VI Class reflection: 1. What words, phrases and sentences have you learnt from this lesson ? 2. The grammar in this lesson is 3. What are your problems? 4. Are you happy in this lesson? 3


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