新PEP小学英语六年级下册Unit4 Then and now B Let27s learn课件.ppt

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1、,Unit 4 Then and now,Part B Lets learn & Listen, match and say,gym,last year,time,at night,last month,火眼金睛:Read quickly(快速、正确地读出单词),moon,grass,internet,dining hall,Review,internet,Magic eyes,Read and act as quickly as you can.,Game,Can you say something different(不同) about her ?,One year ago,Before

2、, she had long hair .,Now She has short hair .,Can you read ?,Learn in groups!,比一比哪组学得更棒!,ice-skate,play badminton,bad,doctor,ate,like,Before , Now ,city,go cycling,why,clean,Lets learn,I couldnt go cycling .,I love to go cycling .,go,swimming,fishing,hiking,camping,skating,drinking,skiing,dancing,g

3、o与表示活动、消遣等方面的动词ing形式连用,意为“去”。,ice-skate,ate,Before , I didnt like winter . I thought it was too cold . Now I love to ice-skate . I like winter .,Lets learn,:t,ice-cream,ice-water,Before , I didnt like ice. Now , I like ice-cream and ice-water.,play badminton,bad,doctor,Before , I couldnt play sports

4、 . Now I love to play badminton .,Lets learn,play,football,basketball,ping-pang,badminton,the piano,the violin,the pipa,vollyball,你能说出下面短语的过去式吗?,go cycling,play badminton,think,is,can,went cycling,played badminton,thought,was,could,自读对话,并试着理解,Wu Yifan: I didnt like winter before. I thought its too c

5、old, and I couldnt go cycling. Mike: How about now? Wu Yifan: Now I love to ice-skate, so I like winter.,画龙点睛,I didnt like winter before. 我以前不喜欢冬天。 didnt 是did的否定, 动词过去式句子中否定的构成: didnt+动词原形,I couldnt go cycling. 我不能骑自行车。 couldnt是could的否定式,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L,Listen and imitate,Sharp eyes,Changes in

6、me Now I am taller , taller than before . Every day I grow bigger . Every day I grow more. Once I was a young boy , younger than I am today. Now I am a big boy , and Im bigger every day. For school I got up early, earlier than before. Every day I get up early , sometimes at four ! Once I didnt talk

7、a lot . I wasnt an active boy, But now I talk more than before . I always talk with joy!,Listen , match and say,1、What can you see in the picture ? 2、How many people are there ? 3、Who are they ?,badminton,swimming circle,bike,pan,an erhu fiddle,a turning shovel,piano,ice skates,Lets write,Before, I

8、_. Now I _.,Word banks: wasnt tall / had long hair / had short hair / didnt wear glasses / didnt like maths / didnt like cats / didnt like eggs ,(写写自己过去的爱好或变化和现在的爱好或变化),Game(游戏): Listen to the music and pass the box. 要求: 音乐停止时,手持盒子的同学从盒子中抽出一张纸,如果抽出的纸条写着lucky,将会获得小礼物一份如果抽出的纸条是写有“read it ”,则根据自己写的答案,大

9、声的读出来。,Before, I _. Now, I _.,检测练兵,用下列所给词的适当形式填空: 1、There werent any _ (computer) at all. 2、Could you_ (see) stars at night? 3、One day Im going to_(visit) the moon. 4、There _(be) no gym in my school ten years ago.,computers,see,visit,was,绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L 绿色圃中学资源网http:/cz.L,你们做的很棒哦, 现在跟我一起去欣赏美图吧。,Time is life and when the idle man kills time , he kills himself .(时间就是生命,懒人消耗时间就是消耗自己的生命。),Homework,根据Lets learn的短语,模仿对话并改编它。 把今天所学到的知识,回家后大声的读给家人听。,Thanks,


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