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1、 Sep. 20, 2012外国语学院英语词汇基础知识与中学英语教学ABC of EFL Vocabulary and the EFL Teaching in High SchoolTeacher: L Wenpeng(吕文澎)3 lectures, 6 class hoursTeaching PlanLectureCentral topics1 Questionnaire about the EFL Vocabulary Teaching in High School Group discussion about the EFL Vocabulary Teaching in High Sch

2、ool Mnemonics for EFL Words2 3 Case studies of the EFL Vocabulary Teaching in High SchoolQuestions and answers to EFL Vocabulary teaching in high school3My Study on Mnemonics for Difficult Words in an EFL SituationCase studies of the EFL Vocabulary Teaching in High SchoolCase 1 ContentsUnit 1 How of

3、ten do you exercise? Unit 2 Whats the matter? Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? Unit 4 How do you get to school? Unit 5 Can you come to my party? Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sisiter. Unit 7 How do you make a milk banana shake?Unit 8 How was your school trip? Unit 9 When was he born? Unit 1

4、0 Im going to be a basketball player. Unit 11 Could you please clean your room? Unit 12 Whats the best radio station? Section A Language points基本的语言内容Section B Language performance知识的扩展和综合的语言运用Vocabulary of Unit 4(13 words & expressions)get to, how far, bicycle, subway, car, train, bus station, subw

5、ay station, minute, kilometer, mile, transportation, calendarUnit 4 How do you get to school? 语言要点 1. - How do you get to school?- I take the bus.2. - How long does it take?- It takes 20 minutes.3. - How far is it?- Its 10 miles.4. - It takes sb. some time to do something.5. bicycle, subway, car, tr

6、ain, bus station, bus stop, minute, kilometer, mile, transportation6. get to, ride, walk, take, depend, depend on, by bus How will you teach (or: How have you taught) Section A in Unit 4, especially the vocabulary in it?Unit 4 How do you get to school?Vocabulary of Unit 4 (13 words & expressions)get

7、 to, how far, bicycle, subway, car, train, bus station, subway station, minute, kilometer, mile, transportation, calendar A better courseware for Section A in Unit 4. Make comments on the better courseware for Section A in Unit 4. My comments1. New words are taught in context. “Fish cannot live with

8、out water”. Students are encouraged to learn new words in context. bicycleride the bicycleHow does he get to school?He rides the bicycle to school.He goes to school by bicycle.2. Learners are encouraged / forced to use new words on purpose in language production (speaking and writing). Model/Pair wo

9、rk/Group workA: How get to ?B: ride(s)/walk(s) toOr: take(s) a train/bus/to Or: go(es) to by .Homework: Write a short passage using “How do my classmates get to school?” as the title.Case 2 Future ChampionsExperiments have proved that children can be instructed in swimming at a very early age. At a

10、special swimming pool in Los Angeles, children become expert at holding their breath under water even before they can walk. Babies of two months old do not appear to be reluctant to enter the water. It is not long before they are so accustomed to swimming that they can pick up weights from the floor

11、 of the pool. A game that is very popular with these young swimmers is the under water tricycle race. Tricycles are lined up on the floor of the pool seven feet under water. The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool. Many pedal their tricycles, but most of them prefe

12、r to push or drag them. Some children can cover the whole length of the pool without coming up for breath even once. Whether they will ever become future Olympic champions, only time will tell. Meanwhile, they should encourage those among us who cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for air

13、.8 new words in the textFuture ChampionsExperiments have proved that children can be instructed in swimming at a very early age. At a special swimming pool in Los Angeles, children become expert at holding their breath under water even before they can walk. Babies of two months old do not appear to

14、be reluctant to enter the water. It is not long before they are so accustomed to swimming that they can pick up weights from the floor of the pool. A game that is very popular with these young swimmers is the under water tricycle trai.sikl race. Tricycles are lined up on the floor of the pool seven

15、feet under water. The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool. Many pedal their tricycles, but most of them prefer to push or drag them. Some children can cover the whole length of the pool without coming up for breath even once. Whether they will ever become future Ol

16、ympic champions, only time will tell. Meanwhile, they should encourage those among us who cannot swim five yards before they are gasping for air.How will you teach the 8 new words in the text? A possible activity in the classroom:Guessing Words in ContextProcedure:1. Individual work (10)2. Pair work

17、 (5)3. Class work (10)Procedure:1. Individual work (10)Read the text “Future Champions”, and fill in the table below. You have to select eight words from the text that fit with the meanings on the table, and say what evidence you used to find the words.Finding the wordsMeaningThe words that fits the

18、 meaningsThe evidence from the textAm I right or wrong?1. person who is unbeaten in competitions of courage, strength or skill2. distance from one end to the other3. unwilling, and therefore perhaps slow to act4. a bicycle with three wheels, two at the back and one at the front5. breathe quickly, es

19、pecially with difficulty, making a sudden noise6. in the habit of / used to7. give knowledge or information to8. move along by pressing the bar-like part of a machine with the foot to drive the machine along2. Pair work (5)Compare your answers with those of your partner. If you cannot answer a quest

20、ion, ask another pair.3. Class work (10)The teacher checks the answers with students.Finding the wordsMeaningThe words that fits the meaningsThe evidence from the text1. person who is unbeaten in competitions of courage, strength or skillchampionits clear that they refer to peoplecover the whole len

21、gth of the pool without coming up for breath even once(can swim very will)2. distance from one end to the otherlengthto reach the other end of the pool (sounds like to cover the distance from one end to the other)3. unwilling, and therefore perhaps slow to actreluctantas children can be instructed t

22、o hold their breath under water, they wont be afraid of swimming in the pool, and will think that swimming is really fun4. a bicycle with three wheels, two at the back and one at the fronttricycletraisikltri-, prefix, means three or three timescycle has the same meaning as bicyclesomething can be pu

23、shed or dragged5. breathe quickly, especially with difficulty, making a sudden noisegasp-a:-gasping for air seems to have a similar meaning to coming up for air6. in the habit of / used toaccustomedword has the same stem as custom“be accustomed to doing” sounds like “be used to doing”7. give knowled

24、ge or information toinstructinstruct and instruction have the same stemchildren, especially little ones should be guided and trained while learning how to swim8. move along by pressing the bar-like part of a machine with the foot to drive the machine alongpedalvt. 踩的踏板it is clear that tricycles can

25、be moved or driven alongQuestions on the evidence If you look at the evidence from the text on the table above, you will see that a number of strategies have been used. Some of the strategies are listed below. Can you find examples of these strategies in the evidence column of the table?A. Using the

26、 morphology of the word, that is, the stem, prefix, suffix, and so onB. Using ones general knowledgeC. Using the structure of the textD. Using the immediate context of the word Keys to questions on the evidenceA. 4, 6, 7B. 3, 7C. 5, 8D. 1, 2, 4, 5Sometimes we use more than one strategy at a time.Cas

27、e 3Discovering New Words in a TextIndividual work (5)Look through the following passage quickly to find answers to the questions attached behind.The Capture of a MonkeyFew animals besides monkeys have handlike paws. The monkey, like man, has an opposable thumb: that is, it can place its thumb opposi

28、te its other fingers. By pressing its first finger against its thumb, a monkey can pick up things as thin as a flea. Because other animals lack this thumb, it is difficult for them to pick up small things and carry them. The monkeys ability to grasp rice with its paw often leads to its capture. Hunt

29、ers put some rice inside a coconut, leaving a hole in the shell of the nut. The monkey has no trouble sliding its paw through the hole. But it cant draw the paw out while it is holding the rice with its paw. Since it is often too stupid or greedy to open its hand, the monkey is unable to free itself

30、 from this simple trap.Questions1) How does the writer describe the monkeys paws?2) What is the name of the smallest creature that monkeys can pick up?3) What do you call the hard covering of a fruit or nut?4) What does the monkeys ability to grasp rice with its paw often lead to?5) Why is the monke

31、y unable to free itself from the simple trap? Keys to the 5 questions:1) Monkeys have handlike paws. The monkey, like man, has an opposable thumb: that is, it can place its thumb opposite its other fingers. By pressing its first finger against its thumb, a monkey can pick up things as thin as a flea

32、. Because other animals lack this thumb, it is difficult for them to pick up small things and carry them.2) Flea3) Shell4) Its capture5) It is often too stupid or greedy to open its hand. Suggestions for EFL vocabulary teaching1. It is always best to let students do a reading or listening task on th

33、eir own first, as they need to concentrate on the text without being disturbed. Then when they have done all they can by themselves, they can discuss the questions with their partners, it is during this discussion that different strategies used to discover meaning are described and exchanged, they c

34、an learn from each other. If the pair is stuck on a question, they should be allowed to consult and learn from another pair. In this way, perhaps another strategy for discovering meaning can be identified. 2. Encourage the students to work out words from context, and show them how they can discover

35、information using an English text. Learning something new from a text in English, without being given any help in Chinese, will make participants aware of the value of reading or listening in English.3. It is important for the participants to get the gist of the text without understanding every word

36、: they should be able to use the gist to work out the meaning of new words. Questions and answers to EFL Vocabulary teaching in high school 人民教育出版社中学英语编辑室人民教育出版社网址(Peoples Education Press):http:/ 客观地讲,由于词汇量的要求提高到了3300词,新高中英语模块18每个单元的词汇量达到了3050个左右。面对这样一个词汇量,如果还是采用原来那些机械的方法教授词汇,不对学生的词汇学习方法加以正确的引导是不行的;


38、词汇表或字典。而是引导学生进行正确地生词学习。首先,教师要引导学生认识到并不是所有的生词都同等重要。其次,可以组织学生进行结对活动,让两个学生互相解释单词,都充当教师的角色。这个过程势必能够加深学生对词汇的记忆和理解。再次,教师集中讲解生词还是非常重要的。不过在讲解方式和方法上要花些心思。一般来说我们建议教师不必急着把中英文释义和例句给出,而是借助语篇的上下文联系、运用构词法等知识,引导学生推测生词的意思。另外,在新高中英语中,有大量不同类型的词汇练习帮助学生建立词与词之间的联系: 按构词法成串记忆 近义词比较 反义词比较 动词的搭配 联想成串记忆 归类成串记忆 归纳总结(2)教师还可利用新高

39、中英语中的语言材料,采用以下方式教学词汇:结合单词的音(Pronunciation)、形(Spelling)、义(Meaning),除了让学生利用“拼读规则”记忆单词以外,还可以把同音异义、同形异义等类别的词汇放在一起教学;或把音似、形似和义近的词汇放在一处进行比较。直观教学词汇。教师要利用图片、视频、实物的直观效果,帮助学生用形象的方式记忆词汇。 组块记忆词汇。词块(lexical chunks)是真实交际中高频率出现的大于词的语言现象,形式相对稳定。一般来说,词块包括习语、词语搭配、短语等等。这些词块有完整的意义,可以直接运用于口笔头交际。因此,运用词块学习词汇,能很好地促进第二语言学习者

40、语言交际能力的提高。新高中英语中有很多动词短语的归纳总结,也有以话题为中心呈现的词块,便于教师进行语块教学。 这些丰富的词汇教学形式,不仅有利于提高教师的词汇教学效果和学生的词汇学习效果,而且如果教师对学生加以适当的引导和策略培养,还有利于学生词汇自学能力的提高。词汇问题(二)人民教育出版社中学英语编辑室如何把握词汇教学的深度和广度?关于词汇教学的深度和广度,我们在教材编写中有所考虑。例如,今年修订后的教材附录的词汇表,我们在课标词汇中又作了区分,标出了黑体词,这些黑体词一般都是Longman或Collins的口语和/或书面语前3000词,我们认为学生应该重点掌握,即在深度和广度上要有延伸和拓



43、ding) 中教?在听力和练习里,我们一般严格控制生词的出现。在练习册的编写中对于一些无法避免的常用生词,我们采用在括号中给出中文释义的方法,这样做是为了不给学生增加负担,而这些词汇也是不要求学生掌握的,原则上不要求学生读背,所以也不进入词表。一般来说,我们不主张先教生词后教课文,而是主张先对课文进行整体处理,鼓励学生采用发现探究的方式,去主动学习词汇。这之后再对新的词汇进行集中的学习和处理。具体来说,教师要对新的词汇进行分层处理。对于那些不会影响到学生对文章的理解的生词,不必重点处理;对于某些可以根据上下文或其他线索理解或猜测其意义的生词,学生可以自己学。教师的任务是教给学生猜测词义的方法并


45、引导学生从“运用”的角度出发去接触、学习词汇,不要去机械地背诵词汇表。比如,我们主张学生采用的探究的方式学习词汇。在学习阅读主篇(Reading)时,先尝试通过上下文猜测词义,然后再对生词进行集中的学习(Learning about Language)。在这个阶段,教师一方面要注意引导学生进行积极主动地探究,另一方面,要利用好教材中提供的渗透各种词汇学习方法和策略的练习和活动(如构词法、同义词比较等等),培养学生正确的词汇学习观念和多种方法策略。然后,在语言运用(Using Language)阶段,通过与听、说、读、写、译各项技能的结合,在语境中去进一步记忆掌握这些词汇。新高中英语练习册中的多

46、项活动也对词汇学习进行了考虑和安排。单词和习语的运用(Using words and expressions)是对生词的进一步巩固、扩展和复习,接下来的各项任务和项目为进一步使用这些生词提供了有意义的情景和更广阔的空间。具体说来,教师在教学过程中,不仅自己要善于利用记忆规律,还要引导学生使用正确有效的记忆方法,使学生有效地记住单词。(1)在课堂上,教师选择重点词汇,并加快生词讲解速度。要避免没有重点,无限扩展的情况,这样往往是重要常用词汇记不住,一般词汇也印象不深。单词的导入应当简洁明了,更多的时间应用于怎样在听说读写的过程中处理单词,以及如何运用这些单词进行口笔头交际和表达。(2)很多学生花了大量时间和精力,记忆


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