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1、TopicUnit13 Were trying to save the earth!Section B (3a-3b)Period 6TypeWritingAnalysis of the Teaching Material本课出自人教版九年级全一册十三单元,紧扣protecting the environment这一话题,展开写作。在新课标中,属于“世界与环境拯救地球”的话题。Analysis of the Students1. 学生通过A和 B部分的学习,掌握了关于环境污染存在的问题,学生已经掌握了简单的关于环境的短语,但由于是农村学生,知识面狭隘,所写内容必须从所住环境着手。语言知识方面,

2、学生能够表达自己的观点和也能够建构一些呼吁社会关注的句型结构,如:(1) Wed better./We should.(2) It used to .,but now.Our actions can make a difference and led to a better future!3.写作技巧方面,学生已经初步掌握了电子邮件的基本格式。Teaching Dims and DemandsKnowledge aims:词汇:学生能理解并且运用词appeal 短语put to good use,throw away语法:巩固练习be+v-edAbility aims:1. 引导学生通过复习上

3、一篇阅读材料,达到以读促写的目的,描述现在所生活的环境现状,表达自己对环境保护的观点和看法。2. 培养学生发散性思维。通过写作练习,帮助学生建构话题表达的框架体系,从而培养学生用自己的观点提高学生思维品质。3. 学习审题及谋篇布局。Difficult points:1. 学会描述生活中的环境问题。2. 学生能给贵阳市市长写一封信,阐述目前存在的环境问题并提出自己的宝贵建议。Emotion aims: Try our best to protect the earth,start from the small things.Teaching linkTeaching tips&purposeSt

4、ep1:Revision(5min)Step2:Lead in(5min)Step3:Pre-writing(5min)Step3pre-writing(7min)Step4while-writing(15min)Step5 post-writing(6min)Step5 post-writing(2min)Teachers activities:Give a short passage about“Rethink, Reuse,Recycle”invite Ss choose the best words or phrase to fill in the blank.set up pulle

5、d down to make handbags brought back put.to good useAmy Hayes is an unusual woman who can_rubbish _.She usually_the old buildings around her town to make a house.The top of the house is an old boat.turned upside down. Jessica Wong liked to use old jeans _.She not only made handbags, but also planed

6、to write a book about the new ways to use old clothes. Wang Tao was a man who_a small business.His work was made of iron and other materials . All the stories told us that it cant _to life without creativity.(Purpose:review some phrases in reading &prepare for the subsequent writing activities.)Stud

7、ents activities:Fill in the blanks: put.to good use,pulled down, to make handbags,set up, brought back Teachers activities:Ask Ss why these people like Amy Hayes liked to recycle the rubbish or old things to make a new creativity?(Purpose:Make Ss realize the importance of recycling and reusing.)Stud

8、ents activities:1. We have too much rubbish,if we throw them away its a waste.2. People have so many creativity,putting them to good use is a good way to protect environment.3. Its a chance for them to show their talents.4. We have fewer and fewer places to store the rubbish.Teachers activities:Acco

9、rding to the Ss reply, teacher plays a video about the environment in our city,and compare the beautiful city in some places and crying city in some places. (Purpose:Learn to describe used to be & now)Students activities:six groups discuss and compare the video,then Ss can put the words they think o

10、n the blackboard.Compare the environment of the two pictures or video in our city,then talk about it in the past and now.(In the past):air pollution,dirty,rubbish everywhere,smell,ugly,unhealthy.(Now):clean,fresh air,quiet and peacefulTeachers activities:Good environmentWhy?Bad environmentWhy?What t

11、o do?According to the video,think about the environment in your hometown ,which parts have a nice environment?Why are they nice?Which parts need to be improved?why? complete the chart below.(Purpose:Make Ss describe the situation in our town now.)Students activities: ()Good environmentWhy?Bad enviro

12、nmentWhy?What to do?The square in Da Ren Shan park.quiet clean sometimes crowdedThe corner of the east park.1 People throw the rubbish out of bins.2 No body concerns it. Stop throwingAppealpeople to realize the importance of environment ()Good environmentWhy?Bad environmentWhy?What to do?Tai Yanghu

13、Park has beautiful sights.It has greenery.The air there is fresh .It is comfortable to feel.The rubbish out of the rubbish bins.water pollution in the river.It has bad smells.Spilling out of binsDevelop the lawsClose down the polluted factories()Good environmentWhy?Bad environmentWhy?What to do?The

14、playground in the schoolcleanfull of grassthe place near the toilet is full of rubbish.waste water in drain(排水沟) Bad smells.Spilling out of binsProduce less rubbishStopping throwing litter into the drainWhat to doCommon peopleGovernmentsStop throwing litter everywhereTake our own bags when shopping.

15、Stop factories from pouring waste waterClose down the polluted factories.(Teaching tips:classify the activities that common people can do and governments can do to protect the environment.Teachers activities:2020年贵阳正在接受新一轮全国文明城市的整改工作,作为九年级的学生,你也一定能发现你所生活或学习的环境有需要改进的地方,假设你是九年级学生张华,请你根据你所观察到的情况及下面的思维导

16、图写一封不少于80词的电子邮件给当地市长或镇长,提出一些你合理化的解决方案。要求如下:(Purpose:To give Ss opportunity to use the target language in writing.)Students activities:Ss discuss in groups and write down the answers on the black board.How to solve the problems?Whats your feeling?Who is causing these problems?Where is it?What is the

17、most serious problem in your town/school/city?Make an outlineBeginning: Dear Mr. Mayor,Part One: Now our environmental problem is becoming worse and worse.Part Two: Problems Part Three: Suggestions Part Four:Work together to make a difference for the future.Ending: Best wishes, Zhang HuaStudents act

18、ivities:Ss write the compositions,After ten minutes,show their work.One possible version Dear Mayor, I love my hometown very much,I have lived my town when I was 6 years old .Last year, Taiyang Lake was set up by the government.At beginning,it used to be so clean and beautiful. But now, the environm

19、ental problems around us are getting more and more serious .Recently,more and more rubbish have appeared in the lake. It made people who visit there uncomfortable.Also,the rubbish is coming out of the bins,and the flies flying all over the rubbish.It is unpleasant to feel. The bad smell makes everyo

20、ne that go there terrible.I think that we could organize some volunteers to collect the rubbish on the weekends.As a citizen of the city,we should appeal the government to close down some polluted factories,and develop some proper laws to prevent factories from pouring the rubbish into the river .Ou

21、r actions can make a difference and led to a better future!So I believe that a better environment can be created,we should work together to achieve it.Yours faithfully,Zhang Huateachers activities:Ask students correct their compositions each other.(Purpose:To provide a chance to students to realize

22、their mistake that they ofen make.)波浪线 画出好词好句。用 修改词句。用 增加所缺内容。teachers activities:Teacher show the assessment, ask Ss to evaluate other compositions.Assessment(评价)档次(分数)评分标准第五档(9-10分)很好地完成了规定的写作任务。包含所有内容要点,结构完整,语句流畅,意思清楚、连贯,无语法词汇错误,格式正确,书写规范。第四分(7-8分)较好的完成了规定的写作任务。基本上包含所有内容要点,结构较为完整,语句完整,语法错误较少,格式基本

23、正确,书写较为规范。第三档(5-6分)基本上完成了规定的写作任务。包含主要内容要点,结构欠完整,少数语句不通顺,格式基本正确,书写基本规范。第二档(3-4分)未能按要求完成写作任务,只包含少数内容要点,结构不完整,多数语句欠完整,书写欠规范。第一档(0-2分)未能按要求完成写作任务,只写出了一两句与内容相关的语句,书写不规范。Teachers activities:Share a part of compositions.BlackboarddesignBeginning: Dear Mr. Mayor,Part One: Now our environmental problem is be

24、coming worse and worse.Part Two: Problems Part Three: Suggestions Part Four:Work together to achieve a better future.Ending: Yours faithfully, Zhang HuaTeaching reflection本节课是写作课除了要求学生具有扎实的语言基本功之外,我们重在培养学生的审题能力和表达能力。在教学中比较困难的是3a的表格的教学,这里体现了学生对词汇及短语的积累。为了达到更好的效果,给学生设置情境,在情境中充分发挥学生想象力和思维力。所以我首先通过课文的复习,然后通过视频导入抛出问题,让学生对环保有个整体感知,进而通过身边的环境图片,引起学生的共鸣。其中,最对学生有帮助的莫过于提纲的设置,让学生从语篇结构上对整篇文章有了比较清晰的脉络。有输入、有输出,整篇文章通过学生之间的互改,呈现出来的错误相对减少了。最后学生上交后,教师经过二次修改形成比较完善的语篇。最后,我建议自己把学生优秀的作品粘贴到墙壁“展示区”,让学生通过写作达到知识与体会的融合。


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