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1、课时跟踪检测(十).单词拼写1词汇复现No one has contacted (联系) him since he moved to the old castle.2The Taylors decided that they would employ an architect (建筑师) to do the work.3词汇复现Some officials (官员) are making arrangements for the sports game.4词汇复现Beijing is a popular tourist destination because of its amazing hi

2、story and culture.5The jet plane landed after a flight of just under three hours.6You have to admire the way he handled the situation.7Walking along the narrow path in the countryside,I felt calm and happy.8词汇复现I dont know the way to the castle so I have bought a brochure(手册)9This is the unique (唯一的

3、) path to the village.10He was a powerful (强大的) emperor but he felt weak.单句语法填空1词汇复现I have offered to paint the house in exchange for a weeks accomodation (accommodate)2This kind of monkey is unique to the island.3词汇复现My sister spent much of her time on literature.4词汇复现Im sorry.I recognise that I ha

4、ve to get my temper under control.5词汇复现I do think you have the power to face (face) the challenge.6I cannot help admiring (admire) the picture whenever I look at it.7You have no choice other than to concentrate on it.8词汇复现The team is made up of ten designers.9China is not what it was more than 50 ye

5、ars ago.10Please clear your toys so that I can study.阅读理解Two graduates from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom found themselves about to graduate,yet with loans to pay off.The pair decided to begin a strange,yearlong project to battle their debt.The men,Ross Harper and Edward Moyse,set up a

6、website last October as a way to get rid of the 50,000 they shared as student loans.The idea behind the project was to earn money by selling their faces as advertising space every day for a year.Each day,they advertise a different business by painting the brands name or logo onto their faces and upl

7、oad the pictures to the homepage of the website,adding a link to the advertisers website and including a short piece of text about it.After they paint their faces and publish them on the website,Harper and Moyse go out to highly populated areas such as music festivals and theme parks to maximize the

8、ir faces exposure.They hope more people will pay attention to the advertisements on their faces.At this time,Harper and Moyse have advertised their faces for over four months without skipping a day and theyre more than halfway to their goal. Though they first started charging a minimum of about 1.60

9、 per company,the prices have risen as their popularity increases.For advertising space during the rest of April,they range between 250 and 750.Terri LRittenburg,associate professor of marketing at the University of Wyoming,said that she had heard of people tattooing(纹身)logos on themselves before,but

10、 this idea is much better.According to her,at first the idea would be new and unusual and attract attention.People are interested in this particular style of advertisement and would like to try what they advertise.But she is unsure how long it would last.At least for now,companies that have bought H

11、arper and Moyses faces have written positive comments on the pairs website.“We had a three percent increase in website traffic on the very day and for two days more afterwards,”said one of the companies.语篇导读本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了两个年轻人通过在自己的脸上做广告赚钱的故事。1Harper and Moyse go to highly populated areas to _.Aoffer

12、their helpBmake more friendsCshow their facesDraise more moneyC细节理解题。根据“Harper and Moyse go out to highly populated areas such as music festivals and theme parks to maximize their faces exposure.”可知,哈珀和莫伊斯前往人口稠密的地区是为了展示自己的脸。2We can infer from the passage that the two young men _.Aget on well with th

13、eir projectBwork hard except on holidaysCplan to open their own companyDmay close their website in futureA推理判断题。根据第三段中的“.the prices have risen as their popularity increases.”,“People are interested in this particular style of advertisement and would like to try what they advertise. ”及“At least for n

14、ow,companies that have bought Harper and Moyses faces have written positive comments on the pairs website.”等细节可知,人们对他们的人脸广告很感兴趣,这个创意收到了积极的评价,而且随着它的流行,他们的收入也随之增加,由此可见这两个年轻人的人脸广告项目进展得很顺利。3Why does the mens idea of advertising prove to work?ABecause an expert has highly praised them.BBecause people fin

15、d it unique and appealing.CBecause the products they advertise are reliable.DBecause they receive great help from businesses.B细节理解题。根据第三段中的“according to her,at first the idea would be new and unusual and attract attention.”可知,这两个人的广告创意被证明是有效的是因为人们觉得它很独特,很有吸引力。.完形填空My 4yearold son now enjoys posting

16、letters.He has formed the _1_ of drawing pictures,writing his name on them,and then putting the artwork in an envelope.He then insists on _2_ his handwork to the neighbors,and a mail box he chose belongs to the elderly couple who live next door.To be _3_,I didnt think much of it,but I had _4_ to war

17、n my neighbors of the drawings _5_ appearing in their letterboxesI just didnt have the _6_ to do so,because I was a little busy recently.On Tuesday of last week,I was walking down to school to collect my son when I _7_ Mary,my elderly neighbor,_8_ at her mail box.She said,“Jodie,is it your little so

18、n that has been posting items in my letterbox to me?”I was at once _9_,“Oh yes,Mary,it is.Im sorry.I meant to tell you.”She cut me off,“Jodie,I just love his mail.Ive _10_ every item he has sent.You dont know how much receiving the letters has made my day.I just love them.”While I was walking down t

19、o school after our _11_,many thoughts came to me.Mary doesnt have a lot to fill her days,_12_ she is a mother to a number of children herself who receives fairly regular visitors.The small act of getting some mailpictures drawn by the hand of a young childhas brought happiness to her days,just as my

20、 visit to my grandparents does.I have decided that my son should _13_ this practice.He should also start sending some items to his grandparents in Perth.It will most _14_ make their day.Its doing the little,simple things that can often make a big _15_ to someones life.语篇导读本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者的儿子把自己画的画寄给

21、邻居,给她带去了快乐。通过这件事,作者认识到,简单的小事也能对一个人的生活产生很大影响。1AhabitBattitudeCstyleDformAform the habit of doing sth.养成做某事的习惯。2AhandingBholdingCpostingDwritingC根据上文的enjoys posting letters以及下文的posting items in my letterbox to me可知他坚持把自己的作品寄给邻居。3AkindBsurprisedCcarefulDhonestD此处意为“老实说,我没想很多”。4AmeantBaskedChatedDrefuse

22、dA根据下一段中的“I meant to tell you.”可知,此处表示作者本打算提醒邻居关于突然出现在他们信箱中的画。had meant to do sth.意为“本打算做某事(事实上未做)”。5AactuallyBsuddenlyChardlyDpartlyB根据上文可知,此处表示“突然出现在信箱中的画”。6AintelligenceBstrengthCmoneyDtimeD根据下文的a little busy可知,此处表示作者没有时间。7AmetBvisitedCdatedDcalledA作者去接儿子的时候遇到了邻居玛丽。8AcryingBlyingClaughingDstandin

23、gD此处指玛丽正站在信箱旁边。9AhumorousBembarrassedCconfusedDamusedB根据下文作者的答语可知,作者感到很尴尬。10AcopiedBboughtCkeptDexaminedC根据上文的I just love his mail可知,玛丽把作者儿子寄的每件物品都保留了下来。11AreportBexpressionCtalkDdiscussionC此处指作者结束了与玛丽的谈话,要去学校接儿子。12AunlessBbutCsoDalthoughD前后语意是让步关系,故用although引导让步状语从句。尽管她是几个孩子的母亲,孩子们也经常来看望她,但是她没有很多事做

24、。13AaddBstopCcontinueDformC根据下文的“He should also start sending some items to his grandparents in Perth.”可知,作者决定让儿子继续这样做下去。14AcertainlyBunfortunatelyCaccidentallyDconfidentlyA作者相信这肯定能给儿子的祖父母带来快乐。certainly确定地;unfortunately不幸地;accidentally意外地;confidently自信地。15ApointBdifferenceCbehaviourDlivingBmake a di

25、fference有影响,有作用。此处意为“简单的小事情往往会对一个人的生活产生很大影响”。.微写作结合课文主题,使用本单元词汇与句型写一篇50词左右的短文。1五一节,我收拾了一些衣服去北京旅游了。(pack)2一到北京,我径直去了颐和园,它被认为是中国最大的保存最好的皇家公园。(recognise)3那儿的风景极其漂亮以至于我不愿意离开。(extremely,so that)4然而,天黑了,我必须寻找住处。(accommodation)答案On May Day,I packed some clothes and travelled to Beijing.On arriving in Beijing,I went directly to the Summer Palace,which is recognised as the largest and bestpreserved royal park in China.The scenery there was extremely beautiful so that I was unwilling to leave.However,it was dark and I had to look for my accommodation.


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