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1、Courtesy English,Part Two,Review,Please answer the questions below 1. G: How are you. You should say 2. The guests is leaving. You should say 3. The guests just arrived. You should say 4. G: Excuse me, waiter/waitress.,Everyday English,1. More hands, please! 请来多点人帮忙。 2. You are so helpful. 你真是太能帮忙了。

2、 3. Beg your pardon? 刚才没听清楚,麻烦重复一次好吗?,Part One Offering Help,1. Anything I can do for you? Can I help you? 有什么帮到您吗? 2. Do you need any help? 要帮忙吗? Can I give you a hand?,Expressions in the job,3. If you dont mind. 如果你不介意。 4. Theres no hurry. Please take your time.不着急。 5. Going up?上楼吗? Going down.下楼。

3、,Part Two Thanks and Reply,6. Thanks. 谢谢。 Thank you very much.非常感谢。 Thank you ever so much. 太感谢了。 7. I appreciate it. 我很感激。 Thank you all the same. 同样得感谢您。,How to reply,8. Youre welcome.不客气。 Its my pleasure. 很荣幸为您服务 。 Thats all right. 没关系。 Its our honor. 这是我们的荣幸!,Practice,Show your appreciation to y

4、our partner And see how your partner will reply.,Part Three Ask Guests to Repeat,9. Pardon?没听清? 10. Please say it slowly.请慢慢讲。 11. I beg your pardon.我没听清。 12. I didnt follow you.我没听懂。 13. Would you please say it again? 请您再说一遍好吗?,Part Four Apologies,14. Im sorry. Im terribly sorry. 抱歉!非常抱歉! 15. Excuse me. Pardon me. 请让一下。/打扰一下。 16. Sorry to have kept you waiting, sir/madam 先生/小姐,让您久等了,不好意思。,Part Five Reply Guests Request,17. Sure. No problem. Right away. Back in a minute. Q: 说“Ok”可以吗?,Pay attention,1. Speed 2. Intonation 3. Eye contact 4. Body language,Smile,Now, lets say it with emotion,


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