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1、Lesson 129 Seventy miles an hour,新概念一,1 wave weiv v.招手 2 track trk n.跑道 3 mile mail n.英里 4 overtake uvteik v.从后面超越,超车 5 speed spi:d n. 速度 6 dream dri:m v.做梦,思想不集中 7 sign sain n.标记,牌子 8 driving licence draivi laisns 驾驶执照 9 charge t:d v.罚款 10 darling d:li n.亲爱的(用作表示称呼),1. wave v. 招手;挥手示意 wave to sb. 向

2、某人招手(有事) 我挥手叫他过来 I waved to him to come. wave at sb. 朝某人挥手(没事) 总统在飞机的舷梯上向人群挥手。 The president waved at the crowd from the steps of the plane. wave sb. goodbye 挥手告别 她向我挥手告别。 She waved me goodbye. v. 起伏;飘动 旗帜正在风中飘扬。 The flag is waving in the wind. She was attracted by the waving sea. 她被那汹涌起伏的大海吸引。,1. w

3、ave n. 波 波浪平息了。 Thewavescalmed down. 她的头发是天然蜷曲的。 Her hair has a naturalwave.,2. track n轨道 running track 跑道 race track 赛车道/跑马场 railway track 铁轨 track and field 田径,田径赛 n. 踪迹、痕迹、足迹(常用复数) 那只熊没有留下任何足迹。 That bear didnt leave any tracks. v. 跟踪 track sb. (to sp.) 跟踪某人到 猎人追踪狐狸到了其巢穴( lair )。 The hunter tracke

4、d the fox to its lair.,3. mile,4. overtake v.超过,超车 (overtook, overtaken) It is dangerous to overtake at a corner. 转弯时超车危险。 overtake sb. 赶超 I had to walk very fast to overtake you. 为了赶上你,我不得不走得很快。 1.我骑着自行车走在马路上,突然一辆汽车超过了我。 2.警车追上了那辆卡车。 3. 没有人能赶超他。 1. I was riding my bicycle along the road when a caro

5、vertookme. 2. The police carovertookthe lorry. 3. No one can overtake him.,练一练,5. speed n. 速度 at the/a speed of 以的速度 以每小时三十公里的速度 at the speed of thirty miles an hour 最高速度,车速限制 speed limit The speed limit is the fastest speed you are allowed to drive a car at. 限速是允许驾车的最快速度。 你难道没有看到限速牌吗? Didnt you see

6、 the speed limit? v. 急行,加快 speed up (sth.)加速 我们要不加快点就要迟到了。 Well be late unless we speed up 我要求他们加快交货。 I asked them to speed the delivery up,6. dream v. 做梦;梦见 你晚上经常做梦吗? Do you often dream at night? dream about/of sth./doing sth. 梦到 他昨天夜里梦见他的祖母了。 He dreamt about his grandmother last night. 我时常梦想成为一名飞行

7、员。 I often dream of becoming a pilot. v. 梦想;幻想 dream that梦想 She dreamed that one day she would be as free as a bird. 她幻想着有一天自己能像鸟儿那般自由。 dream + wh从句 他在想如何能成为一个富翁。 He isdreaminghow to become a rich man.,6. dream n. 梦 我昨晚在梦里看到他了。 I saw him in the dream yesterday. Its ones dream to do sth. 某人的梦想是= sb.

8、have a dream to do sth.= sb. have a dream that从句 我的理想是获得诺贝尔奖。 Its mydreamto win a Nobel Prize. = I have a dream to win a Nobel Prize. = I have a dream that I will win a Nobel Prize. 驾驶自己的小船环球旅行是他梦寐以求的理想。 It was hisdreamto sail his boat around the world.,6. dream n. 梦 sb. realize the dream 某人实现梦想 我实现

9、了成为艺术家的梦想。 I realized my dream of becoming an artist. dream come true 梦想实现 我希望他成为钢琴家的梦想可以成真。 I hope his dream of becoming a pianist willcome true. 他想当演员的梦想实现了。 His dream to be an actor hascome true.,马丁路德金,7. sign n. 标志,记号 交通标识 traffic sign sign language 手语;符号语言 warning sign 警告标志;警报信号 star sign 星座 ro

10、ad sign 路标,道路标志 这个标识意味着保持安静。 This sign means keeping quiet. 姿势、手势 make a sign 做出手势 老师做了个手势叫我们安静。 The teacher made a sign to us to be quiet. 迹象 那个岛上没有生物生存的迹象。 Theres no sign of life on that island.,7. sign v. 签; 签名于 签名 sign the name 他在支票上签了名。 He signed his name on the cheque. 思考: Please pay attention

11、 to your_ on the paper. signature n. 签名 signal n. 信号 traffic signal 交通灯信号,signature,9. driving licence 驾驶执照(英式拼写), driving license(美式拼写),10. charge v. 罚款 charge sb. money (for sth.) 因为某事罚某人钱 警察因他开车超速罚他200元。 The policeman charged him 200 yuan for speeding. v. 要(价);收(费) charge sb. money (for sth.) 为某物

12、向某人要价 饭店向他们索要900元作为住一晚的费用。 The hotel charged them ¥900 for one night. 他们一杯咖啡向我要价5美元。 They charged me 5 dollars for a cup of coffee. v. 控告 charge sb. with sth. 控告某人犯罪 They charged him with murder. 他们控告他犯了谋杀罪。,10. charge n. 管理、负责 sb. take charge of= sb. be in charge of 负责、管理 他负责这家农场。 He takes charge o

13、f the farm.= He is in charge of the farm. 谁负责这家鞋店? Who takes charge of the shoe shop?=Who is in charge of the shoe shop?,Listen to the tape then answer questions on page 174. (练习册),1、I am amazed that the actress married the actor so soon. She _ him very well . A. will not have known B. should not kn

14、ow C. can not have known D. must not know 2、- Where is my phrasebook ? It was here a moment ago. - Someone it by mistake . A. could have taken B. must take C. would have taken D. must have taken 3、She must have forgotten to lock the door , ? A. must not she B. has not she C. did not she D. had not she 4、Someone my umbrella. I found it wet yesterday . A. must be using B. must have used C. must use D. must have been using 5、- Why does Alice know so much about Tianjin? - She have been there . A. must B. ought not to C. may D. can not,Thanks,


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