Higher Vocational English Teaching Intercultural Education(高职英语教学的跨文化教育).doc

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1、 Higher Vocational English Teaching Intercultural Education Paper Keywords English teaching cross-cultural teaching Abstract This paper on Chinas Vocational College English Teaching basic analysis of the situation, pointing out that the vocational colleges for cross-cultural necessity of teaching En

2、glish, discusses vocational college English teaching students Intercultural Communication ability of the basic principles and main method. A vocational college English teaching of the basic situation of the author found in the actual teaching, our vocational college English teaching, there has alway

3、s been more than teaching language knowledge, cultural knowledge teaching little more attention on language skills, less concerned about the actual communicative competence, teaching more than textbook knowledge, extracurricular knowledge extends less other issues. did not do a lot of classroom teac

4、hing English to improve overall quality of students has become appendages of examination-oriented education teachers in the actual teaching knowledge of the importance of English only teaching, but often overlooked practical application of language skills, nor the students the necessary cultural kno

5、wledge teaching. caused such a teaching situation, not only the impact of external factors, there are also some internal factors, mainly for vocational colleges English teaching fewer hours, while the actual course content and more, many of the discipline is not English, the students actual learning

6、 time is less than a year and a half, some professional or even less. This allows teachers teaching in practice difficult to complete syllabus requirements, so teachers can only focus on the relative Intensive English and listening training. Another point is that the concept of teachers are still st

7、uck in the traditional teaching mode, there is no time to be updated, there is no established link cultural and linguistic knowledge of the actual teaching mode In addition, in the actual teaching, the students do not pay attention on knowledge of English is a major cause of vocational college stude

8、nts tend to specialize in courses of knowledge, and professional skills training, in order to have a just right after graduation working , which makes the students do not have to make more effort to learn English. above aspects influencing factors, determines the current English teaching of vocation

9、al colleges problems, which also caused a lot of students lack of intercultural communicative competence, so In the next time, how to help vocational students improve intercultural communicative competence, is the focus of our work. Two vocational colleges for cross-cultural necessity of teaching En

10、glish 2.1 English cross-cultural teaching vocational English syllabus of the actual requirements of the Ministry of Education << vocational education in English teaching basic requirements >> clearly states: foreign communicative competence training activities in English teaching is the

11、main task, so teachers in vocational colleges in the actual teaching process, strengthen the training of students listening and speaking ability as well as the use of language knowledge is an important task of teaching teachers, but because Vocational students in the basics of Western culture is rel

12、atively weak, so the teacher must be a cultural import, in order to cultivate the students diverse cultural literacy as well as cultural sensitivity and insight, so as to, in essence, to help students improve their English practical application of knowledge, and enhance knowledge of English listenin

13、g and speaking ability. 2.2 Vocational intercultural communicative language teaching is the objective requirements of the actual teaching, English teaching system mainly consists of three parts: language knowledge, language and culture, and language communication, is an organic combination of the th

14、ree, indivisible author in the actual Teaching found that teachers in the actual teaching of language teaching and language teaching knowledge, the more profound and communicative competence of students will be the stronger, the less will be committing an error of cultural knowledge, so I believe th

15、at cultural differences caused by student communicative disorders, learning English is an important issue, which is mainly reflected in two aspects: First, the students in practical learning not mastered English communication rules, and basic knowledge of English communication mode. Secondly, studen

16、ts in practical learning, not will be for people from different cultural backgrounds to actually communicate the students grasp of English knowledge generally only stay in the word and grammar above, for each countrys culture, economy, history and living habits lack of appropriate understanding of W

17、estern culture for differences in various aspects is poorly understood. precisely these reasons difficult to correctly students to communicate in English, so for these issues, teachers in the actual teaching, pay attention to the input of English culture, to help students different environments and

18、face different objects, are able to use appropriate language, cross-cultural communication activities if teachers do not attach importance to this aspect of teaching, even if the students re-mastered full knowledge of grammar, the word back was more professional excellent technical knowledge and the

19、n, due to lack of knowledge of Western culture of the country, then the students actual language exchanges, or there will be communication barriers and cultural phenomenon aphasia. 3 Vocational College English Teaching students intercultural communicative competence 3.1 should follow the basic princ

20、iples of association principles in the actual teaching process, teachers should pay attention to cultural and practical teaching content should be consistent with what they learn, or to explain the cultural content in the introduction time, we must focus on the teaching content to conduct, to a reas

21、onable use of relevant cross-cultural language materials to the students appropriate vocational and cultural infiltration. cultural content contained very broad, so the teacher must be targeted for teaching design, cultural knowledge into the classroom, to be closely linked to students daily communi

22、cation situations, a good grasp of the actual situation of the students, so as to effectively stimulate students interest in learning, enhance students application of cultural power. As students continue to learn and apply, the amount of student learning will be more and more, learning efficiency wi

23、ll be improved, cross-cultural awareness training will slowly get. 3.2 Promoting the principles to be followed in English teaching in higher vocational colleges, the culture teaching is not just a separate teaching activities, it is subordinate to language teaching, language teaching is an important

24、 part of the teacher in the actual teaching, to adhere to language teaching, cultural teaching, supplemented by basic principles in the classroom, it is necessary to infiltrate culture teaching language teaching among such cultural teaching play to improve the quality of language teaching and enhanc

25、ing the role of the teacher in the actual process of teaching culture , we must pay attention to this, because, if a teacher in the actual teaching, too great importance to cultural teaching, it will undermine the status of language teaching, so teachers have to deal with a reasonable teaching langu

26、age teaching and cultural relationship between the order effectively help their learning. Links to free download http:/ 3.3 The author should follow the principle of gradual and orderly progress found in the actual teaching, many teachers in carrying out cultural teaching, I did not contact the stud

27、ents actual situation, without the students level of knowledge and ability to understand language, to determine the appropriate cultural teaching content, which allows students in the learning process very difficult, or not interested on what they have learned, which requires teachers to be taken se

28、riously, the teacher must contact the students practical knowledge to grasp the situation, contact the students knowledge of points of interest, in order to help students master the course content in the culture The initial stage of teaching, teachers can focus on the introduction of a number of sim

29、ple and interesting cultural knowledge, such as the Western countries as well as the daily behavior patterns of Western customs, etc. In the learning period of time, the Western culture has a certain understanding, but also slow interested in Western culture began to slow, then the teacher can prope

30、rly explain some deep cultural knowledge to students, such as the economic and political transformation in Western countries and of religious belief. 4 vocational college English teaching in primary method of cross-cultural emphasis on teaching materials 4.1, and tap one of the cultural connotation

31、of the current content of vocational college English teaching materials which contain a lot of topics, many of the cultural background of knowledge, mainly related to English-speaking countries of the Western way of life, customs, history, geography and values, and many other fields. teachers in the

32、 actual classroom teaching process, we can guide students through the teaching materials to understand the culture of Western countries, you can also use small-group discussions writing and other ways to learn and carry out a comparison between Chinese and Western cultures through a series of initia

33、tives to guide teachers can help students develop a culturally sensitive and deeply felt western culture connotation, prompting students cultural knowledge of effective accumulation, improve students intercultural communicative competence. example, the author talked about “Food” a lesson, I first in

34、troduced in the curriculum partly in Western countries peoples eating habits as the breakthrough point, and then slide through the computer to show Western countries, food specialties, such as said pizza, hot dog, steak, hamburger, etc., then let the students an example to illustrate the traditional

35、 characteristics of Chinese diet, students answers varied, for example jiaozi, zongzi, mooncake, etc. Then organize students to compare and Western food culture, through student their discussion to summarize and Western food culture differences, in order to help students master the knowledge of West

36、ern countries food culture . Another example in everyday communication language above, there are a lot of cultural knowledge. example, the author talked about “Greetings” a lesson for Western cultural differences have also been corresponding comparison, “Students, we Chinese people to meet very inte

37、resting way of greeting, usually: you eat it?” But when the British in greeting usually concerned about the weather conditions, this is because the UK is located in the temperate climate zone, the average annual rainfall is very large, so often it rains, so special care is always the British weather

38、 conditions, like we Chinese people are particularly concerned about the Like the food problem through effective guidance teachers teaching can help students master the more cross-cultural knowledge, effectively improve the quality of students cultural foundation. 4.2 Use a wide range of teaching me

39、thods to help students learn English cultural knowledge as technology continues to develop, in the actual teaching, teachers can also continue to use diverse teaching methods, not only can use the TV, video and slides and other teaching methods, You can also choose a movie, listen to music and other

40、 means to encourage students to master knowledge of English culture of Western countries. example, the author talked about “Music” a lesson, in order to allow students more interested in themselves to learning, to enable students to fully experience differences between Chinese and Western music, my

41、computer slide above shows pictures of musical instruments in Western countries, and then matched with the corresponding musical instrument, but also the way of introduction about some of the famous musicians such as musical instruments, as well as through the actual picture of the actual sound comb

42、ined, so that students in practical learning, feel the essence of Western culture connotation, to solve the books of knowledge monotonous and boring issues. Moreover, in order to help students better understand the Western countries music culture, I also organized the students in the classroom watch

43、ed the movie “The sound of music”, << >> The Sound of Music is a classic musical, watch a movie at the same time, I would like to introduce students to the background story of the film, and the occurrence of an era in the movie playback Meanwhile, the movie had some Western cultural know

44、ledge appropriate to explain, do not know where in time for the students to explain, for the heroine of the movie English songs sung by the corresponding Chinese explanations to help students understand the music content, and then After the end of the film, organize students to discuss the sharing o

45、f video, as well as to understand the place to discuss areas of doubt, and then summarize by teachers through such practical classroom activities, not only enhances the students interest in learning English, is also very good help students master the cultural knowledge of Western countries, but also

46、 effective in promoting cross-cultural student mastery of knowledge. References: 1 Yang Yuzhen English Teaching Intercultural Communicative Competence J. Guangxi College of Education, 2007 (4 2 Zhang Yi Jing English Teaching status and cross-cultural awareness training strategy J. New curriculum (junior edition, 2007 (7 3 Weihua Ting School English Teaching Intercultural Awareness J. Exam Weekly, 2008 (6 4 Yang Ran Middle School English Teaching cultural awareness training J. New curriculum (teaching and research edition, 2009 (11 Links to free download http:/13


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