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1、四年级上册Unit 3 My Friends第一课时 教学设计 教学内容 本课时教学内容是PEP小学英语四年级上册Unit 3 My Friends A Lets learn & Lets try部分。本单元的教学内容围绕着话题“描述他人的外貌特征及爱好”展开。本课时主要学习描述人物相貌特征的形容词以及描述他人相貌特征的交际用语等。 教学目标 1. 能够听、说、认读词汇long / short hair, strong, thin, quiet, friends; 2. 能够向别人简单介绍自己的朋友及其外貌特征,如:My friend is thin. She has long hair, b

2、ig eyes and a small mouth; 3. 培养学生与人交往的能力,学会关心朋友、帮助他人。 教学重、难点 1. 教学重点: (1)能够听、说、认读词汇long / short hair, strong, thin, quiet, friends; (2)能够向别人简单介绍自己的朋友及其外貌特征,如:My friend is thin. She has long hair, big eyes and a small mouth; 2 教学难点: (1)能够理解并掌握句型“I have. He / She has.”中have, has的用法区别; (2)注意单词quiet的正确

3、发音/ kwaI?誻t /,不能发成/ kwaIt /。 教学准备 课件 毛毛虫玩具 哑铃 海宝和Tom的图片 单词have和has的卡片 教学过程 Step Warming up 1. Greetings. (略) 2. Sing a song: Do you want to be my friend? (教师播放歌曲Do you want to be my friend?的动画,请学生欣赏并学唱。) 3. Free talk. T: I have many friends. I want to make friend with you. Boys and girls, do you wan

4、t to be my friends? Ss: Yes! T: OK! Lets be friends. (教师板书单词friends,其中字母“ds”用红色粉笔标记,并提醒学生注意其发音。让学生跟着教师认读单词数遍,在“ds”上着重读几遍。) T: (走近一名学生)Do you want to be my friend? S1: Yes! T: (与学生击掌并同学生一起说)We are friends. (用同样的方式与34名学生对话。) Step Presentation 1. Guessing game. T: So were all friends now. Today I bring

5、 a gift for you. What it is? Can you guess?(把可伸缩的毛毛虫玩具藏在身后,并逐步给予些提示)Its green. Its long. Its a kind of worm. Guess! 2. Teach the words “long / short hair”. T: (出示可伸缩的毛毛虫玩具)This is the caterpillar. Its long. (用手势表示“很长”的意思)And it can be short.(将毛毛虫缩短)Now, its short. (反复将毛毛虫变长再缩短)Its long. And its shor

6、t. Its very interesting! Do you like it? Ss: . (以此引出单词long, short的复习和巩固。) T: Whats long / short, too? How about the ruler? Ss: Its long. T: And the rubber? Ss: Its short. T: Anything else? (让学生说说其他东西是长或短,并帮助他们总结已学过的反义词,如,black white, red green, on under, tall short, long short, big small等。) T: (指自己的

7、头发)My hair is long. Its long.(着重突出long的发音)I have long hair. (教师板书long hair并教学。) T: (指一位长发女生)How about your hair, Lily? Lily: I have long hair. T: Good! Its very beautiful. (指一位短发男生)How about yours, David? (预设:该男生不能准确答出,此时教师板书short hair并教学。) David: I have short hair. (让其他学生说说自己头发是长或短。) 3. Teach the w

8、ords “have” and “has”. (1)T: I have long hair. Lily(声音拖长,考查学生是否会说has)has long hair, too.(指男生David)He has short hair. (教师板书句型I have. He has. She has.并教学,引导学生用该句型造句。) T: I have long hair.(指向某位学生)You have long hair. So we have long hair. (教师板书句型You have. We have.并教学。). (2)Lets chant. (用课件上的内容创编一个节奏感强的c

9、hant,让学生学唱。) I have, I have, I have long hair. We have, we have, we have short hair. You have, you have, you have long hair. She has, she has, she has short hair. He has, he has, he has long hair. It has, it has, it has short hair. (3)Play a game: Touch and say. 1 游戏准备:在黑板两头分别贴上have和has两个单词;将班级分成两组,

10、每组派出一名队员进行比赛。 2 比赛规则:当教师说I / You / We时,参赛者就要快速拍击单词have,并用句型I / You / We have.造句;当教师说He / She时,参赛者就要快速拍击单词has,并用句型He / She has.造句,看哪一组找对的单词和说出的正确句子最多。 【设计意图:单词have和 has的正确运用是本课时的一个教学难点。此环节用贴近学生实际的方式进行教学,能够使学生印象深刻:用一首韵律感强且朗朗上口的自编chant操练巩固刚学过的知识,学生不会觉得枯燥难记;游戏Touch and say能训练学生的快速反应能力,也是对学生综合运用英语能力的培养。】

11、 4. Teach the words “thin” and “strong”. (1)T: Boys and girls, I have a good friend. He is a boy. Do you want to meet him?(出示Tom的图片)Whats he like?(引导学生根据图片描述Tom的相貌特征) . Ss: He has short hair. T: Tom eats less and does less exercises. So hes thin. (教师板书单词thin,其中字母“th”用红色粉笔标记,并标注读音/ /,提醒学生注意。同时告诉学生thi

12、n还有“薄”的意思,如:a thin book。) T: Im thin. / Are you thin? / Is your father thin? / Whos thin in our class? Ss: . (2)T: Tom is too thin. So his mother asks him to do more exercises. Now Tom plays badminton every day. (呈现情境图,扮演Tom 的角色打羽毛球)Im tired. Im so hungry now. S1: Have some hamburgers. S2: Have some

13、. T: Tom also plays table tennis and swims every day. Three months later, he gets strong.(出示Tom变强壮后的图片). 注:这两张Tom的图片其实是一张图,在制作这张图时,我先将纸中间折起,画出thin的Tom,将纸展开后,我又在中间补上画,就变成了strong的Tom了。 (板书单词strong并教学,引出已学过的单词fat,告诉学生一般不用fat来形容人,这样不礼貌,而是使用strong这个词。) (3)Play a game. 教师拿出一个哑铃,通过举哑铃的动作展示身体的strong。之后,让学生也

14、模仿展示,在此过程中操练句子“Im strong.” 师生、生生之间进行掰手腕比赛,获胜者可以自豪地说:“Im strong.” 5. Teach the word “quiet”. (预设:在“掰手腕”游戏中,课堂一定很热闹,学生会吵吵闹闹的。) T: (作“嘘”声状) Sh., be quiet. (板书单词quiet并教学,提醒学生注意单词的发音是/ kwaI?誻t /,不能发成/ kwaIt /。) T: (指向一位安静的学生)Look, . is quiet. Are you quiet? / Is . quiet? Step Practice 1. Describe the 201

15、0 World Expos mascot “HaiBao”. T: Do you know the World Expo? (教师在此处可以利用课件呈现等方式简明扼要地介绍世界博览会的历史和意义,并重点介绍2010年上海世博会。) T: Whats the mascot of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo? 大家知道2010年上海世博会的吉祥物是什么呀? Ss: HaiBao. T: (呈现吉祥物海宝的图片)Now, I have a Haibao. Its very cute. Whats it like? Ss: . (教师指导学生运用所学语言描述吉祥物海宝的相

16、貌特征,主要用到句型It likes. It has.以及词汇tall / short, strong / thin, long / short hair, big / small hands / feet / eyes / nose / mouth等。) 2. Whos your best friend? T: I have a friend. She is my best friend. (将本班级的一位老师作为描述对象)She is tall and thin. She has small eyes and a small nose. She has a small mouth and

17、big ears. She is a math teacher. Can you guess who she is? (让学生根据教师的描述进行猜测,教师利用课件逐渐呈现这位朋友的完整影像。) T: Yes, youre right! She is. Whos your good / best friend? Whats she / he like? Can you describe them? (让学生描述自己的好朋友,请其他学生猜一猜他/她是谁。) 3. Lets find out. 完成教材中Lets find out部分的练习。 Step Homework 1. Copy the new words 4 times and read them loudly. 2. Describe your family members.


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