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1、45-46,1.packet : a packet of sweets 一包糖 2. sweet : 英 candy(美) 3.hill: 小山 4.shilling: 一磅的1/20.美国以前的货币单位,现已 废除 5.each 同义词:every 6.pocket-money :pocket 口袋 money 钱,1.These blue ones ? ones 代词 代替packets 2.The big blue ones 形容词顺序:先大小后颜色 3.How much are they ? 问价钱时用这个句型 4.A shilling each ! 感叹句 5.Thats all o

2、ur pocket-money all用于be 动词后,Complete the dialogue,1. Sue: Give _ two _ of _ please, Mr. Hill. 2. Mr. Hill: Which packets, Sue? _ blue _? 3. Sue: No, not _. The big red _. 4. Sandy: How much _ _, Mr. Hill? Mr. Hill: A shilling each. 5. Sandy: A shilling each! _ all our pocket-money! 6. Sue: Give _ tw

3、o small _ instead.,us,packets,sweets,These,ones,those,ones,are they,Thats,us,lollipops,I. Subjective & Objective,Subjective: 动词的执行者 主语 Objective: 动作的宾语 She gives me a book.,Subjective,Objective,I give her a book.,Subjective,Objective,I give _ a book. (you) I give _ a book. (he) I give _ a book. (she

4、) I give _ a book. (it) I give _ a book. (they) He gives _ a book. (we),you,him,her,it,them,us,Subjective: Objective:,I , you, he, she, it we, you, they,me, you, him, her, it us, you , them,Listen to _ , Dad. (我) _ (我) am listening to Mr. Hill. _ (他) is sitting behind _ (她) Let _(他们) go there now. G

5、ive _(我们)an orange, please. _ and _ are going to school. (我和你),me,I,He,her,them,us,You,I,Part 2. Nouns,apple- apples,lollipop - lollipops,biscuit - biscuits,a packet of sweets,two packets of sweets,bars of chocolate,bottles of water,a bar of chocolate,apple lollipop biscuit sweet packet bar bottle,L

6、ook at these nouns.,apples,lollipops,biscuits,sweets,packets,bars,bottles,chocolate water,Countable Nouns,Uncountable Nouns, ,Plural Nouns (复数名词转换):,1. apples, lollipops, biscuits, sweets, packets, bars, bottles,add s (加-s),2. glasses, boxes, watches, brushes,If a noun is ended with s, x, ch, sh, ad

7、d es,3. baby babies, lady ladies, fly flies,If a noun is ended with C(辅)+ “y”, change y into ies.,4. tomato tomatoes, potato potatoes, hero heroes,黑人英雄爱吃土豆和番茄。 Negro, hero, potato, tomato,5.wife wives, life lives, knife knives, wolf wolves, self selves, leaf leaves Ended with “f / fe”, change “f / f

8、e” into “ves” 6. man men, woman women, tooth teeth, foot feet goose geese,a - e,oo - ee,特例:,child children mouse mice this these that - those 国籍:中日不变英法变,其余s加后面 Chinese Japanese Englishman Frenchman German American Australian -,Chinese Japanese Englishmen Frenchmen Germans Americans Australians,Summa

9、ry,Part 1. Subjective & Objective Part 2. Plural Nouns,1. add s (加-s),2. If a noun is ended with s, x, ch, sh, add es,3. If a noun is ended with C(辅)+ “y”, change y into ies.,4. o-es 黑人英雄爱吃土豆和番茄。Negro, hero, potato, tomato,5. Ended with “f / fe”, change “f / fe” into “ves”,6. Change the vowel: a e, oo-ee,7. 特例,As Homework,检查自己是否全部背完 41,43,45课文。背完要会默写。还没做到的同学请加油!请工整默写41,43 一遍。默写完自己用红笔订正。没有红笔可以向Ms Chen借。 完成名词复数练习一张。请在星期二早上速度交给课代表。今天之内做完可以教给Ms Chen. 带有感情地模仿Sandy, Sue, Mr. Hill.想象自己就是对话中的人物。 不要忘了常规作业哦: 模仿跟读15分钟并签字和字帖一面,


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