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1、Unit1 Public signs,No smoking 禁止吸烟,It means you shouldnt smoke here.,smoke 吸烟,No littering 禁止乱丢杂物,It means you shouldnt litter here.,little少量 litter扔,No parking 禁止停车,It means you shouldnt park here.,park 停车,No eating or drinking 禁止吃喝,It means you shouldnt eat or drink here.,Do not touch 禁止触摸,It mean

2、s you shouldnt touch it.,触摸,Look and say,Jack: Can I go to the park? Mum: No, you cant. You should go home now.,Look and say,Jack: Can I have an ice-cream? Mum: No, you cant. You should have dinner now.,Look and say,Jack: Can I watch TV? Mum: No, you cant. You should read your books now.,Look and sa

3、y,Jack: Can I play computer games? Mum: No, you cant. You should go to bed now.,Lets review,cousin 堂(表)兄弟,always 总是,question 问题,Read and answer Today is Saturday. Ben and his cousin, Jack, are in the park. Jack is only four years old but he always has a lot of questions. He sees some public signs in

4、 the park. He is asking Ben some questions about them.,Read and answer Q1: Who are the boys? Q2: Where are they?,They are Ben and his cousin, Jack.,They are in the park.,Q3: How old is Jack?,Q4: What can Jack see in the park?,Hes four years old.,He can see a lot of public signs.,Try to read 读一读 Toda

5、y is Saturday. Ben and his cousin, Jack, are in the park. Jack is only four years old but he always has a lot of questions. He sees some public signs in the park. He is asking Ben some questions about them.,Listen and choose,Listen and choose 听课文,选出Jack看到的标志,Listen and choose,Listen and choose 听课文,选

6、出Jack看到的标志,Watch and answer 看动画,分别说说以下标志的含义 What does it mean?,What does it mean?,It means Danger !,(危险),(远离),What does it mean?,It means Keep off the grass .,(不要接近小草),What shouldnt we do?,We shouldnt walk on the grass.,(不应该),What does it mean?,It means Be quiet !,(安静),What should we do?,We shouldnt

7、 make noise here.,(发出喧闹声音),We should keep quiet.,(保持安静),What shouldnt we do?,Listen and repeat,There are a lot of signs here, Ben.,Yes. Theyre public signs. They mean different things.,Theres a sign on the wall. What does it mean?,It means “Danger”!,Can I go in?,No, you cant. You must stay away from

8、 the building.,Listen and repeat,Theres a sign on the grass. What does it mean?,What does that mean?,It means we shouldnt walk on the grass.,It means Be quiet ! We shouldnt make noise here.,It means “Keep off the grass”!,The sign on the birds cage is interesting. What does it mean?,cage 笼子,Now I kno

9、w a lot about the public signs. Thank you, Ben.,Listen and fill the blanks,Public signs,What does it mean?,We should/shouldnt,Danger!,Stay away from,Keep off the grass,shouldnt walk on the grass,Be quiet!,shouldnt make noise,Read and complete,Do you like the park, Jack?,Yes, I do. Now I know a lot a

10、bout in the park. They different things. We walk on the grass. We should near the birds cage. The sign on the building in the park means Danger. We must from it.,1.小河边没有护栏, Helen 正往那儿走。,2.阅览室里, 大家都在安静看书, David 大声说话。,3. 学校草坪上, Liu Tao 已经一只脚跨上了草地。,下面的情况 应该出示什么公共标志呢?,Today my _and I go to the park. The

11、re are a lot of _ _in the park. He has many _. They _ different things. We _ walk on the grass. We should_ _ near the birds _. The sign on the building meansDanger. We should _ _ from it .,cage, cousin, mean, questions, shouldnt , stay away, public signs, be quiet,cousin,public signs,questions,shouldnt,be quiet,cage,keep away,mean,See you!,


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