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1、ESD Best Practical Sharing,TITL QRA,2,Index,ESD History Definition of ESD Material Reduce ESD Damaged Methodology ESD Check list,313 1417 1846 4752,Page,Reminder that ESD is a serious problem in the entire electronics industry.提醒所有员工“静电”对IC材料的破坏是一个非常严重的问题, 它是整个半导体所面临的一项挑战.,Why Do We Need ESD Trainin

2、g?,为何需要此ESD训练课程?,It is believed that 25% of all component failures are a result of ESD. 相信有大约25%的IC材料是因静电(ESD)的影响而遭破坏,3,Electrical Over Stress(EOS)-The exposure of an item to a current or voltage beyond its maximum ratings. EOS - 指一个IC材料受到超过其所能负荷的电压,电流而遭受到破坏 的状态,Definitions定义,Electrostatic Discharge

3、 (ESD)-The transfer of electrostatic charge between bodies or surfaces at different electrostatic potential.ESD is a subset of EOS. ESD - 即静电放电之意.指不同电位的二个物体之间产生的电荷急骤流 动的现象.,4,Conductors vs Insulators,带静电的絶缘体Charged Insulator,带静电的导体Charged Conductor,Conductor evenly distributes charge over entire sur

4、face平均分布于整个表面,Opposite polarity charges can exist on the same insulator.不同极性的电荷会同时存在絶缘体上,Conductor completelydischarges when grounded.,Insulatoars do not allow charge to flow.Grounding an insulator neither removescharge or prevents surface charges.,5,Static electricity has been a curiosity for many

5、hundreds of years.,History,Today, special precautions are taken by industries where static sparks could cause an explosion,e.g., flour mills,hospital operating rooms,etc . 在今天,静电所产生的破坏已引起工业界的注意.例如: 面粉厂的 尘爆, 院的手术过程,IC制造工业等.,After the invention of gun powder by the Chinese,it was no longer a curiosity

6、 for anyone manufacturing that product. 静电现象一直存在于人类历史中,以前则被认为是一种奇特的异象,6,Strange failures occurred,and the cause of the problem was not easily seen with the optical microscopes-failure analysis read : cause unknown. 静电造成一些奇特而不易察觉的破坏,F/A分析的结论往往是: 原因 不明.,EOS/ESD is perhaps the most significant failure

7、mechanism in the electronics industry today. EOS/ESD对半导体之元件的破坏,可能是当今半导体界最头痛, 也 是最严重的一个问题.,History,7,Fundamentals of Static - Tribocharging 磨擦产生静电,This situation occurs when one or both of the materials are insulators.但这种情况为发生在其中一种物质为 绝缘体,Whenever two dissimilar materials make contact and then are se

8、parated, a static charge is created.二种不同性质的物质碰在一起再分离也会产生静电.,8,Triboelectric Series,Factors to consider:,Humidity: 湿度 Speed of separation: 分离速度 Type of material: 材料性质 Contact area: 接触面积,Increasing Positive,Air:空气 Human Hand:手 Rabbit Fur:兔毛 Glass:玻璃 Mica: human hair:头发 Nylon:尼龙 Wool:毛 Silk:丝 Aluminum:

9、锡 Paper:纸 Cotton:棉 Steel:铜铁 Wood:木头 Amber: Hard Rubber:橡胶 Nickel,Copper, Brass,Silver Polyester:聚醋棉 Polyethylene Polypropylene:软片 PVC(Vinyl),Increasing Negative,9,10,静电放电的模型,Human-Body Model, HBM) 人体放电模型 Machine Model, MM) 机器放电模型 Charged Device Model, CDM) 元件充电模型 模拟由个人之手指尖端放电至元件的现像,Grounded Surface,

10、11,HBM 波形,C = 100 PF R = 1.5 K,Standard,资料来源: 工研院电子所,12,自动组装之制造环境ESD 模型,电感,I (A),Time (ns),MM,13,CDM Event 的来源,CDM,测试机台 自动插件 IC的包装 (Tube),14,Definition 定义(1),1. Conductive material - ESD protective material having a surface resistivity less than 1 x E5 ohms/square or a volume resistivity less than 1

11、 x10E4 ohm-cm. 导体 - ESD保护物质其表面电阻系数小于 1x10E5 欧姆/单位面积或容积电阻系数小于 1 x 10E4 欧姆- 公分者.,15,Static dissipative material - A material having a surface resistivity of at least 1 x 10E5 ohms/square or 1 x 10E4 ohm-cm volume resistivity, but less than 1 x 10E12 ohm/square surface resistivity or 1 x 10E11 ohm-cm v

12、olume resistivity. 静电传导物质 - 表面电阻系数介于1 x 10E5 与1 x10E12 欧姆/单位面积,或容积电阻系数介于1 x 10E4 与1 x10E11 欧姆-公分者.,Definition 定义(2),16,3. Insulative material - A material having a surface resistivity of at least 1 x 10E12 ohms/square or 1 x 10E11 ohm-cm volume resistivity. 绝缘物质 - 物质它的表面电阻系数大于 1x10E12 欧 姆/ 单位面积或容积电阻

13、系数大于 1x10E11 欧姆-公 分者.,Definition 定义(3),17,Insutatic Material - Material that minimizes the generation of static charge less than +/-200(TCP100V) volts when rubbed against itself, or when separated from itself or other similar materials. 抗静电物质 - 物质若经自己相互磨擦或相互分开或与其它类似物质分开时不产生大于 +/- 200(TCP100V) 伏特的静电压

14、者.,Definition 定义(4),18,Safety Area安全区域,The operation where all leads are at common voltage potential. (Wires are bonded and tie bar is not separated such as sealing, molding, PMI and so on.) 材料所有的脚都在等电位. (已接线, 且脚尚未分离.如过炉, 压模, 压模前检查等区域).,19,Equipment设备,a) Electrostatic Voltmeters/fieldmeters : 静电表 b)

15、 Digital OHM Meter : 数位欧姆表 c) Air Ionizer : 离子风扇 d) Wrist strap or Foot Strap (Optional) : 静电手环或脚环 e) Conductive Bag 此时每一电源插座建议需有漏电断路器(GFCI).,34,When unprotected ESDS devices or assemblies are candled on conductive/ highly conductive work surfaces, the work surface shall be covered with a grounded s

16、tatic dissipative work surface or meet the resistance requirement of static dissipative work surface, 10E5 to 10E9 ohms. 当使用不锈钢工作桌面处理材料时,必需在其上覆盖一层已接地的静电传 导性桌面或其桌面电阻要符合静电传导性桌面电阻的要求,10E5到10E9 ohms.,ESD Protected Work Station无静电工作桌(2),35,Caution Sign 提醒广告牌,SD caution signs shall be posted at each ESD p

17、rotected workstation and/or at the entrances of defined ESD protected areas. 静电警告标志必须置于每一个无静电工作桌,且或在每个静电防护区域的入口处.警告标志可如下或类似者 :,36,ESD Protective Shoes Tester 静电鞋测试器,ESD protective shoes /= 1 M ohm to =/ 450 M ohm 静电防护鞋回路 1 M 欧姆到 450 M 欧姆间.,37,ESD Protective Smocks静电防护衣,1. ESD protective smocks./= +/

18、-200 V(TCP:100V) 静 电 防 护 衣静电压小于或等于 200伏特(TCP:100V) The ESD protective smocks shall be buttoned (except for the collar) whenever the wearer is at an ESD protected workstation or in a designated ESD protected area. 当穿者在静电防护工作站或静电保护区内时,静电防护 衣的钮扣(衣领上的除外)或拉鍊需要扣好,拉好,38,ESD Ground静电接地 (1),The ESD ground sh

19、all be the equipment ground or earth ground. Equipment ground is the electrical ground (green) wire at receptacles that have been tested When both equipment and earth grounds are used at the same ESD protective workstation they shall be bonded together at some point in the ground system. 静电接地应使用设备接地

20、或大地接地. 设备接地是电源插 中的电气接地(绿)线它需经过测试.当两种接地方式于同一 静电防护工作站均被采用时,在接地系统上它们必须被连 结在一起.,39,Each ESD workstation shall be individually connected to the ESD ground.The grounding should not be hooked in series.This is to avoid the additive result of resistive and resulting in increase of decay time, also to avoid

21、the grounding disconnected simultaneously when any grounding wire become open. 每个静电工作站必须个别的连结到静电接地. 当一个静电工作站上有很多静电工作面时则每一个静电工作面需个别的接到静电接地点.接地线也不可串接, 为的是防止增加衰减时间, 并防止同时断路的发生.,ESD Ground静电接地 (2),40,Any insulator materials which make contact with or come within twelve (12) inches of the semiconductor d

22、evices as they pass through the test equipment should be replaced (where practical) with antistatic or static dissipative materials. If this is not feasible, the insulator materials should be treated with an antistatic solution. In addition, any metal parts in the test equipment which come in contac

23、t with semiconductor devices at any time should be grounded. This is especially important to avoid the charged device model failures in highly sensitive semiconductor devices. 电性测试设备上的任何绝缘物若会接触到或靠近半导体材料12 英吋以内时应以 抗静电或静电传导物取代之.如果不可能的话,则该绝缘物必须用抗静电溶液处理 过. 此外,测试机台上的金属零件部份若会接触到半导材料时则该金属部份无论 何时均要接地.是非常重要的

24、,可以避免高敏感的半导体材料因静电而受损伤.,ESD Ground静电接地 (3),41,Impedance of equipment grounding conductor is less than 1.0 ohm. 设备接地导线的阻抗需小于 1 欧姆. Note: Alligator clip for wrist strap is not allowed to use. 鳄鱼夹头禁止使用.,ESD Ground静电接地 (4),42,Gloves/Finger coats手套/手指套,Only cotton gloves, antistatic/conductive gloves, or

25、antistatic/ conductive finger cots should be used for handling ESDs devices. 当需要用手套或手指套时, 只有棉手套,抗静电/导电手套或抗 静电/导电手指套可用来处理静电敏感材料. People handling ESDS devices. They should use the gloves, finger cots or gloves with fang cots. 处理静电敏感材料时,可只用手套,手指套或手套加上手指套.,43,Storage Areas储存地区,When the storage shelving

26、is not an ESD protected area or workstation, the ESDS devices shall be in ESD protective packaging. 若储物架不是一个静电防护区域或工作站, 则静电敏感 材料必须置于静电防护包装物中. 2. The ground chain for trailers (for Wipe/finish good) enough to completely contact with ground and keep the chain clean, replacing a new one if necessary. 装

27、载材料成品的推车必须要有接地鍊条, 其长度要能 够完全与地面接触, 并保持干净整洁, 若不洁净则必需 更换之.,44,Mobile Equipment可移动的设备,Mobile equipment (e.g., carts, chairs,tables shall not generate electrostatic voltages greater than +/-200V(TCP100V) within twelve (12) inches of unprotected ESDS devices during use. 可移动的设备(例如:车子,椅子,桌子)在使用时若接近未受保护的静电敏感

28、材料 12 英吋以内不得产生大于 +/- 200(TCP100V) 伏特之静电压.,45,Methods for Minimizing Static Charging低静电的方法Antistatic Solution 抗静电液,Antistatic chemicals (antis tat solutions) can be used to prevent static charge generation on static generating/charging materials in the work or storage areas. During application of any

29、 antistatic chemical, the user must consider the following: 抗静电化学物(抗静电液)可以用来防止在工作或储存区的静电产生或充电物发生静电充电. 在使用任何抗静电化学物时, 使用者应考虑下列: 1. 抗静电液要选择不会污染静电敏感材料者. 2. 抗静电喷剂或溶液不可用于能够产生能量的电气部份或设备上. 3. 当装置或包装体直接暴露在喷雾下时不可使用抗静电溶液. 4. 静电溶液需要的程度以及使用频率要根据在正常作业下使 用静电伏特计来做静电压量测的结果来做决定.,46,Methods for Minimizing Static Charg

30、ing 低静电的方法 Relative Humidity Control相对湿度的控制,Relative humidity has a significant impact on the generation of static electricity and its control is recommended where practicable. 相对湿度对静电产生有很大的影响如有能力最好要加以控制. Note: The recommended minimum humidity is 40% R.H. 注 : 建议最小的湿度为 40% R.H.,47,Methods for Minimiz

31、ing Static Charging 低静电的方法Training训练,Its the responsibility of each area supervisor to make sure that his/her people receive ESD control training initially for working in handling ESDS items. 每一区域的主管必须确定其操作静电敏感材料的人员,须受过 ESD的训练. Note: Personnel entering ESD protected areas should receive ESD awarenes

32、s training. 注: 进入静电防护区域之人员必须受过静电认知训练.,48,Check List检查表(1),1_Does the calibration system for all inspection, measuring and test equipment used to perform required ESD item checks listed in Table 1 meet the TITL calibration requirements of TQ-General 01002 有ESD量测仪器是否都有校正,且都在有效期内? 2 _ Are grounded floo

33、ring or floor mats covering the floor areas where personnel or mobile ESD protective workstations are using floor grounding methods? 使用静电防护鞋的工作区域是否配合有接地良好之静电防护地板? 3 _ Is each person handling or within twelve (12) inches of unprotected ESDS devices grounded by either a wrist strap or ESD protective f

34、ootwear? 在接近ESDS产品(即IC材料)12英吋范围内的人员是否都有戴静电手环或穿静电鞋? 4 _ When personnel floor grounding methods are used, is the ESD protective footwear worn on both feet? 是否所有人两只脚都穿有静电鞋(不能只穿一支脚)? 5 _ Are nonessential and personal items kept off of the ESD protective work surfaces? 静电防护工作桌面上是否没有不必要的东西或私人用品? 6 _Are th

35、e static voltages generated by essential materials/items less than +/- 200 volts(top 100V) within twelve (12) inches of unprotected ESDS devices? 在接近ESDS产品 (即IC材料) 12英吋范围内是否没有会产品大于+/-200V(TCP100V) 静电压的任何物品? 7 _ When ESD protective smocks are used, do the smocks cover all personal garments above the

36、waist except at the neck area? 静电服是否能盖到由腰部以上(颈部除外)的部位? 8_ Where unprotected ESDS devices are handled, are grounded static dissipative work surfaces used? 处理ESDS产品 (即IC材料)时,是否在接地良好的静电防护工作桌面上处理?,49,9 _ Are ESD caution signs posted at each ESD protected workstation and/or at the entrances of defined ES

37、D protected areas? 是否在静电防护区域的入口或工作桌区域有一静电防护的”警式广告牌”? 10 _ Are the daily wrist strap checks being performed and recorded the results ? 静电手环是否每班做检查及记录检查结果呢? 11 _ Does the wrist strap resistance measurement path go from the wearers hand, through the users body, the body-to-strap contact, the integral r

38、esistor, the strap wire, to the strap ground connector? 静电手环检测是否由穿戴者的手,使用者的身体,静电环内阻, 一直到静电接地做一回路电阻值量测. 12 _ Are the daily ESD protective footwear checks being performed and recorded the results? 静电鞋是否每班做量测与记录呢? 13_ Are the ESD ground connection visual checks being performed weekly? 所有静电接地,如静电手环,桌垫.,

39、静电地板的接地联接是否每周目检一次? 14 _ Are the monthly ESD protective smock static voltage checks being performed and kept record? 静电衣的静电压是否每个月侦测一次并记录其电压值? 15 _ Are the ESD protected area and workstation static voltage surveys being performed & record monthly? 生产线上ESD保护区域和工作桌区域的静电压是否每个月检检测一次. 并记录其电压值? 16 _ Are the

40、 ESD protective static dissipative work surface to ESD ground resistance checks being performed & recorded quarterly? ESD防护工作桌面(静电消散桌面)到其接地的电阻是否每季检测一次并记录,Check List检查表(2),50,17_ Are the ESD protective floor to ESD ground resistance checks being performed per & recorded quarterly? ESD防护地板到其接地的电阻是否每季检

41、测一次并记录其电阻值? 18_ Are the ESD ground continuity checks being performed & recorded quarterly? 静电接地,如静电手环,工作桌面,地板等的接地线是否每季量测一次并记录其电阻值? 19_ Are the ionize balance checks being performed per &recorded semi-annual? 离子风扇的balance电压和Decay Time是否每半年校正一次并有记录? 20 _ When used, are the air ionizes aimed at the dev

42、ices and operators hands rather than at the operator? 离子风扇是否朝向处理材料的双手,而非朝向operator? 21 _ Is an annual ESD system compliance check to the requirements of this standard being performed? 每一工作区域是否每年做一次检查,看是否符合此静电管制规格的要求? 22 _When compliance to the daily, weekly, quarterly, semiannual, and/or annual chec

43、ks is not continuously maintained, are the checks performed a double frequency? 如果任何定期的测量不通过其量测频率是否增加一倍呢? 23_ Are records of the ESD item checks maintained at least 2 years minimum requirement . 所有ESD量测的记录皆必须保存 至少二年 的要求? 24 _ Does each ESD protective package have a contrasting ESD caution label? 是否每

44、一静电防护包装都有一明显的静电警告标示 25 _Are the ESD caution labels legible to normal vision at a distance of three feet? 是否此静电警告标示(签 )在3英呎的距离即可看得清楚? 26 _When more than one ESD work surface is used at a workstation, is each surface individually connected to the ESD ground? 是否每一工作桌面或桌垫都有其个别的静电接地?,Check List检查表(3),51,

45、27 _ When conductive/highly conductive ESD protective work surfaces are used (e.g., stainless steel), are they connected directly to ESD ground without a series resistor to insure they are continuously at ground potential? 不锈钢工作桌面是否直接接地,即不需连接 一 1 Mega 欧姆的电阻 ? 28_When a floor grounding device (e.g.,

46、drag chain, drag wire, conductive castor) is used to ground mobile ESD protected workstations, is an ESD protective floor or mat used? 当移动性工作桌,车子被用来当成处理材料的工作桌时,它们是否有静电接地?及在有静电地板的 工作环境? 29 _Are all ESDS devices packed in ESD protective packaging, when not at an ESD protected area or workstation? 当ESD

47、S产品(即IC材料)不在静电防护区域时它们是否有在静电防护包装之内? 30_Are the packing material do not Generate static voltage more than +/-200 volts when operation? 所有包装用的材料,在使用时是否不会产生大于+/- 200v(TCP 100V)的静电压? 31 _ Is applying or removing static generating tapes and labels to antistatic tubes, magazines and carriers with ESDS devi

48、ces inside, performed? 当有IC材料在管子或盘子内时,是否没有做会产生大于+/- 200v(TCP100V)静电压的撕胶布或贴胶 布的动作? 32 _ Are all ESDS devices shipped and received in closed ESD protective packages, which are not opened except at ESD protected workstations? 是否所有IC材料在运送时都有使用静电防护包装?且只有在静电防护工作桌(或区域)才会打开它? 33_When noncompliance to the requirements of this standard are found,are the noncompliance causes corrected and material held to QRA engineer for disposition?


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