U1Reading (2).doc

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1、Unit 1Period 1:Reading1. Warming-up: Read the passage and talk about how to make friends.2. Lead in: talk about favourite hobbies (1) Brain storm(2) Match the hobbies in the box on Page 2(3) Write down your hobbies, then in groups, tell your new classmates what your hobbies are. (Lets do a survey!)3

2、. Before ReadingLook at the pictures, the title and the sub-headings on page 3. Then tick the things that you may find in Annas blog.4. While Reading(1) After reading the blog, Try to find out the meanings of the words and phrases.(2) Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box.(3

3、) Read the blog on page 3 and complete the card about Anna below.(4) Find facts in the blog to support these statements about Anna. Write down the facts.(5) Learn some language points and do some exercises.5. After Reading(1) Discussion: Do you want to become Annas e-friend? Why or why not? Follow the example.(2) Make a new blog about yourself.6. Do some exercises.


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