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1、 Unit 7 How much are these socks? The First Period 教案Teaching Aims1. Knowledge Objects: (1) Function: Get the students to ask and talk about prices. (2)KeyVocabulary:sweater,T- shirt,skirt,trousers,pants,socks (3)Target language: Get the students to use the sentence of asking about the price correct

2、ly. _How much is this hat? _ Its seven dollars. _How much are these pants? _Theyre ten dollars.(4) Structure: How much is . ? Its.; How much are.? Theyre.2. Ability Objects: Learn how to ask about the prices.3. Moral Objects: After learning this lesson, students will be able to know the important of

3、 saving money and respect parents hard work.Teaching Key Points Master the words of clothes; master the usage of asking about the price.Teaching Difficult Points Learn how to ask about the price.Teaching Methods Listening and writing methods; Group work; pair work.Teaching Aids Some pictures.Teachin

4、g Procedures Step1 Warming-up In order to cheer students up, I design the game. T:(Yawning)I am so tired now, because I didnt sleep well last night? What about you? S:. T: Maybe you are tired, too. Right? Well, lets play a game , OK? S: OK. T: Next , Ill ask a student to come here. I say some words

5、about verbs. He or she must act an action, others do like him or her. Now ,who wants to have a try. S:. Step2 Check the key words Using the hats that have key words on them to memorize the words. Then write them down on the blackboard to complete the chart.Step3 Lead-in Show some money to the studen

6、ts, then sum up the expression about yuan and dollar, pay attention to some differences between them.Step4 Practice 1. Together The teacher speak in Chinese, students translate in English together. 2. Group work One group give a question, the other group answer. Do like this: How much is are. Its.Th

7、eyre. 3. Pair work He or she practices the dialogue with his or her deskmate and act out.Step5 Play a game The teacher says the Chinese meaning of a sentence, students who own the hat of the word must stand up.Step 6 Sum up In this class, we must master these words and the sentences structure.(sayin

8、g according to the chart on the blackboard.);We should save money ,understand and respect our parents.Step7 Homework 1. Writing down the chart on your books. 2. Learning the sentences of Grammar Focus by heart.Blackboard DesignHow muchisthethisthatredyellowgreenblueblackwhitebrownhatsweaterT-shirtsk

9、irtIts.How mucharethe thesethosetrousersshortssocksshoesTheyre. 1. How much is + 可数名词单数不可数名词 How much are+不可数名词 2 人民币:基数词+yuan=+(1.2.3.) 美元: 基数词+dollar(s)=$+(1.2.3.)教学反思:公开课终于结束了,事算是过去了,但前前后后的事一言难尽。组长说:“组里你年龄最小,你去锻炼吧!”,当时是挺犹豫,参加过几次赛教,觉得真的是累人,但组长再三说,又一想,不就是一节课嘛,天天上课,都三十多的人了,说怕上课还怕人家笑话,事就这样应承下来了。这学期公事

10、、私事都多,想着提前准备好,但还是耽搁了,说是周四讲课,可周二了心里还是乱的,心里又开始咯噔,后悔不该参加,但没办法,事已至此,总不会临阵逃脱吧,哈哈!周三教单词,突然想到把单词制作成帽子,就和同学一起商量该怎么做,学生你一言我一语,真的是让我感受到了“发挥学生主管能动性”的重要性,帽子学生是做出来了,但涉及的内容有几个,包括了单词、图片、颜色和价格。看着学生交上来的那么多的漂亮帽子,一个新的问题又出来了,怎么样有效利用?最后按服装、颜色、限定词、be 、How much分别一组为单位分下去,课前准备就这样了,课该怎么上基本有眉目了。课在我纠结中就那样稀里糊涂开始了、结束了。重新审视自己的课堂,觉得有许多不尽人意的地方。 1. 心理素质还是不行,刚开始有点慌;2. 语速太快,容易出错;3. 英语书写应再加强。4、学习应坚持不懈。最后想对自己说:“不就是一节课嘛,天天上,当时那样纠结,真是没出息”以后再有活动,积极参与,心态往好,淡然处之。


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