阿里巴巴和四十大盗8分钟英语话剧完美 Microsoft W.doc

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1、重庆市清华中学校高2012级1班 著This is our class. It is a warm family. In our class, different students have different dreams, such as musician, architect or mayor. These dreams give us power. Among them, the English drama is also our dream. Last year, our English drama of Lunch-box was very successful. And this

2、 year, our English drama of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves will also be successful. So we can say yes to future. Yes! We can!. 演职人员表:职员表演员表. 话剧剧本Scene ANarrator【音乐01】Long, long ago. There was a young man called Ali Baba in Arab. He was so poor that he must earn his living by selling firewood. So he

3、often went to the market. Look! He is coming!阿里巴巴背着一捆柴一边叫卖一边上场。Ali BabaHello, Im Ali Baba. Im a firewood seller. Do you want to firewood? Do you want? Firewood! Firewood! Who wants to buy firewood? Firewood!正当阿里巴巴叫卖的同时,卡西睦两个男人粗鲁地推着马尔基娜上场。Servant(凶暴地)Why do you always want to escape? Master has bough

4、t you, so you are a servant.Omar Jana(哭诉地)I dont want to have this kind of life. 那两个男人还没来得及让马尔基娜说完,其中一个男人就给了马尔基娜一耳光【音乐02】。Servant(凶暴地)No talking! You are a poor girl!阿里巴巴见状赶过去制止。Ali BabaStop! Stop! Why beat a poor girl? Kasim(凶暴地)Its none of your business!Servant(凶暴地)The stupid!场景好似将要进行一场激烈的决战【音乐03】

5、。突然,阿里巴巴拉着马尔基娜逃离了现场,同时卡西睦和那两个男人也追了过去。Narrator【音乐04】This is home of Ali Baba. A romantic story is talking on.阿里巴巴拉着马尔基娜的手回到了阿里巴巴的家中。Ali Baba(安慰地,并且喘着气)Dont worry. This is my home. Its impossible for them to catch up with us.回过神后的阿里巴巴和马尔基娜注意到他俩互相牵着的手,害羞地放开了。马尔基娜显露出羞涩的表情。阿里巴巴也十分的含蓄,想借倒水的借口岔开这个尴尬的话题。Ali

6、 Baba(紧张地)O.OK. Help yourself; Ill take you some water.Omar Jana(害羞地)OK.正当阿里巴巴拿着水走过来时,见马尔基娜叼起了桌子上的花瓶中的玫瑰,顿时性情大变【音乐05】。马尔基娜跳着舞走向了阿里巴巴。舞蹈结束后,马尔基娜投入了阿里巴巴的怀中。阿里巴巴因这些突如其来的事情而惊讶,手中的玻璃杯也摔在了地上【音乐06】。Omar JanaI love you. I can do anything for you. Ali BabaI love you, too. 【音乐07】Scene BNarrator【音乐08】From then

7、 on, Ali Baba and Omar Jana lived in together. The next day , Ail Baba went to chop firewood.阿里巴巴背着背篓上场,正在捡拾地上的木柴。忽然,听见了有人说话地声音【音乐09】,于是,阿里巴巴躲在了大树的后面,想一探究竟。这时,阿里巴巴看见有两个强盗正在搬运一个大木箱。Thief (惊讶地)Wow! So many jewels! 强盗首领走过来踢了另一个强盗一脚。Thief (训斥地)Hurry up! We must put the boxes into the hole. Thief Sorry,

8、sir.强盗首领走向山洞,随着一声芝麻开门”,山洞门立即被打开了。Thief Open sesame!【音乐10】洞门打开后,强盗把箱子搬了进去。然后走出了洞门。Thief Close sesame!【音乐11】当山洞门关闭后,强盗首领离场。而另一个强盗心里还想着那些金银珠宝。强盗们的事情被阿里巴巴清清楚楚的记了下来。当强盗离开后,阿里巴巴走近了那个山洞,并且尝试着像强盗那样来打开这个神奇的洞门。Ali BabaOpen sesame!【音乐12】阿里巴巴对眼前所看见的那些金银珠宝兴奋不已,显露出呆滞的神情。Ali Baba(惊讶地)Oh, my god! So many jewels and

9、 our life will be better with the jewels. My honey, I will buy something for you, such as LV, Chanel, Gucci and Adivan.兴奋中的阿里巴巴正在捡拾地上的金币,同时还在不停地自言自语。Ali Baba(恍然大悟地)But Im not a thief. Dont worry.拿着金币的阿里巴巴走出了山洞,又学着强盗们的样子把山洞门关上了。Ali BabaClose sesame!【音乐13】Scene CNarrator【音乐14】Ali Baba met Kasim on his

10、 way home. Kasim was looking for Omar Jana with his servants.蹦蹦跳跳回来的阿里巴巴突然撞见了卡西睦,神态由高兴变为紧张。Ali Baba(高兴地)Honey! Honey! Im coming!(因撞见卡西睦而变得紧张)Kasim(挑衅地)Honey? Who is your honey? Its me? Ha-ha. I have been looking for you for a long time. Ali Baba,(笑声)Where is my beautiful Jana? Tell me!Ali BabaNo, sh

11、e could not go back with you. She loves me and I love her. 阿里巴巴由于激动而抖动双手,闪闪的金币呈现在卡西睦面前。卡西睦一看见金币,马上改变了自己对阿里巴巴说话的态度。Kasim(惊讶地)Oh, Ali Baba. Where are the jewels from? Ali BabaYou dont have to know.卡西睦想了一下,好像要耍什么花招。KasimWell, lets do a trade. So you can get Jana. ButAli BabaNo.Kasim(讨好地)OK, OK. I give

12、you one minute.卡西睦走到佣人的身边,摆出一副自恋的姿势。【音乐15】佣人则帮卡西睦擦鞋和刷牙。一旁的阿里巴巴内心十分忐忑。最终走向了卡西睦,并且告诉了卡西睦这些金币的由来。Ali BabaOK. I tell you.卡西睦把耳朵侧到阿里巴巴嘴前,认真地听着关于这些金币的秘密。知道秘密后的卡西睦奸笑着下场,佣人也随之下去。NarratorAli Baba told him everything about the jewels. And Kasim quickly ran to the mountain.卡西睦大笑着向山洞跑去,嘴里还念着“Open sesame”的咒语。由于过

13、于心急,被路边的石头绊倒。最终,卡西睦还是到了山洞门前。KasimOpenOpenOpen sesame!【音乐16】山洞门被打开后卡西睦便迅速冲了进去,看见了许许多多的金银珠宝,兴奋不已。Kasim(疯狂地)Ha-ha! Money! They are mine. Mine!带着那些金银珠宝,卡西睦走出了山洞。KasimClose apple!洞门没有一点反应,卡西睦感到一丝紧张。KasimClose strawberry!洞门还是没有反应,卡西睦有点害怕了。KasimClose banana!当卡西睦正在尝试关门的咒语时,强盗们以跳舞的方式出现在他的面前【音乐17】。Thief (凶暴地)

14、Who are you? How do you know the cave?Kasim(紧张地)IIIts none of my business. Its Ali Baba ordering me.Thief Ali Baba?Thief Boss, he already knows too much. What should we do?强盗首领做了一个杀掉的手势,又以跳舞的方式离开【音乐18】。另一个强盗走近卡西睦,取走了他的性命。Scene DNarrator【音乐19】The thief had found Ali Babas home. Ali Baba and Omar Jana

15、 were holding a wedding.Thief (小声地)Ha-ha! Here must be Ali Babas home.NarratorThe thief left a circle as mark. Then he ran back to tell other thieves.强盗将一个画有圆圈的牌子立在舞台上,便匆匆下场。另外阿里巴巴和马尔基娜正在举行婚礼。举着红酒杯的宾客们正在倾听阿里巴巴的讲话。Ali BabaThanks for everybody taking part in wedding of us.阿里巴巴转身面对马尔基娜。Ali BabaI love y

16、ou!Omar JanaI love you, too!正当这时,所有的强盗拿着斧头跳着舞【音乐20】,闯入了阿里巴巴和马尔基娜的婚礼现场。Thief (凶暴地)You are Ali Baba? I will kill you now!阿里巴巴和宾客们十分害怕。正当强盗首领拿着斧头走近阿里巴巴时,一位莫名的高手突然跳了出来。AceYou cant hurt them.最后,这位高手以自己独到的方式,打败了所有的强盗。Thief Who are you?AceYou dont have to know.随后,所有强盗都倒在了地上。Guest Ali Baba, why do the thiev

17、es want to kill you?Ali Baba(无奈地)Because I know their treasure.顿时宾客们显露出渴望的神情,想与阿里巴巴分享这些宝藏。Guests(渴望地)I am poor! I am hungry! We all have no money!Ali BabaI know, I Know. Nowadays, housing price up, vegetables price up, noodles price up, even the salt price up. We cant be hurt. So I have a decision t

18、oday. Everybody will get a better life. Yes! We can!Guests(兴奋地)Yes! We can!最后,阿里巴巴将得到的金币抛向空中,【音乐21】大家一起跳起了欢快的舞蹈。NarratorFrom then on, they used these treasures for getting better work and work hard. They get a better life. A year later, Ali Baba and Omar Jana gave birth to a child, named Ali Wangwang.表演结束,全体演员鞠躬,下场。 感谢各位领导和评委的观看!谢谢!高2012级1班 (注:素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。请预览后才下载,期待你的好评与关注!)


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