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1、 新人教版七年级英语上册Unit 1 My name is Gina.教学目标与要求话题 Topic结交朋友( Making new friends)功能 Functions1能够介绍自己的姓名( Introduce yourself) My name is/Im My first/last name is2能够简单问候初识的朋友( Greet people) Hello! /Hi! Good morning! Nice to meet you!3能够询问和告知电话号码(Ask for and give telephone numbers) A: Whats your/his/her phon

2、e number? B:Its语法 Grammar1能够准确使用be动词的一般现在时用法(The simple present tense to be) Im Gina. My names Gina. A: Are you Tony? B: Yes, I am./No, Im not.2能够准确使用What引导的特殊疑问句询问对方姓名和电话号码 (What questions) Whats your name? Whats your telephone number?3能够准确使用下列形容词性物主代词( Possessive pronouns) my, your, his, her词汇和常用表

3、达Words Expressions1能够准确使用下列词汇(Curriculum words) name, telephone, phone, number, friend, China, school, your, her, his, he, she, nice, first, last, middle, zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, meet, too, not, and, yes, no, to, Ms.2能够准确使用下列常用表达( Useful expressions) first name, l

4、ast name, middle school, telephone /phone number Nice to meet you!语音 Pronunciation1能够辨别3组元音音素:/i:/和/i/ /e/和、3:(r)和9(r)/2能够理解下列缩略形式的意义并掌握其发音: whats, names, Im, shes, hes学习策略 Strategies 初步学习在听力和阅读过程中把握具体的信息:常见英语人名和电话号码文化知识 Culture l了解英语姓名小常识2了解西方初次见面的礼节 Unit 2 This is my sister.教学目标与要求话题 Topic家庭( The

5、family)功能 Functions1能够简单介绍人物关系( Introduce people) This is my grandmother. Thats my friend. These are my grandparents. Those are my sisters.2能够指认人物关系(Identify people) A: Is she your sister? B: Yes, she is./No, she isnt. A: Whos she? B: Shes my mother. A: Whore they? B: Theyre my parents.语法 Grammar1能够

6、用指示代词this, that, these, those介绍人物关系 ( Demonstrative pronouns) This is my friend Jane. Thats my grandfather. These are my brothers. Those are my parents.2能够用Who引导的特殊疑问句询问第三方是谁(Who questions) A: Whos she? B: Shes my sister. A: Whore they? B: Theyre my grandparents.词汇和常用表达Words Expressions1能够正确使用下列词汇(

7、Curriculum words) family, mother (mom), father (dad), parent, sister, brother, son, daughter, grandmother (grandma), grandfather (grandpa), grandparent, cousin, aunt, uncle, day, photo, picture, girl, dog, these, those, they, who, have, next, here, of, well, bye2能够正确使用下列常用表达( Useful expressions) thi

8、s is.thats,these are., those are,whos? a photo of my family, in my family, have a good day3能够认读下列词汇( Non-curriculum words) oh语音 Pronunciationl能够辨别3组元音: / u: / 和 / J /; O: (r)和 / X / 或/ X: /; X: (r)/ 和 / V /2能够正确读出简单的缩略表达,如thats, whos等 学习策略 Strategies 1能够将图片与人物描述相结合进行有效记忆 2能够将人物描述的文字信息和图片信息相互转换文化知识 C

9、ulture 了解英语国家中家庭成员之间的称谓 Unit 3 Is this your pencil?教学目标与要求话题 Topic教室里的物品( Things in the classroom)功能 Functions能够就物主关系进行问答( Identify ownership) A: Is this/that your? B:Yes, it is. ItsNo,it isnt. Its A: Are these/those your? B: Yes, they are. TheyreNo,they arent. Theyre语法 Grammar1能够正确使用名词性物主代词( Posses

10、sive pronouns) mine,yours,his,hers2能够正确使用一般疑问句确认物主关系并作简略回答( Yes/No questions and short answers) A: Is this/that? B:Yes, it is./No, it isnt. A: Are these/those? B:Yes, they are./No, they arent.词汇和常用表达Words Expressions1能够正确使用下列词汇( Curriculum words) pencil, box, book, eraser, schoolbag, dictionary, tea

11、cher, watch, baseball, classroom, computer, game, card, notebook, ring, bag, library, set, mine, his, hers, me, yours, welcome, some, help, excuse, thank, ask, call, e-mail, find (found), lose (lost), must, about, for, in, at2能够正确使用下列常用表达( Useful expressions) Pencil box, computer game, ID card, excu

12、se me, callat, e-mail at, askfor, a set of Thank you for your help.Youre welcome. What about?语音 Pronunciation1能够辨别3组元音音素/ J /和/ aJ /, / eI /和aI /, I(r) / 或 / I r和 /e (r) 或 er/2掌握一般疑问句及其回答的常用语调学习策略 Strategies 1尝试在阅读中根据上下文进行预测2在教师指导下通过抓关键词完成听力和阅读任务文化知识 Culture 1了解英语致谢及回答小常识2了解电子邮件基本知识3了解失物招领小常识Unit 4

13、Wheres my schoolbag?教学目标与要求话题 Topic房间里的物品( Things around the house)功能 Functions能够询问并描述物品的位置( Talk about where things are)A: Wheres my schoolbag? B:Its under the table. A: Where are my books? B:Theyre on the sofa. A: Is my computer game on the table? B: Yes,it is. A: Are my books on the bookcase? B:

14、No, they arent. Theyre on the chair./I dont know. 语法 Grammarl能够正确使用介词on, in, under描述物品所在的位置 (Prepositions on, /n, under) My keys are on the table. The tape is in the tape player. Your computer game is under your bed. 2能够正确使用Where引导的特殊疑问句询问物品位置 (Where questions) A: Wheres the pencil box? B:Its in the

15、 schoolbag. A: Where are their pens? B:Theyre on the teachers desk. 词汇和常用表达Words Expressions1.能够正确使用下列词汇(Curriculum words) table, bed, sofa, chair, desk, room, hat, head, radio, clock, tape, player model, plane, their, our, tidy, come, think, know, where, Always everywhere, on, under, but 2能够正确使用下列常

16、用表达( Useful expressions) tape player, model plane, come on 3能够认读下列词汇( Non-curriculum words) bookcase, yeah 语音 Pronunciation1掌握以下辅音音素的发音:/p / 和 /b /, /t / 和 /d /, /k /和/g /, /s /和/z /, /和/ /, /m /或/n/ 和/ /、/w /、/j / 2掌握Where引导的特殊疑问句和Yes/No问句及其答句的语调 学习策略 Strategies 1进一步练习在听力和阅读过程中寻找关键词2学习使用略读(skimming

17、)和寻读(scanning)两种阅读技巧文化知识 Culture Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?教学目标与要求话题 Topic与朋友共度快乐时光( Spending time with friends)功能 Functions能够询问并描述物品所属关系( Talk about ownership) A: Do you have a ping-pong bat? B: Yes,l do./No,l dont. A: Does she have a tennis ball? B:Yes, she does./No, she doesnt. I dont have

18、 a computer game. He has two ping-pong bats. 语法 Grammar1能够正确使用have的一般现在时用法 (The simple present tense to have) Do you have a volleyball? Does she have a tennis ball? We have a basketball. They dont have a basketball. He doesnt have a soccer ball. She has a baseball. 2能够正确使用一般疑问句询问物品所属关系并作简略回答 ( Yes/N

19、o questions and short answers) A: Do you have a tennis ball, Jane? B: Yes,l do./No,l dont. A: Does he have a soccer ball? B: Yes, he does./No, he doesnt. 3能够正确使用形容词对事物发表基本看法( Adjectives of quality) interesting, difficult, boring, relaxing, fun 4能够正确使用连词but(Conjunction but) I dont have a soccer ball,

20、 but my brother Alan does.词汇和常用表达Words Expressions1能够正确使用下列词汇 ( Curriculum words )tennis, ball, soccer, volleyball, basketball, TV, sport, class, classmate,us, we, them, fun, great, interesting, boring, late, difficult, relaxing, easy, same, do ( does ) , let, go, have ( has ) , get, play, sound, wa

21、tch, love, like, only, with, after 2能够正确使用下列常用表达( Useful expressions) soccer ball, tennis ball,watch TV, after class, play computer games, play volleyball, play basketball/ping-pong Lets go!3能够认读下列词汇( Non-curriculum words) ping-pong, bat, hey 语音 Pronunciation1掌握以下辅音音素的发音: /f/和/v/、/S /、/tS /和/dZ/、/tr

22、/和/dr/、/ts/和/dz/、/l/、/r/和/h/ 2能够正确读出学过的双音节单词,注意单词重音学习策略 Strategies l预测阅读文章大意 2将所学单词按语义场分类:体育运动词汇、描述性词汇文化知识 Culture 1了解国内外中学生常见的体育运动2理解体育锻炼与身体健康的关系 Unit 6 Do you like bananas?教学目标与要求话题 Topic食物( Food)功能 Functions能够谈论对食物的喜好( Talk about likes and dislikes) A: Do you like salad? B:Yes,l do./No,l dont. A:

23、 Do they like pears? B:Yes, they do./No, they dont. A: Does she like tomatoes? B:Yes, she does./No, she doesnt. I like oranges. I dont like bananas. We like rice. We dont like hamburgers. He likes ice-cream. He doesnt like vegetables.语法 Grammar1掌握动词like在一般现在时中的用法(The simple present tense to like) 肯定

24、句和否定句(Affirmative and negative statements) I dont like salad. John likes hamburgers. 一般疑问句及其回答( Yes/No questions and short answers) A: Do you like bananas? B:Yes,l do./No,l dont. A: Does she like tomatoes? B:Yes, she does./No, she doesnt.2能够正确使用下列表示食物的可数名词、不可数名词以及既可用作可数、又可用作不可数的名词 ( Countable nouns&

25、Uncountable nouns) Countable: hamburgers, eggs, oranges, bananas, apples, pears, carrots, vegetables, tomatoes, strawberries Uncountable: milk, bread, rice Both: food, fruit, ice-cream, salad, chicken 词汇和常用表达Words Expressions1能够正确使用下列词汇 ( Curriculum words ) fruit, banana, strawberry, pear, apple, ve

26、getable, tomato, carrot, food, hamburger, bread, rice, salad, chicken, egg, milk, ice-cream, breakfast, lunch, dinner, birthday, star, habit, question, week, healthy, fat, right, eat, want, be, really, then, well, sure, so 2能够正确使用下列常用表达( Useful expressions) think about, how about,askabout, want to d

27、o, after dinner3能够认读下列词汇( Non-curriculum words) burger语音 Pronunciationl尝试归纳字母a和字母组合ai, ay, al, aw在单词中的常见发音2根据名词复数形式的构成规律,尝试归纳复数名词的5种发音: /s/、/z/、/I z/、/ts/、/dz/3能够正确朗读学过的多音节单词,准确把握重读、非重读音节学习策略 Strategies 通过分类的方式识记食物类词汇文化知识 Culture 了解常见的西方食品及中、西方饮食文化差异Unit 7 How much are these socks?教学目标与要求话题 Topic购物(

28、 Shopping)功能 Functions1能够就衣物的价格进行问答( Ask about prices) A: How much is the white bag? B:Its seventeen dollars. A: How much are these socks? B:Theyre two dollars.2能够谈论衣物的颜色和大小( Talk about clothing) A: What color do you want? B:Blue. I like big purple hats. I like those long blue and yellow socks.3能够为他

29、人提供帮助或对别人的帮助礼貌地做出应答 ( Offer help) A: Can I help you? B:Yes, please.4能够表达感谢或对别人的感谢礼貌地做出应答(Thank someone) A: Thank you. B:Youre welcome.语法 Grammar1能够熟练使用How much引导的特殊疑问句询问价格 (How much questions) How much is this T-shirt? How much are these socks?2能够正确使用指示代词指代物体( Demonstrative pronouns) the/this/that/t

30、hese/those + n.词汇和常用表达Words Expressions1能够正确使用下列词汇( Curriculum words) clothes, sock, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt, dollar woman, pair, sale, price, boy, store, all, much, big, small, short, long ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen, twenty, thirty, need, look,take, buy

31、, sell, very, Mr.2能够正确使用下列常用表达( Useful expressions) how much, a pair of Can I help you? Ill take it. Here you are. Youre welcome.语音 Pronunciation1掌握元音字母e在重读开、闭音节中的常见发音2尝试归纳字母组合ea ee ear在单词中的常见发音3能够正确朗读学过的双音节单词,分辨重读和非重读音节学习策略 Strategies 1通过观察、比较发现规律,掌握基数词l至31的发音和拼写2通过图片或标题预测听读材料的大意文化知识 Culture 1了解货币单

32、位“人民币”和“美元”2了解一些购物礼仪Unit 8 When is your birthday?教学目标与要求话题 Topic日期 (Dates)功能 Functions1能够表述自己或家人、朋友的生日以及近期活动安排 ( Talk about dates) A: When is your birthday? B:Its on January 5th. A: When is your fathers birthday? B:His birthday is on April 21st. A: When is Sallys birthday party? B:Its on October 5th

33、. 2能够表述年龄( Talk about ages) A: How old are you? B:Im thirteen. 语法 Grammar1能够正确使用名词的所有格( Possessives) Alices, fathers, brothers, Jennys, Toms, Sallys 2能够正确使用When和How引导的特殊疑问句询问生日或年龄 (Wh- questions and How questions) When is Sallys birthday party? How old are you?词汇和常用表达Words Expressions1能够正确使用下列词汇( Cu

34、rriculum words) month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, party, test, trip, art, festival, term, time, student, thing, old, happy, busy, dear, first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, when, there2能够正确使用下列常用表达( Use

35、ful expressions) happy birthday, how old, birthday party, see you, school trip, basketball game, soccer game, ball game, English test, English party, English Day, Sports Day, art festival, book sale, have a good time, this term, next week语音 Pronunciation1尝试归纳字母i、y、x、c、g及字母组合ck. ch的常见发音2能够正确朗读和区分所有格s

36、在不同单词中的发音3能够正确朗读学过的多音节单词,准确把握重读、非重读音节学习策略 Strategies 学会使用单词缩写、数字、符号等快速记录听力信息文化知识 Culture 1了解中、英文中关于日期表达的差异 2了解中、西方国家的重要节日以及日期Unit 9 My favorite subject is science.教学目标与要求话题 Topic学校科目( School subjects)功能 Functions1能够就喜欢的事物进行简单的问答( Talk about preferences) A: Whats your favorite subject/day? B: My favo

37、rite subject/day is2能够询问并陈述喜欢某事物的原因( Give reasons) A: Why do you like B: Because its fun/interesting.语法 Grammar能够正确使用下列Wh-疑问句及回答 (Wh- questions) A: Whats your favorite subject? B:My favorite subject is math. A: Why do you like math? B:Because its interesting. A: Who is your math teacher? B:My math t

38、eacher is Mrs. Wang. A: When do you have math? B:On Tuesday. 词汇和常用表达Words Expressions1能够正确使用下列词汇( Curriculum words) subject, P.E., science, music, math, Chinese, geography, history, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, lesson, hour, favorite, free, cool, useful, finish, wh

39、y, from, because, Mrs.2能够正确使用下列常用表达( Useful expressions) favorite subject, fromto,play games with Hows your day? Thats great! Thats for sure. How about you?3能够认读下列词汇( Non-curriculum words) A.M.(=a.m.),P.M.(=p.m.)语音 Pronunciation1掌握元音字母o在单词中的3种不同发音: /aJ/、/X/或/A:/、O:、/V/2掌握字母组合oo、Ou、ow在单词中的常见发音3能够用正确语调朗读特殊疑问句和一般疑问句学习策略 Strategies 1进一步学习在听力和阅读过程中捕捉关键词: 疑问词、学科名称等2能够通过总结Wh-疑问句的用法,初步培养复习、归纳知识的意识,发展自主学习能力文化知识 Culture 1了解中西方中学学制和学科设置的知识2了解星期的小常识


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