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1、全品中考网 Unit 5 It must belong to Carla一. 本周教学内容:话题(Topic): A picnic重点词组(Key Phrases)1. belong to 属于2. hair band 发带3. because of 因为4. Chinese-English Dictionary 汉英词典5. Oxford University 牛津大学6. use up 用光、用完7. the only kid 独生子,唯一的孩子8. classical music 古典音乐9. make guesses 做出猜测10. outside our window 在窗子外面1

2、1. no more 不再12. escape from 逃离13. be careful of 留神、当心交际用语1. Whose volleyball is this?It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball.2. Whose French book is this?It could be Alis. She studies French.3. Whose guitar is this?It might belong to Alice. She plays the guitar.4. Whose T-shirt is this?It cant be J

3、ohns. Its much too small for him.重点难点释义(Language Points)Section A:1. If you have any idea where it might be, please call me.If you have any idea. = If you know. 意为“如果你知道”。any用于if引导的条件从句中,有“若干的,有多少”的意思。例如:If you have any time Id like to talk with you.如果你有(些许)时间,我希望与你谈谈。2. no more 与not any more的区别二者都表

4、示“不再”,“再没有”的含义但no more要用在谈数量或程度时,notany more用在说时间时。例如:There is no more bread.没有面包了。(指数量)Hes no more genius than I am.他和我都不是天才。(指程度)He doesnt live here any more.他不住在这里了。(指时间)3. I think I dropped it during the concert so it might still be in the symphony hall.during是介词,意为“在期间”,其后跟时间段。在引导时间状语时注意区分和for的

5、用法。介词for引导时间状语时,很易和during混淆不清。它们的区别如下:(1)during用在已知的时期、节日或表示时间概念的名词之前。其后通常接the, this, that, these, those, my, your, his等词。例如:duringthelastfourdaysduringthewinterduringthattimeduringmyholidaysduringourstayinJapan而for则用以表示“有限的”或“无限的”时间概念,通常其后接冠词、数词,复数名词或副词ever。例如:forthefirsttimefortwomonthsformanyyear


7、fortheNewYear他们将和我们在一起,共度新年。Section B:(一)However, these days, strange things are happening in our neighborhood and everyone is unhappy.然而,最近在我们附近却在发生一些奇怪的事情,并且每个人都不高兴。1. however是一个转折连词,表示“然而,可是”的意思,与but的意义相同,但however是较正式的说法。例如:I know how to pronounce this English word, however I cant write it.我知道怎么读

8、这个英语单词,但是我不知道怎么写。2. these days意为“最近,近来,近几天”3. unhappy是happy的反义词。unhappy是一个合成词,由unhappy组合而成。我们常用的在词前加前缀变为其反义词的有:前缀 例词 派生词un-“不” happy unhappylike unlikegrateful ungratefulfriendly unfriendlylucky unlucky(二)My parents called the police, but they cant find anything strange.我的父母亲报了警,但他们也没能发现奇怪的东西。(1)the

9、 police可以看作为复数名词,意思是“警察、警方”。但如果指一个警员,就要用a policeman或a policewoman。(2)cant在本句中,不表示“推断”,而表示“能力”。(三)In my dream, I was swimming in an ocean of paper.在我的梦中,我浸泡在数不尽的试卷中。(in)an ocean of或(in)oceans of是介词短语,口语中常用,意为“极多的,用不尽的”。在of后接不可数名词或可数名词复数形式均可。例如:He thinks he has oceans of time.他认为他有用不尽的时间。语法知识:表示推测的情态动

10、词。在英语中,表示对某件事物的确定程度,即表示推测的时候,我们通常会用到以下情态动词:must, might, could, may, cant, couldnt.一. can和could的区别和用法1can表示体力和脑力方面的能力,或根据客观条件能做某种动作的“能力”。例如:Can you speak English?What can I do for you?Can you make a cake?can用在否定句和疑问句中时有时表示说话人的 “猜测”或 “不肯定”。例如:Where can he be?Can the news be true?(在日常会话中,can可代替may表示“允许

11、”,may比较正式)2. could 是 can的过去式,表示过去有过的能力和可能性,还有怀疑和不肯定的意思(在否定和疑问句中)。例如:The doctor said he could help him(能力)She couldnt skate when she was five years old. (能力)At that time we thought the story could be true(可能性)could用来提问,是有礼貌的请求 Could., please? 语气较为婉转。例如:Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?Could you hel

12、p us carry this box, please?二. 跟上组词一样, might也是may的过去式,其用法如下:1. may的用法:a. 表示“允许”或“请求”。例如:May I come in?在使用这一用法时需注意: may表示“允许”的否定形式是must not,意思是“不应该”,“不许可”。例如:May I take this book out of the reading-room?No,you mustnt不行。b. 表示说话人的猜测,认为某一事情“或许”或“可能”发生。例如:He may know the answerTomorrow I may go shoppingc

13、. may用在感叹句中可表示祝愿、愿望。例如:May you succeed(祝你成功。)May you have a pleasant journey(一路平安。)2. might的用法:a. might可以代替may,表示现在时间的动作,但语气较为婉转客气或更加不肯定。例如:He might not come todayMight I take a suggestion?b. might用来表示现在时间时,还可表示“规劝”。例如:You might pay more attention to spoken English三. must与have to的区别have to比较强调客观需要,m

14、ust着重说明主观看法。另外have to能用于更多时态,比较下面的句子:We had to be there at ten我们得在十点钟到那里。Well have to reconsider the whole thing这一切我将不得不重新加以考虑。有时两者都可以用,意思差别不大。例如:We must/have to leave now我们得走了。must在表示说话人对事物的推测时候要注意它比may肯定得多,相当于汉语的“一定”或“准是”。(只有在肯定句中能这样用。)This must be your roomThere must be a mistake在回答由must引起的问题时,如果是否定的答复,不能用mustnt,而需要用neednt或dont have to,因为mustnt是“一定不要”的意思。例如:Must we hand in our exercises today?No,you needntmust not的否定形式则表示“不应该”或“不许可”,语气比较强烈。例如:You mustnt play on the roadYou mustnt eat anything until you see the doctor全 品中考网 010-58818067 58818068 全品中考网邮箱:第 7 页 共 7 页


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