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1、南漳县峡口中学教师引导学生自主学习的预案设计课题:Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? Period 2年级班级:八年级学科:英语导学教师:杨课型:新授导学目标知识与技能1.会读背单词:news, educational, plan, hope, discussion, stand, talent show, learn from., plan/hope to do sth. Happen,may,expect,joke,comedy2谈论各类电影和电视节目的名称。过程与方法Listening practice, Reading practice,Pa

2、irwork,Groupwork.情感、态度与价值观通过本课的学习,使学生了解不同的电视节目,热爱生活。导学重点:学会询问他人对事物的看法并表达自己的观点。导学难点:动词不定式用法 expect to V, hope to be导学过程导学环节导学任务及导学要求自主学习交流展示 1、生词预习:朗读单词,记忆汉语; 拼写单词,记住单词形式。hope hp .希望;期望;盼望 n.希望 discussion dskn n.讨论;谈论 stand stnd v.站立;忍受 happen hpn vi.发生;碰巧;出现;偶遇 may me aux.可以,能够;可能,也许 expectkspekt v.

3、预期;期待;盼望 2、预习朗读2d对话并勾画短语。had a discussion about TV shows. I cant stand them.like to follow the story see what happens next.I dont mind soap operas. may not be very exciting,expect to learn a lot from them.hope to be one day.3、汉译英:(1)我们开展了有关电视节目的大讨论。We _ a _ the TV shows.(2)我不能忍受体育节目。I _ the sports s

4、hows.(3)他希望有一天能成为一名电视台记者。He _ be a TV reporter.(4)你觉得肥皂剧怎么样?What do you _ the soap opera?(5)他计划今天晚上看什么电视节目? What TV show_ he _to watch?4、朗读2d对话:回答以下问题。1) What are Grace and Sarah talking about?2) What kind of TV shows do Sarahs classmates like?3) What does Grace thank of game shows and sports shows?

5、4) What does Grace think of soap operas? What does Sarah think of them?5) What are Sarahs favorite TV shows? Why does she like them? What does Grace thank of them?班级展示:1、小组分角色大声朗读2d对话 2、小组抽背2d对话3、完成3a,3b.3c探究深化训练为能质疑探究:expect的用法expect是及物动词,意为“预料,盼望”,它有以下常见用法:1. expect + n. / pron. 预计可能发生;期待某人或某物2. e

6、xpect + to do sth. 料想做某事 3. expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事 4. expect + 从句 预计 / 料想 请根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。1. 李明的妈妈没有料到会得到那种答复。Li Mings mother did not _. 2. 他叔叔预计3月15日可以种完这些树。His uncle expected _ planting these trees by March 15. 3. 我希望你能更加努力地学习英语。I expect _ even harder at your English. 4. 我预计我爸爸会给我买一本英汉词典。 I expect _ will buy me an English-Chinese dictionary.反思通过这节课的学习,你有哪些收获?还有哪些困惑?


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