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1、reserve cadre training platform. Select 12 thought good, strong, young, high culture of talent into the village two committees reserve cadres, through to the town, spending, party members stepped up their training in the form of distance education, solidified the eighth village election work basis.

2、-Grass-roots level, carry out the four-three activities. In accordance with the unified plan of the County and township cadres actively supporting work, members of leadership each supporting a family difficulties and poor people in a family, all . Disaster relief acts of violation of policies such a

3、s special inspections, ordered rectification of the problems, for signs of problems, early warning, early prevention. As of now, I organize all cadres and workers with about 80 people to the County Commission visited the cultural corridor; invited the County discipline inspection Wang Yi fang, Deput

4、y Secretary of the independent Commission against corruption forum a while to update and repair the Gallery culture village, of honest and clean government promotion of special issue of the voice of the independent Commission against corruption had been published 4 issues; and the independent Commis

5、sion against corruption message platform, periodically sends the text messages more than 2000 pieces of the ICAC. (B) pay special attention to party building and promote the Council for economic planning, further optimization of the industrial structure of agriculture. -Consolidating and improving t

6、he benefits of traditional industries. I adopted to increase scientific and technological training, and introducing high-tech agricultural production, increase the efficiency of traditional industries, further strengthening and consolidating the traditional industry. Up to now, the Township 22746 ac

7、res of rubber plantation area, 5.12 million Yuan output value; betel nut cultivation area of 2279 acres, 5.3 million Yuan output value; powder banana planting area of 940 acres, 4.77 million Yuan output value; puzzle area of 670 acres, 1.61 million Yuan output value. -Rational planning industrial di

8、stribution. Further optimize the agricultural structure, supporting plant Mulberry sericulture, melon, papaya and such short, flat, fast special advantage industries. First, mulberry sericulture project. In 2015, the new Mulberry 147 acres, the township now retain Mulberry gardens area of 1097 acres

9、, a total of 18 batches for silkworm rearing, production value amounted to 1.7292 million Yuan, an increase of 24.29% and increase farmers income 1.4698 million Yuan; second, vegetable industry is gratifying. Make full use of regional advantages, and strive to build XX green vegetable brands. This y

10、ear I planted vegetables mainly to cucumber, bitter melon, white beans, winged bean, and planting an area of 550 acres, total 1414 tons, increasing peasants income of 228.72; third, papaya fruit industry was strengthened. To build can tracing famous agricultural brand, fruit papaya has became provin

11、cial quality brand agricultural, in province, and county level used field detection + agricultural tracing II dimension code + supermarket sales platform of agricultural Super docking mode, greatly to improve spring papaya of quality and benefits, and direct supermarket, ensure has papaya planting h

12、ouseholds interests of maximize, makes papaya industry became I Xiang farmers increase of new highlights. The year 2015, Papaya fruit plant 320 acres, more than 2.24 million Yuan output value; four special livestock breeding begins to take shape河南工业职业技术学院机械加工技术课程设计说明书设计题目 设计“气门摇杆轴支座”零件的机械加工工艺规程及工艺装备

13、(生产纲领:5000件)班 别:机制0903设 计 者:徐佧指导教师:刘红普评定成绩:设计日期: 2011年5月30日至6月 5日,. I have invested a total of 1.3 million Yuan this year, the introduction of porcupines, turtles and goat farming project, including: aquaculture Porcupine 32, farmed turtle 13, breeding goats, 41, a total of 650. (C) promoting infras

14、tructure, provide a platform for urban and rural development. -Work environment and improve the rural environment. One is the establishment of long-term mechanism of environmental health, I have introduced the XX rural sanitation improvement assessment methods and the XX months rural sanitation regu

15、lation evaluation standards, towards the establishment of effective cleaning mechanism, promote the healthy development of environmental governance. Up to now, I have put more than 230,000 yuan to township 6 village of old garbage to clean up. Second, steadily promoting the construction of Phu my vi

16、llage. County plans to invest 4 million Yuan for Xiang guangyiguang, I b, orders the first two Fu Mei Village project, currently guangyiguang II, order one order of two villages-rich country bidding for construction work has been completed, the construction team has been assigned to me, some farmers

17、 of the old housing demolition and reconstruction work has been carried out. -Scientific planning, gradually improving the living environment. Paying careful attention to renovate rural work, further integration of reconstruction funds in village order, order the second village, and bobao, and villa

18、ge, Tong Village, er Cun, renovate the entire village to promote the project, a total of 140 families renovate work carried out. As of now, Township 65 houses renovation work has been completed; promoting complete 35, light, light in the second village, the whole village project is being carried out

19、. -Increasing investment, improving infrastructure. By securing superior support, invested a total of more than 407,000 square in the Township of water conservancy facility construction and renovation; invested a total of more than 208,000 square in the Township construction and repair the drinking

20、water; invested 1.89 million yuan in XX River (Xiang Hui) has build embankment retaining wall; invest more than 7.6 million Yuan Xiang Hui completed the faade renovation work. Also, put more than 36,000 yuan to township 6 village village road conservation, the protection of the public travel securit

21、y. -High-speed-Jones (XX) programs strongly promote our land. Joan Le high-speed project, it is a key construction project, I was drafted into the area of 448.77 acres of land, involving XX, manpower, Nanping, 4 village, a total of 95 people, long lines, and pressure. But because of my leadership an

22、d effective measures, organized, land expropriation and steady development, effective mediation disputes, the project progress rapidly advancing, as of now, the Township to apply for a land deal has been signed, farmers young athletes involved and the ground attached to compensation have all been al

23、located land within 10 tombs have been migrated, clearing tables completed work has been completed. (D) social undertakings steadily, and construction of spiritual civilization to flourish. -Healthy development of population and family planning programs. Further the implementation of population and

24、Responsibility system of family planning work, raise the level of administration according to law and to serve the people. As of now, my total was 62 people, the sex ratio at birth to 106.67, 12.05 per thousand in the birth, comprehensive contraception 80.93%, long-term measures put together目录设计任务书1

25、序言.2 一、 零件的分析.3二、 工艺工程设计.3(一) 确定毛坯的制造形式3(二) 基面的选择3(三) 制定工艺路线4(四) 机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯的确定6(五) 确定切屑用量及基本用时7三、课程设计的心得体会.13参考文献.14 13设计任务书河南工业职业技术学院机械加工技术课程设计任务书设计题目: “万向节滑动叉”零件的机械加工 工艺规程设计内容:1产品零件图 2产品毛坯图 3机械加工工艺过程卡片 4机械加工工序卡片 5课程设计说明书班 级:机制0903设 计 者:徐佧指 导 教师:刘红普教研室主任:2011年 5 月 28 日序言机械加工课程设计是我们本学年一项重要的组成部分,


27、基础。由于能力所限,经验不足,设计中的不妥和错误之处在所难免,恳请老师多加指导,给以批评指正。 一 零件的分析 (一) 零件的作用气门摇杆轴支座是柴油机一个主要零件。是柴油机摇杆座的结合部,20(+0.1-0.06)mm孔装摇杆轴,轴上两端各装一进气门摇杆,摇杆座通过两个13mm孔用M12螺杆与汽缸盖相连,3mm轴向槽用于锁紧摇杆轴,使之不转动。(二) 零件的工艺分析 根据零件的使用性能,确定其材料为HT200。该材料具有较高的强度,耐磨性,耐热性及减振性,适用于承受较大应力,要求耐磨的零件。 该零件上主要加工面为上端面,下端面,左右端面,2-13mm孔和20 (+0.1-0.06)mm以及3

28、mm轴向槽的加工。20(+0.1-0.06)mm孔的尺寸精度以及下端面0.05mm的平面度与左右两端面孔的尺寸精度,直接影响到进气孔与排气门的传动精度及密封,213mm孔的尺寸精度。因此,需要先以下端面为粗基准加工上端面,再以上端面为粗基准加工下端面,再把下端面作为精基准,最后加工20(+0.1-0.06)mm孔时以下端面为定位基准,以保证孔轴相对下端面的位置精度。由参考文献(1)中有关孔的加工的经济精度机床能达到的位置精度可知上述要求可以达到的零件的结构的工艺性也是可行的二. 工艺规程设计(一) 确定毛坯,画毛坯零件合图(附图2)根据零件材料确定毛坯为铸件,已知零件的生产纲领为5000件/年


30、性,装夹的方便性,减少辅助时间,所以粗基准为上端面。(三)工艺路线的拟定根据各表面加工要求,和各种加工方法能达到的经济精度,确定各表面及孔的加工方法如下:上下端面:粗铣精铣左右端面:粗铣精铣 端面:粗铣精铣2-孔:钻孔 3mm 轴向槽精铣20(+0.1-0.06)mm孔:钻孔粗镗精镗因左右两端面均对20(+0.1-0.06)mm孔有较高的位置要求,故它们的加工宜采用工序集中原则,减少装次数,提高加工精度。根据先面后孔原则,将上端面下端面的粗铣放在前面,左右端面上20(+0.1-0.06)mm孔放后面加工。初步拟订以下两个加工路线方案加工路线方案(一)工序号工序内容1#铸造2#时效3#涂漆5#车

31、上端面6#铣下端面7#钻两通孔 8#铣左右端面9#钻通孔10#镗20(+0.1-0.06)孔11#轴向槽60#铣检验13#入库(二)以V形块定位的加工路线方案工序号 工序内容1#铸造2#时效3#涂漆5#粗铣下端面6#粗铣上端面7#粗铣左右端面9#钻两通孔10#精铣下端面11#精铣上端面12#精铣左右端面13#钻孔13#镗 20(+0.1-0.06)孔14#铣轴向槽15#入库上述两个方案遵循了工艺路线拟订的一般原则,但某些工序还有一些问题还值得进一步讨论。车上端面,因工件和夹具的尺寸较大,在卧式车床上加工时,它们惯性力较大,平衡困难;又由上端面不是连续的圆环面,车削中出现断续切削容易引起工艺系统

32、的震动,故应当选择铣削加工。因为在零件图纸中要求左右端面的跳动度为0.06,所以需要同时铣削左右端面,保证两端的平行度。工序6#应在工序5#前完成,使上端面在加工后有较多的时间进行自然时效,减少受力变形和受热变形对213通孔加工精度的影响。综上所述选择方案二。最后确定的工件加工工序如下:序号 工序内容定位基准1#铸造2#时效3#涂漆4#粗铣下端面上端面(3)+左右端(3)5#粗铣上端面下端面(3)+左右端(3)6#粗铣左右端面下端面(3)+ 外圆柱面7#钻两通孔13下端面(3)+ 外圆柱面8#精铣下端面上端面(3)+左右端(3)9#精铣上端面下端面(3)+左右端(3)10#精铣左右端面下端面(

33、3)+ 外圆柱面11#钻通孔18下端面(3)+ 外圆柱面12#镗孔到20 下端面(3)+ 外圆柱面13#粗-精铣轴向槽下端面(3)+ 外圆柱面14#入库 (四)机械加工余量、工艺尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定因工件的生产类型为成批生产,毛的铸造方法选用砂型机器造型。根据确定各表面的加工余量如下表所示: 表3.1 各表面加工余量 加工表面基本尺寸加工余量等级加工余量数值说明上端面48H4 单侧加工下端面50H3 单侧加工左端面35H3 单侧加工右端面35H3 单侧加工(五)切削余量及基本工时的确定1. 机械加工余量确定根据可知计算底面加工余量公式如下。 式中 : e 余量值; 铸件的最大尺寸; 加工表面最

34、大尺寸; C 系数根据查表得出各个加工面得加工余量。经查可得,铣削上端面的加工余量为4,又由零件对上顶端表面的表面精度RA=12.5可知,粗铣的铣削余量为4。底面铣削余量为3,粗铣的铣削余量为2,精铣余量为1,精铣后公差登记为IT7IT8。左右端面的铣削余量为3,粗铣的铣削余量为2,精铣余量1,精铣后公差登记为IT7IT8,根据确定余量2。工序40粗镗18工序。粗镗余量表3-83取粗镗为1.8,粗镗切削余量为0.2,铰孔后尺寸为20H8,各工步余量和工序尺寸公差列于下表表3.2 各工步加工尺寸加工表面加工方法余量公差等级工序尺寸及公差粗镗_精镗2.确定切削用量及基本工工序4#:粗铣下端面(1)

35、加工条件工件材料:HT200,=170240MPa,铸造;工件尺寸:=13,l=36;加工要求:粗铣上端面加工余量4机床:X51立式铣床;刀具:立铣刀。铣削宽度ae90,深度ap6,齿数z=12,故根据机械制造工艺设计简明手册,取刀具直径d0=80。根据切削用量手册后,选择刀具前角00后角016,副后角0=8,刃倾角:s=10,主偏角Kr=60,过渡刃Kr=30,副偏角Kr=5。(2)切削用量1)确定切削深度ap 根据手册等,选择ap=1.15,两次走刀即可完成。2)确定每齿进给量fz 由于本工序为粗加工,尺寸精度和表面质量可不考虑,从而可采用不对称端机床功率为4.5kw(据简明手册,X51立

36、式铣床)选择: fz=83.9mm/min。3)确定刀具寿命及磨钝标准 根据切削手册,铣刀刀齿后刀面最大磨损量为1.5mm;由于铣刀直d0=80,故刀具使用寿命T=180min(据简明手册)。4)计算切削速度vc和每分钟进给量vf根据切削手册,当d0=80,Z=12,ap7.5,fz0.18mm/z时,vt=98m/min,nt=250r/min,vft=471mm/min。各修正系数为:kMV= 1.0,kSV= 0.8。 切削速度计算公式为:其中 ,将以上数据代入公式:确定机床主轴转速: 。根据简明手册,选择,因此,实际进给量和每分钟进给量为:=5)校验机床功率 根据切削手册,近似为,根据

37、机床使用说明书,主轴允许功率。故校验合格。最终确定: 6)计算基本工时 ,查切削手册,入切量及超切量为:则: 工序5# 粗铣上端面: 刀具,机床与上到工序相同,得出 , 工序6#粗铣左右端面:同时粗铣左右端面,圆盘铣刀一次加工完成不准调头计算切削用量: =2由 机械加工工艺手册可知:由切削用量手册可知: 各系数为 所以有 取 所以实际切削速度: 确定主轴转速: 切削工时: 工序7# 钻孔查机械制造工艺设计手册,取查机械制造工艺设计手册,取 查表机械制造工艺设计简明手册,机床为Z525,选择转速实际切削速度:v= 切削工时带入公式:工序8# 精铣下端面与工序1#相同。工序9# 精铣上端面与工序2

38、#相同.工序10# 精铣左右端面与工序3#相同工序11#钻通孔18,工序步骤与工序4#相同,代入数据得出结果: , 工序12#镗孔到20因精镗与粗镗的定位的下底面与V型块,精镗后工序尺寸为20.020.08,与下底面的位置精度为0.05,与左右端面的位置精度为0.06, 且定位夹、紧时基准重合,故不需保证。0.06跳动公差由机床保证。粗镗孔时因余量为1.9,故,查机械制造工艺设计手册 取进给量为 故实际切削速度为: 此时作台每分钟进给量应为:计算切削基本工时:工序13#铣槽:加工条件:机床:x6132卧式铣.床.刀具:直齿三面刃铣刀。其中 , 计算切削用量: 由机械加工工艺手册,表15-55可

39、知: 确定主轴转速: 切削工时: 三课程设计心得体会 经过一个月的努力,我终于将机械设计课程设计做完了.在这次作业过程中,我遇到了许多困难。这次课程设计,由于理论知识的不足,再加上平时没有什么设计经验,一开始的时候有些手忙脚乱,不知从何入手。一遍又一遍的计算,一次又一次的设计方案修改这都证实我的种种不足。在老师的教导和自己的不懈努力下慢慢找到了信心,最终我完成了任务。其中最让我头疼的事就是要翻阅大量的设计手册和参考资料,不知不觉间锻炼了我的忍耐能力。 尽管这次作业的时间是漫长的,过程是曲折的,但我的收获还是很大的.不仅仅掌握了气门摇杆轴支座的设计步骤与方法,掌握了零件设计的基本技能,懂得了怎样



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