PEP Book 4 U1& U2练习卷.doc

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1、PEP Book 4 U1& U2练习卷Class: Name: NO. Mark一、短语互译。(32分)1.在二楼_ 2.我的作业_ 3.老师办公室_ 4 紧邻 _5. 这边_ 6.电脑室_7.起床_ 8.音乐室_9.去操场_ 10.吃早餐_11.九点钟_ 12. 回家_13.上学_ 14.一节美术课_15.Dinner is ready! _ 16.Just a minute._二、选出不同类的一项。(10分)A B C D( )1.breakfast dinner lunch bread( )2.English class PE class playground Chinese clas

2、s( )3.twenty nine forty thirty( )4.jump and run New York Beijing Sydney( )5.teachers desk library gym art room三、判断下列单词发音是否相同,相同请打T,不相同请打F。(6分)( )1. her teacher ( )2.bird first ( ) cow( ) fork ( )5.water computer ( )6.nurse girl四、选择题。(20分)( )1. The music room is _ floor.A on the one B on th

3、e first C in the first ( )2. Where is the library?_A Its next for the art room. B. Its next to the art room. C. Its on the two floor.( )3.Is this the computer room? _.A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, this is. C. No, it is.( )4.Do you have a gym?_A. No, we do. B. Yes, we are . C. Yes, we do .( )5.What time _?

4、Its it B it is C isnt it( )6.Its time _ lunch. Lets _.A. To.have some chicken B.for .drink some milk. C. for. have some chicken.( )7. Its 5:00. Its time _ go home.A.for B in C to( )8.Where are you? _A.Im from China. B.Im in China. C,.Shes in China.( )9. Its time for _ . Lets _.A.English cl

5、ass . read and write B.PE classsing and dance. C. music classjump and run ( )10.Go to the garden. _.A.Play football B. Read a book C. Water the flowers五、请根据问句选择正确的答语。(有一项是多余的。)(12分)( )1.Whats the time? A. There are 5.( )2.Where is the art room? B.No, we dont.( )3.Is that the library? C.Good idea!( )

6、4.How many lights are there in your room? D.Its 9:00.( )5.Lets go to the playground. E.Its under Class 3.( )6.Do you have lunch at 11:30? F.Yes, it is. G.Its time for dinner.六、给下列句子排序组成对话。(10分)( )Where is the music room?( )OK, lets go!( ) Oh,! Its 10 oclock. Its time to have music class.( )What time

7、 is it, Amy?( ) Its on the second floor. Its next to the teachers office.七、阅读短文并判断句子的正误。正确用,错误用X。(10分)Its 7:00. Its time to go to school Welcome to our school. Its next the park. Its very big and beautiful. There are 20 classrooms , three teaches offices, a library and a big playground in it. Im in

8、Class 2 Grade 4. Our classroom is on the second floor. Its next to the library. I can read a book in it after lunch.Its 8:20.Its time for breakfast. We have English class at 9:05. Mr Liu is our English teacher. School is over at 5:00. We can play football on the playground.Thats cool!( )1.I go to school at 6:00.( )2.There are 30 classrooms in our school.( )3.Our classroom is on the second floor.( )4.Its 9:05.Its time to have English class.( )5.We play football after school.


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