U3 My friends Let‘s talk.doc

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《U3 My friends Let‘s talk.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《U3 My friends Let‘s talk.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 My FriendsA Lets talkTeaching aims:a. Ss can say the following sentences: Whats her/his name? Her/His name is .b. Ss can read: I have a new friend. A Chinese friend? Whats his name? His name is correctly.c. Ss can describe their friends like this: I have a friend . He/She is strong/ thin/ fri

2、endlyThe important and difficult points:a. Ss can describe their friends like this: I have a friend . He/She is strong/ thin/ friendlyb. Ss can use: He/ She is His/Her name isto describe their friends freely.c. The pronunciation of “his”.Teaching aids: PPT, CD.Teaching steps: StepsSuggestionsStep 1

3、Warm-up1. Lets singT: This is Sarah, she is a girl. He is a boy. Boy and girl. Lets sing together. 2. Lets do T: First, stand up. Lets do together.歌曲导入,调动气氛,活跃课堂,并为下一步学习做铺垫。Step2 Presentation 1. Teach “Whats her/his name? Her/His name is ” Class, look at Miss Wang. I am tall. Hey, boy, you are a lit

4、tle short. Whats your name? Make friends. Beautiful girl, you are thin. Whats your name? Make friends. That tall boy, Whats your name? I see. His name is XXX, her name is XXX. Sorry, whats his name? Oh, his name is XXX. Her name is.2. Teach “he/she is .” (tall and strong, short and thin)T: You are m

5、y new friends. I have some friends. Lets have a look. Yes, his name is Yao Ming. Look at Yao Ming. He is tall and strong. Whats his name? His name is Ke Nan. He is short and thin. Whats her name? Her name is Duo Duo. She is short and thin.T: We have many old friends. Whats his/her name? His/ Her nam

6、e is.3. Teach “A Chinese friend?” and “friendly”.T: Guess whats his name?His name is John.He is short and thin. John is from the USA. He is an American friend.Mike is a Canadian friend. Amy is an English friend.Zhang Peng is a Chinese friend.T: Zhang Peng and Mike are good friends. He is friendly. A

7、 game for the Ss.从教师对自己及学生的外形描述开始,简洁自然的过渡到老师和学生交朋友,引出Whats his name? His name is从My name is 入手,使学生一目了然,区分His name跟Her name 从书本里面的朋友照片入手,描述一下这些老朋友,介绍这些朋友来自哪个国家,对知识进行了巩固,又为下文做了铺垫。大家一起猜一猜,先由老师示范,学生循序渐进掌握知识。从张鹏和John是好朋友引出friendly,自然流畅,学生能顺利接受新知。由游戏来巩固已经学过的内容,引起学生兴趣积极参与课堂。Step 3 bake to book1. T: Who is

8、calling Mum? Its my friend John. Why is he calling? Lets listen.2. A quick-answered game.3. Pair workStep 4 Practice1. T: I still have some friends. Let me introduce them to you. First introduce Bob to Ss. 2. So many friends. Can you help me?3. Now, its your turn to talk about your friends to your g

9、roup mates. Step 4 Consolidation Animals are also our friends. Love animals, love our friends.处理完新知,回归书本,用游戏的形式检测学生对书本的理解。再通过教师领读,男女生分角色朗读,小组间分角色朗读,以及同桌展示反复巩固书本内容。让学生跟组员们说说自己的朋友,然后向全班同学介绍自己的朋友,达到对今天所学内容的进一步巩固。Step 5 Homework1. Introduce your friends to your classmates after class.2. Copy words.适当的口头和书面作业,帮助学生回家巩固所学的知识。BoardDesignUnit3 My Friends A Lets talk He / She is He / She has A: Whats his/her name? B: His/Her name is A Chinese boy? very friendly.Feedback:


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