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1、Topic 3 I will remember our friendship forever.Section A. Material analysis本课是九年级第六单元第三个话题的第一课时,主活动为1a和3。以康康和朋友们讨论即将毕业的对话开始,引出关于毕业典礼演讲的中心话题,通过讨论毕业之前的一系列活动来展示大家在毕业之前的情感交流。我们将通过回忆过去和展望未来来复习动词各种时态的结构和用法,尤其突出了现在完成时和其他动词时态的不同用法。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:1) Words and phrases: chalk, dozen , dozens

2、of, first of all, valuable 2) Function: 表达感谢。2. Skill aims:1)能听懂相关毕业的对话,并能够提取有用信息。2)能用英语谈论毕业典礼演讲。3. Learning strategies:抓住一切机会用英语和老师、同学和朋友实行交流。. The key points and difficult points1. Words and phrases: chalk, dozen, dozens of, first of all, valuable2. Sentences: 1) Take it easy. We have worked so ha

3、rd that we will be able to pass it easily. 2) Thinking back on the past three years, I have learned that if I want to succeed, I must study hard. 3) Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it. Teaching aids多媒体课件,康康和同学们讨论的图片,装饰教室的图片,礼物的图片,拍照的图片,贺卡的图片。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)Inte

4、ractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(3-5mins)Class activity1.Greeting.2.Ask students to recall their school lives. 1. Greeting.2. Students recall their school lives, such as having a class, running on the playground, talking with friends.通过回忆学校生活

5、来复习动词的过去时。2Revision(3 mins)Group workLead to the revision: ask them to act out their own fairy tales in groups.Act out their own fairy tales in groups. 3Pre-listening(3 mins)Individual workShow 1b to the students, and ask students to read through it.Read 1b and get the meaning of each sentence. And

6、try to guess the words they will fill in.做好听前预览是完成听力任务的保障。4While-listening(5 mins)Individual workPlay the record of the conversation. Guide students to listen and note.Listen to the conversation and write down the words or the capital letters of the words. 提醒学生做好记录。5Post-listening(15 mins)Class acti

7、vity1.Organize students to check the answers. 2.Play the flash of 1a. 1. Report the answers. 2.Watch the flash of 1a, and mark something important and difficult.Group workAsk students to discuss the key and difficult points in groups. Discuss in groups to understand the conversation further in group

8、s.Class activity1.Ask one student to point out the key and difficult points.2.Organize students to retell the main information of 1a based on 1b.1.Note the key and difficult points.2.Retell the main information of 1a based on 1b.通过复述锻炼学生的信息输出能力。Group workAsk students to talk about what they will do

9、on graduation day and make a conversation.Discuss and make a conversation based on the key phrases in 2.听力任务完成后,学生可以结合课本上提供的有效信息进行讨论,再组织新的对话,形成信息输出,从而达到听说结合,彼此相互促进。6Pre-listening(3 mins)Individual workGuide the students to look at the picture of 3A. Then ask them to read through the sentences in 3A.

10、Look at the picture of 3A and read through the sentences in 3A before listening. And they may choose the main idea according to the picture.训练学生根据图片猜测主题的能力。7While-listening(3 mins)Class work1. Play the record of 3 and ask the students to tick the main idea.2. Play the record again.1. Listen to the c

11、onversation and tick the main idea. 2. Listen again and complete the table of 3B. 填表时提醒学生注意所填词的正确形式。8Post-listening(5 mins)Class activity1.Organize students to check the answers. 2.Guide the students to fill in the blanks of 4.1. Report the answers. 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of th

12、e given words.9Summarizing and assigning homework(3 mins)Class activity1. Ask students to sum up the key points.2. Repeat the key points.1. Sum up the main content of this class. 2. Read through what they have learnt after the teacher.Group workAsk them to imagine more activities for the graduation

13、ceremony after class.Discuss with group members about what they want to do on graduation ceremony. Write down for a report next lesson.课后拓展活动以学生感兴趣的活动为主,可以激发学生自发完成任务的信心。. Blackboard design Topic 3 I will remember our friendship forever.Section A1. chalk n. 粉笔2. dozen n. 十二个;一打 dozens of 几十,许多3. valu

14、able adj. 有价值的4. first of all 首先5. Take it easy. We have worked so hard that we will be able to pass it easily. 别紧张。我们学习如此努力,会轻松通过考试的。6. Thinking back on the past three years, I have learned that if I want to succeed, I must study hard.回想过去的三年,我领悟到如果想成功,必须努力学习。7. Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it.事上无难事,只怕有心人。/有志者,事竟成。


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