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1、Book 7 Unit5 Its a magic hat.第二课时教学设计(The second period: conversation, chant and practice)邹柳英一、 教学内容: conversation, chant and practice二、 教学目标:1. 能够运用conversation,与同伴进行对话。2. 能够使用句型进行交际 “Can I try it?” “I want / dont want to buy ” “ Can I help you?” 。3. 能够运用“Wow! Thats expensive!” “Hey! Thats cheap!”

2、来表达对价格的看法。4. 能够掌握正确的阅读方法来阅读短文。5. 能够写一篇关于购物的文章。三、 教学重点能够运用句型 “How much is / are ? Its / Theyre ”来运用到生活购物的情景中。四、 教学难点正确地运用语言进行交际。.五、 教学过程Step1: pre-reading1. Review: look and talk like this“Whats that?How much is / are ?”2. Chant activity : Listen, chant and answer3. Activity: Look,ask and answer ( Pa

3、ir work)4. Check: Report “ The apples are (price) .The umbrella is ”(设计意图:本环节我充分利用教材的一些物品,从老师问学生答到学生相互问答的方式激活学生上一节课所学的句型以及单词。同时,学生自然过渡对歌曲的学习,让课堂气氛迅速集中为学生积极主动的学习状态。)Step2: While-reading1. Guess : Whats that?T: I bought a funny thing in the shop. Do you want to know what it is?2. Teach the words : mag

4、ic hat3. Conversation: Listen and answer: How much is the magic hat? Check: Ss answer “Its a hundred dollars.” Teach the words“a hundred dollars” Read and Judge the statements True or False Check and teach the words “do magic”. Read together and answer: Did Gogo buy it?T: Did Gogo buy it?S: No, he d

5、idnt.T: But he tries it. Teach the sentences“Can I try it?” and use it. Role play: one is Gogo, one is the seller.(设计意图:创设商店的情景,让学生在情景中理解新单词,理会人物对话,能根据自己的实际情况作出cheap和expensive的判断,并根据自己的需要运用Can I try it?进行购物。在本环节,教师有意识地以课文为中心并根据实际情况拓展购物时需要的语句,如:Can I help you?同时,为后面学生的购物活动作铺垫。Step3: post-reading“Go s

6、hopping”1. Stick the sentences and finish the dialongue about shopping Read the sentences about shopping, eg: Can I help you? Can I try it. Here is the money. . Stick the sentences in the dialongue: A: Hello. Can I help you?B: I want to buy a bottle of water.A:What about this one?B: Can I try it?A:

7、Sure.B: How much is it?A: Its two yuan.B: Hey! Thats cheap. Here is the money.A: Thank you.2.Pair work3.Check4.Rules of shopping :Dont be noisy! 不准喧哗!Line to buy and pay. 排队购物结账。4. Activity: Go shopping5. Check: What did you buy? How much are they?(设计意图:本环节的购物活动是本节课的升华,学生通过一个语言的梳理(stick the sentence

8、s in the dialongue),对购物情景有一定认知。该环节从示范到两两练习,学生活动前,教师有意识地增加Rules of shopping,为后面学生的活动更有纪律地进行,同时也体现了一个道德文明的教育。)Step4 Homework1. Read and repeat the conversation.2. Write a dialongue about shopping.(假设你要在商店买一瓶水,你会和售货员说些什么呢?请用英语写出你们之间的对话。不少于6个句子。)(设计意图:如果说课堂上的学习训练主要是针对语言交际,根据学生学习的要求,那么作业布置就有必要要求学生对所学内容作一个语言输出的写作,巩固所学内容。)教学检测安排:本单元完成之后,进行单元测试。Blackboard design5 Its a magic hat.do magic A: Hello. Can I help you?Can I try it? B: I want to buy a bottle of water. A:What about this one?B: Can I try it?A: Sure.B: How much is it?A: Its two yuan.B: Hey! Thats cheap. Here is the money.A: Thank you.5


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