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1、Unit 12 My favorite subject is science. Teaching objectives 单元教学目标Skill Focus LanguageFocus听Listen for the names of subjectsListen for the description words说Talk about preferences and give reasons读Read a letter from Lin Mei talking about her favorite subject写Write a schedule for school dayWrite a le

2、tter introducing your favorite subject功能句式Talk about preferencesWhats your his her favorite subject? My His Her favorite subject is English. Whats Kens favorite subject? Science. Whats your mothers favorite color? Her favorite color is blue.Give reasons Why do you like math? Because its interesting

3、Why does he she like art? Because its funWhy does he like P.E.? Because its exciting.Scotts favorite day is Friday because he has art. He likes art.Talk about days and teachersWhen do you have math? I have math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Who is your science teacher?My favorite teacher is Mr. W

4、ang.词汇1. 重点词汇subject, science, P.E., because, teacher, Mr, Mrs, example, city, mom, dad, Tuesday, Thursday, Wednesday, Friday, Monday, busy, tired 2. 认读词汇partner, biology, strict语法What questionsWhy questionsAdjectives of quality:interesting, relaxing, difficult, exciting, fun, boring话题School subject

5、s. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析与重组1. 教材分析本单元以School subjects为话题,设计了三个部分的内容。旨在通过单元教学使学生学会谈论自己与他人喜欢的学科并陈述理由,学会写信介绍自己喜欢的学科,学会制作科目时间表。 Section A 学习谈论喜好,表述理由。1a, 1b, 1c 重点学习表示科目名称的词,学会谈论或询问自己或他人喜欢的科目。 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d继续学习谈论自己或他人最喜欢的科目并能表述自己的观点。重点学习运用形容词陈述自己的理由。3a, 3b, 4 学会谈论自己或他人最喜欢的科目

6、和教师,并对自己父母的喜好做一调查。Section B 学会介绍所学科目,制作科目时间表。1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c学会询问或介绍学校科目及其时间安排。3a, 3b, 3c, 4学会制作科目时间表,介绍自己最喜欢的日子。Self check 检测本单元所学词汇知识,学会写信介绍自己喜欢的科目并陈述理由。2. 课型设计与课时分配Period 1 Listening and speaking (I)(Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c)Period 2 Listening and speaking (II) (Section A: 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d)Perio

7、d 3 Integrating skills (I) (Section A: 3a, 3b, 4)Period 4 Integrating skills (II) (Section B: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c)Period 5 Reading and writing(Section B: 3a, 3b, 3c, 4)Period 6 Self check . Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案Period 1 Listening and speaking()Target language目标语言1. Words & phrases生

8、词和短语subject, science, P.E. (Physical education)2. Key sentences重点句子Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is science.Ability goals能力目标Enable students to listen to and talk about favorite subjects.Learning ability goals学能目标Help students learn how to listen to and talk about their favorite su

9、bjects.Teaching important / difficult points教学重难点How to listen to and talk about favorite subjects.Teaching aids教具准备A projector, a tape recorder.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step Warming up and lead-inIn this procedure, ask students to do some exercises from different subjects and choose their

10、 favorite subjects. Learn the names of different subjects. Learn to ask and talk about favorite subjects. T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. This class well begin with an IQ test. Here are some test questions from different subjects. Can you finish them in five minutes?Show the followi

11、ng on the screen. 1. k=_时,代数式的值是3。 2. “白日依山尽,黄河入海流.”出自我国_代著名诗人_的诗作_。3. 第一次世界大战发生在_年。4. 蝙蝠是鸟类吗?5. 世界上有几大洲?6. 怎样去除茶壶中的水垢?7. 根据首字母填空:Welcome to the z_ to see animals. Check the answers with students and then ask students which subjects these test questions are from. Help them learn the names of differe

12、nt subjects. T: These test questions are from seven different subjects. What subjects are they, do you know?S: Math, Chinese, history, biology, geography, chemistry and English. Keep the above words down on the blackboard. T: What other subjects do you know? S: Art, PE, music, drawing, computer .T:

13、Do you like English?S: Yes. Its my favorite subject. S: No, I dont. T: Whats your favorite subject?S: My favorite subject is math.Step Match work (1a: P71)In this procedure, students will learn the names of some subjects and learn to ask and talk about their favorite subjects. T: How many subjects d

14、o you have now? What are they? S: We have nine subjects. They are Chinese, math, English, PE, music, art, politics, history, and geography. T: Now please open your books at Page 71. Look at the words on the left. We have six words about subjects. Please read them. And we have six pictures marked wit

15、h a, b, c, d, e and f. Try to match the words and pictures.Encourage students to say something about the pictures and do the match work.T: What subject is it in picture a?S: Its math.T: Write “a” on the line next to the word “math”. Clear?Go on with the others in the same way. Then check the answers

16、 with students.Step Listening (1b: P71)First, ask students to tell the subjects they like from their favorite subjects. T: What subjects do you like?S: I like PE and music. S: I like gym. T: Then whats your favorite subject?S: My favorite subject is English.T: Do you like history?S: Yes. T: Good. Yo

17、u like history, but your favorite subject is English. Then ask students to listen to the recording and do Activity 2. T: Next well listen to a recording. In the recording, two people are talking about their favorite subjects. Listen and circle the subjects you hear. Play the recording. Then check th

18、e answers. After this, ask students to repeat after the recording. Step Pairwork (1c: P71) Ask students to practice the conversation and make their own conversations. T: Among all the subjects, which do you like? Whats your favorite subject? Now work in pairs and practice asking and answering questi

19、ons about your favorite subjects. You can make your own conversations. A sample conversation:S1: What subject do you like?S2: PE and math. What about you?S1: I like PE, too. Then whats your favorite subject?S2: Chinese. Whats yours?S1: English. Step Homework1. Ask students to learn the new words and

20、 expressions in this unit (on Page 113).2. Ask students to make an English school schedule.Period 2 Listening and speaking()Target language目标语言1. Words & phrases生词和短语because, fun, interesting, boring, difficult, relaxing2. Key sentences重点句子Why do you like science?Because its interesting.Ability goal

21、s能力目标Enable students to listen to and talk about their favorite subjects and give reasons.Learning ability goals学能目标Help students learn how to listen to and talk about their favorite subjects and give reasons.Teaching important / difficult points教学重难点How to listen to and talk about subjects and give

22、 reasons.Teaching aids教具准备A tape recorder, a projector, books of different subjects and pictures.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step Revision and lead-inIn this procedure, review some words by showing them some books about different subjects. Ask students to learn to talk about their favourite s

23、ubjects. T: Hello, boys and girls. Here are some books about different subjects. Can you tell what subjects they are?S: Yes. They are English, math, Chinese, history, politics, chemistry, physics and music. T: Well done. Write the words English, math, Chinese, history, politics, chemistry, physics a

24、nd music on the blackboard. Ask students to read and spell them. Show students two pictures with a boy named Sam and a girl named Ann. Then ask them to make a conversation between Sam and Ann.Ann-music Sam-P.E.(relaxing, interesting) (fun, exciting)A sample conversation: S: Whats your favorite subje

25、ct, Ann?A: My favorite subject is music.S: Why do you like music?A: Because its relaxing and interesting. How about you, Sam?S: My favorite subject is P.E. Its fun and exciting. I dont like music. Its boring and difficult.Show the following.fun, interesting, relaxing, exciting, boring, difficultAsk

26、students to read after teacher and try to understand the meaning. Help them make sentences using the above words.Step Listening and pairwork (2a, 2b, 2c: P72)In this procedure, students will learn to talk about their favourite subjects and explain why they like them. Ask them to listen to the conver

27、sation and put the conversation in order. T: Boys and girls, do you like P.E.? S: Yes, I like P.E. very much.T: Is P.E. your favourite subject?S: No. My favourite subject is music.T: Very good. Look at 2a. You can see a picture on the right. Two classmates are talking about their favourite subjects.

28、 Look at the first sentences. Whats next? Can you guess? Now Ill play a recording. For the first tine, just listen. Then for a second time you can write the correct order. Check the answers. Then ask students to match the subjects with the description words. T: Look at Activity 2b. Can you read the

29、subjects and the description words? We know P.E. is fun. What about other subjects? Lets listen again and match. Check the answer. Ask two students to read the conversation. Then, ask students to match the other subjects with the descriptions first. Step Match work (2d: P72) Ask students to read the

30、 subjects and the description words again. Ask them to match the subjects in the first column with the description words in the second column and make their conversations in pairs.T: What do you think of the subjects? And why do you think so? First match the subjects in the first column with the des

31、cription words in the second column. And please ask your partner about his or her favorite subject and reason. Ill give you three minutes.Students begin to match and make their conversations. Ask some pairs to present it to the class.A sample conversation:S1: Do you like math?S2: No, I dont.S1: Is C

32、hinese your favorite?S2: No, it isnt.S1: Whats your favorite subject?S2: Art.S1: Why do you like art?S2: Because its interesting. What about you?Step Grammar FocusAsk students to read the sentences in the grammar box and sum up the sentence structure.T: Look at the grammar box. And practice in pairs

33、. One of you says the questions and the other says the answers.Show the following on the screen and ask students to read these sentences repeatedly. Whats your / his / her favorite subject?My / His / Her favorite subject is .?Why do you like .? Why does she / he like .? Because its interesting, fun

34、and exciting. Why dont you like .? Why doesnt he / she like .?Because its boring and difficult. Step Homework1. Ask students to do the following exercises.连词成句(1) does, he, not, it, like, because, is, math, boring _.(2) your, subject, English, is, favorite _?(3) my, Mr, art, is, teacher, Li _.Key: (

35、1) He doesnt like math because its boring. (2) Is English your favorite subject? (3) Mr Li is my art teacher.2. Ask students to do Activities 1 and 2 on Page 46 in the Workbook.Period 3 Integrating skills()Target language目标语言1. Words & phrases生词和短语teacher, Mr, Mrs, example, partner, city, mom, dad2.

36、 Key sentences重点句子Who is your science teacher?My science teacher is Mr Wang.Whats your mothers favorite color?Her favorite color is blue.Ability goals能力目标Enable students to talk about preferences.Learning ability goals学能目标Help students learn how to talk about preferences.Teaching important / difficu

37、lt points教学重难点Who questions.Teaching aids教具准备A projector and some cards.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step Warming up and lead-inAsk students some questions about their favourite subjects and their favourite teachers. In this procedure, students will learn to talk about their preferences. T: He

38、llo, everyone! Whats your favorite subject, can you tell me?S: Yes. My favourite subject is math. T: Why do you like it? S: Its very interesting. T: Who teaches you math? S: Mr Wang.T: Is he your favourite teacher?S: I like him very much. But my favourite teacher is my English teacher. .Step Reading

39、 and writing (3a, 3b: P73)In this procedure, students will learn to talk about their favorite teachers by using who questions and their favourite subjects. T: How many teachers do you have?S: We have nine teachers.T: Who is your Chinese teacher?S: Miss Lin.T: Do you like her?S: Yes. Shes fun. And I

40、like to have Chinese classes.T: Look at the picture. A boy and a girl are talking about something. Read their conversation. Then look at the words in the box. Please use the words to fill in the blanks. You will use each word more than once.Then check the answers.Ask students to look at the chart in

41、 3b. Talk about their favorite subjects and teachers.T: All of you have your favourite subjects and teachers. Is it right? S: Yes. T: Here is a chart in 3b. Now lets ask and answer in pairs. And complete the chart.A Sample report: My partner is Ann. Her favorite subject is P.E. Our P.E. teacher is M

42、r Zhang. He often makes us laugh. And we can play basketball in the P.E. class.Step Survey (4: P73) Talk about favorite sports with students. T: I like sports. Basketball is my favorite. But my friend Mary doesnt like sports. She likes eating. Her favorite food is dumplings. What about you? What do

43、you like best?S: Football is my favourite. S: My favourite food is rice. T: Now work in groups and ask your group members about their favorite things. Then fill in the chart. When you ask or answer the questions, you can use the words on the screen. Show the following on the screen. Food: rice, nood

44、les, dumplings, porridge, sandwich, bread .Color: red, white, black, blue, green, yellow, purple, gray .Sport: soccer, basketball, tennis, ping-pong, baseball .TV show: comedy, thriller, documentary, action movie .City: Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, London, New York, Sydney .A sample report: My favo

45、rite city is Beijing. I think its beautiful. Lily likes sports. Her favorite sport is tennis. Blue is Toms favorite color. He likes wearing blue jeans. Lin Meis favorite food is rice. She eats it for lunch every day. Step Homework1. Ask students to do Activities 3 and 5 on Page 47 in the Workbook.2.

46、 Make a survey about your parents favorite things. Then write a report about your familys favorite. Period 4 Integrating skills()Target language目标语言1. Words & phrases生词与短语Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, biology2. Key sentences重点句子When do you have math?I have math on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.Whats Kens favorite subject?Science.Why does he like science?Because its interesting.Ability goals能力目标Enable students to talk about the sub


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