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1、拓展提高:个案设计平罗四中集体备课教学设计complete the sentences1. The surprising thing was to hear how many animals_ (在 境中 ).2. we are占(据 ) their lands and forests.3. Let s _找出( ) what we can do to save them.4. I was _ 更(有 趣 )to see the pandas.5. Many animals _(没有生存的地方 ).6. We _ (需要 ) protect them better.翻 下列 1. at las

2、t _2. in peace _3. in danger _4. too to _5. 对 感 趣 _板 教学后 Module 6Animals in dangerUnit 1 Itallows people to get closer tothem.It s (not) + adj. + to do sth.I was surprised to do sth.decide to do sth.need to do sth.a good place to buy thingsThe surprising thing was to hear thatbad news. 第 29 课时 : 201

3、9 年 10 月 6 日教学准 : 1.tape recorder2. Multi-media教学活 程:个案 教 活 学生活 Step 1 Warming up1.It sGrammarinterestingtoT: Good morning, boys and girls! Today watch a movie.we re going to learn a new grammar. Now 2.It s not hardI ll write down 5 sentences onthe tolearnblackboard, and please write them down Engli

4、sh.on your notebook, too. Then tell me the 3.Iamsimilarity between them.surprisedtosee you here.第 1 页教学活动过程个案设计教师活动学生活动First encourage students to 4. We need to finish our tell the similarity betweenthe sentences.homework every day.Show the following.1. to + v. 2. It5. HongKong is a good s + adj. +

5、todo 3. need to do sth. 4. be toplace to buy things.do sth.T: We can see that the 6. The surprising thing above sentencesall include“ to + v ” . In fact they are wasin to hear that badthe same family, and theynews.arecalled“ infinitive” .(Write“ infinitive down”S: It s good to eatand ask students to

6、 use aredpen to emphasize thevegetables.infinitives). Now look at thefirst sentence. Can you give S: It s sad to hear theme more examples?accident.T: Excellent! Now I want toS: It s nice to see you here.changethesesentences.Look carefully, please.It s easy to learn math.Show the following.It s right

7、 to tell the truth.1.To watch a movie isinteresting2.To eat vegetables isgood.1. To hear the accident issad.T: Maybe you have foundsomethingdifferent.What sthe function of “ to第 2 页do”?教学活动过程个案设计教师活动学生活动T: Great! That s it. We can use theinfinitive to work as the subject of theTry to understand andw

8、hole sentence. But how come theserememberthesentences“ It s + adj. + to do” ? Well,do you want to have a big, long headlanguage points.and short legs? Maybe that will lookS: Asthe subject ofuncomfortable. So we need our oldfriend“ it” to help us. Thus we have allthese sentences.the whole sentence.Th

9、en ask students to read the followingaloud.Learnto usethe1. It is interesting to watch a movie.2. It s good to eat vegetables.language points.3. It s sad to hear the accident.T: OK. Now let s go on with the next sentence “ It s not hard to learnEnglish.”Clearly itS: To add “ not ”s the negative formof the infinitive. How is it formed?T: Yes, so change the sentences above before the infinitives. into negative ones.


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