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1、20192020 学年度潍坊市奎文区第二学期初二期中考试初中英语英语试卷考试时刻:90 分钟第一卷 75 分一、听力部分计20 分,每题1 分一听句子,选择正确的答语。句子读一遍。1 A Not at all B I think so CThank you 2 A Thats OK B Wonderful CVery well 3 A The team has the best playersBDo you usually have a dream?CHow do you do?4 A Nice to meet you B Nice to see you againC How do you d

2、o?5 A Never mind B Yes, I think so C OK ,I will 二听对话,选出咨询题的正确答案。对话读两遍。6 How did Linda feel about her Chinese exam?A BadB Happy CHard7 How much time is left for the woman?A Twenty minutes B Thirty minutes C Forty minutes 8 Where is Jane now?A In the hospital B At the office CAt school 9 What colour d

3、oes the woman like?A Blue B RedCRed and blue10 Why can t the boy go to the birthday party?A Because hell visit his uncle BBecause hes ill CBecause he must do his homework 三听对话选择正确答案。听第一段对话完成11-13 小题。11 What s wrong with the boy?A His parents were sickBHe was sick CHe wasntallowed to watch the footba

4、ll match 12 When did the football match end?A At 11:35 p.m B At 0:05 a.m CAt 0:45 a.m 13 What is the boy interested in?A Watching TV BWatching the football match CSwimming 听第二段对话完成14-15 小题。14 How did the students get their uniforms?A They bought them from shops BThey designed them themselvesCTheir p

5、arents bought the uniforms for them 15 The students are allowed _ A to make uniformsBto learn ChineseCto do things they re interested in四听录音,依照录音内容完成表格。请将答案写在卷相应的位置上提示词语: suit v 适合; expect v希望Information about Hong KongIn factThe writer likes 1 _ betterThe timeThe writer took a 2 _ English lessons A

6、bout musicThe writer prefer 3 _ musicEating outThe writer tried 4 _ before the concert The moviesThe writer will be taken over to an Indian 5 _ next week 二、单项选择共16 小题,总分值为16 分16 -Thank you for giving me a beautiful present on my birthday- _A The same to youB It doesntmatter CDon tmention it D Id lov

7、e to 17 -Dad,Im sorry I didn t do well in my test this time -Dontworry Im sure you will never give up舍弃 until you _ A succeedB successC will succeedD successful18 Mrs Green doesntknow if her son _ the English exam next week If he_ it , shell take him around the Great Wall A pass, passB will pass , p

8、assesCpasses, passesDwill pass , will pass19 The headmaster asked me _ we have decided to do for the camping A thatB whatC howD where20 Keep _ hard if you want _ to a good high schoolA study; to goB study; goingC studying ; goingDstudying ;to go21 -Can I borrow the book from the library?-Sorry, I_ i

9、t for half an hour I haventfinished reading it A have just borrowedB have just lentC keptD have just kept22 My bike is broken I need _ a new oneA to buyB buyC buyingD to be bought23 -I remember_ you somewhere -Yes we met at Lily s homeA meetB to meetC meetingD met24 The cartoon is very _ and every c

10、hild is _ in itA interesting ; interestingB interested; interestedCinterested; interestingDinteresting ; interested25 No one told us _ , so we need your helpA how should we doB what should we doChow to do itDwhat to do it26 Dontfor get _when you finish _ your computer A turning off ; to useB to turn

11、 it off ; usingCto turn off it ; to useDto turn it off ; to use27 If he knows the _ , hell realise you re _ sorryA true; trueB truth ; trulyC truly ; truthD truly ; true28 Is there _ in today s newspaper?A something newB new somethingC anything newD new anything29 His smile makes me _ A feel warmB t

12、o feel warmC feeling friendlyD feeling happy30 I watched a terrible TV program last night A big snake bit a farmer _A in his handB on his handC in the handD on the hand31 I didn tknow _and _A whats his name;how old he isB what his name was; how old he wasCwhat his name is ;how is he oldDthat was his

13、 name;he was how old三、完形填空共 15 小题,总分值为 15 分Allan was born in the city His father has several big factories and hes very 32 Theyoung man is now studying in a university Last week he came to the small town to33hisgrandmaAnd he began to take his summer 34here,tooHe thought he was 35than anyother person

14、 hereAnd he was supercilious 目空一切的 He often36 the villagersandwouldn ttalk to 37hereAt first they were still38 to him now no one would say39tohim One day a friend of his grandma s had a birthday 40 The old woman told her grandsonto go there with her He had to do as she saidBut he didn tsay a41and sa

15、t aloneAt dinnera beautiful girl justsat 42 him He hopedto talk withher, butshe didn teven43him Suddenly she found there was a fly in his glass ,but she didnt44him about it Soon hefound it , too, and45 , Oh, dear! Theres a fly in my glass! Dontbe 46,sir, the girl said with a smile It won tbe able to

16、 drink much! 32 A poorB richC goodD tired33 A seeB look afterC work forD telephone34 A dayB nightC holidayD school35 A strongerB tidierC betterD more clever36 A laughed atB helpedC watchedD looked over37 A somebodyB nobodyC anybodyD everybody38 A coldB friendlyC carefulD bad39 A sorryB yesC noD hell

17、o40 A meetingB partyC cakeD card41 A storyB passageC wordD sentence42 A next toB behindC in front ofD far from43 A pullB pushC seeD look at44 A speakB sayC tellD talk45 A shoutedB jumped upC dancedD sang46 A happyB angryC sadD sure四、阅读明白得共16 小题;每题 1.5 分,计24 分,AA young mall was in love with a beautif

18、ul girlOne day she said to him, It is my birthdaytomorrow Oh, said the young man, Ill send you roses,one rose for each year of yourlife That evening he went to the flower shop As he knew the girl was twenty-two years old, hepaid for twenty-two roses and asked the shop assistant to send them to the g

19、irl the next day The assistant of the flower shop knew the young man very well because he often boughtflowers in his shop before When the young man left the shop ,the assistant thought, The youngman is very kind to me He often comes to buy my flowers In return I ll send ten more roses He did so The

20、next morning thirty-two roses were sent to the girl When the young man came to see her, she didntwant to speak to him And he never knew why she was so angry withhim 47 _sent the roses to the girl A The young manBThe assistantCAnother young manDWe dontknow who48 When the young girl received the roses

21、 she was _A very angryB very excitedC very happyD sad49 From the story we know that _A roses should be sent for ones birthdayBone may do something wrong even out of kindnessCyoung people are often angry with each otherD some girls don t like roses50 Why did the assistant send ten more roses?A Becaus

22、e he was a foolBBecause he was thankfulCBecause the young man asked him to send ten more rosesD Because he loved the girl BWhen you cut your skin ,you blood流血If a person loses a lot of blood ,he will become ill and may die Blood is very important People have always known that At one time in history,

23、 some people even drank blood to make them strong!When doctors understand how blood goes around inside the body, they try ways of givingblood to people who need it They take blood from the healthy people and give it to people whoneed itThis is called blood transfusion The blood goes from the arm of

24、the healthy person tothe arm of the sick people But there are two problems First,it does not always work Sometimes people die when theyhave blood transfusion Later, doctors found out that we do not have the same type of blood Thereare four groups-O ,A ,B and AB we all have blood of one of these grou

25、ps They also found theycould give any kind of blood to people belonging to AB-groups But they found that they mustgive A- group blood to A-grouppeople and B -group blood to B-group people If I have O-groupblood ,then I could give blood to anyone else safely There is another problem To give blood of

26、the right kind ,doctors have to find a person of theright blood group Often they can not find a person in time If they have a way to keep the blooduntil someone needs it, they can always have the right kind of blood At first they found theycouldkeep itinbottles forfifteento twentydays They didthis b

27、ymakingthe bloodverycold Then they had ways to keep it longer In the end they found a way of keeping blood for along time We call a place where we can keep money a bank We call a place where we keep bloodablood bank One day,when you grow up ,you may give some of your blood to a bloodbank In this way

28、 you may stop someone from dying Or perhaps one day you may becomeill You may need blood Then the blood bank will give you the blood from another person51 From the passage, we learn that sometimes people die when they have bloodtransfusionsbecause they _A are unhealthy peopleB have lots of bloodCare

29、 not given the right type of bloodDare AB-group people52 Which of the following is TRUE?A Doctors can give any kind of blood to the sick peopleBDoctors can give any kind of blood to AB-group peopleCDoctors can give any kind of blood to O-group peopleD A O-group person can tgive his blood to a B-grou

30、p person 53 People set up the blood bank so that they can _ A give the right kind of blood to the people who need it in timeBkeep different groups of blood as much as possibleCmake it easier to sell or buy bloodD keep blood for more than twenty hundred years54 From the last paragraph of the passage,

31、 we learn that _ A the writer thinks its good to give blood to a blood bank Bwe may become ill if we give blood to ablood bank Cmany people died because they lost lots of bloodD there are three groups of bloodCGrygori Pilikian spent his 114th birthday the other day and some reporters visited him to

32、findout the Secret of a long life The secret of a long life is happiness , Grygori said If you are happy, you will live a long time Are you married? a reporter asked Yes, Grygori answered I married my third wife when I was 102 If you are happily married You will livebetterBut for要是没有 my third wife ,

33、I would have died years ago What about smokingand drinking? another reporter askedYes,they are important Grygori said Don tsmokeat all and you willfeel well Drinktwo glasses of beer a day and you willbe healthy andhappy55 Some reporters visited Grygori because _ A he was a happy manBhe was a friend

34、of themChe had lived to be much longer than most peopleD he had married three times56 Grygori thought that _ was the most important to lifeA his wifeB happyC happinessD smoking57 The word beer in the last paragraph means _ in ChineseA 啤酒B饮料C汽水D汤58 The best title for this passage is _ A Grygori s Bir

35、thdayBThe Secret of a Long LifeCHappiness and LifeDReporters Visited GrygoriDThe Arts Cinema is open 7 days a week , showing lots of American and foreign films Nextweek it willshow an Australian filmcalled MidnightMeeting It is set in Sydney in the1960sYou can see that film from Monday to Thursday I

36、t will be on twice a day at 6:30 and 9:10in the eveningsThe film lasts two hours and fifteen minutes Tickets are $4,but there is a specialstudent ticket at $2.60 for all the films Please bring your student card if you want the cheaperticket The nearest car park to the cinema is in Hamlet Street Its

37、just five minutes walk from the cinemaIf you need further information phone 8813962 during office hours-9 a.m. to 4:30 P.m. , Monday to Friday 59 From the passage we know that Midnight Meeting is a n _ film A ChineseB JapaneseCAustralianD American60 When can people see that film?A From Monday to Thu

38、rsdayB From Monday to FridayCSix days a weekDSeven days a week61 The film lasts _A from 6:30 p.m. to 9:10 p.mB from 2:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m Ctwice a day in the eveningsD2 hours and 15 minutes62 Whats the price of a student ticket ? _A $2B $2.60C $4D $4.60第二卷45 分五、词汇考查:依照汉语提示或首字母写单词。共 10 小题,总分值10 分1 -Ho

39、w many s_ are there in a minute?-Sixty !2 What s wrong with your computer?-It doesn twork because of a terrible v_ 3 The 60-year-old woman has two children , but neither of them is living with her, so she oftenfeels l_ 4 There will be a football match on Saturday in our city W_ or not it rains , weregoing to watch it 5 He is


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