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1、20192020 学年度吉林第七中学上学期初一期中考试初中英语七年级英语试题听力部分 20 分I 听录音,选择正确的图画。5 分II 听对话,选择正确答案。 5 分 6Who has a computer game?A JackB MikeCAliceD Tom 7What kind of ball does Jane have?A A baseball.B A basketball.CA soccer ball.D A volleyball. 8What does Mary like?A Ice cream.B Salad.CHamburger.D Broccoli. 9-Who is Jo

2、hn?- He s Anns.A brotherB sisterCfriendD uncle 10 Where is the man stennis racket?A on the dresser.B On the sofa.CUnder the sofa.D On the chair.III 听录音完成对话,每空一词。 5 分A : Hi, Jim! Do you 11 soccer?B : Yes, I like soccer and basketball.A : Do you like tennis too?B : Yes, I do. My sister and I 12 tennis

3、.A : Do you have a tennis racket?B : Yes. But 13is my tennis racket?A : Oh, it s on your bed. Do you have a basketball?B : Yes, I do.A : OK, Let s play 14.B : That sounds 15.IV 听短文选择正确答案。 16doesntlike French fries.A JimB BobCDavidD Jim and Bob 17like hamburgers.A Jim and Bob.BBob and David.C Jim, Bo

4、b and DavidD Jim and David 18doesntlike eggs for breakfast.A Bob and DavidB JimCBobD David 19likes fruit for breakfast.A Bob and DavidB JimCBobD David 20like chicken.A Jim and BobBBob and DavidC Jim and DavidD Jim, Bob and David笔试部分 80 分基础知识部分20 分I 字母部分5 分英语 26 个字母中,有五个元音字母,请用大小写形式写出这5 个字母。II 把以下单词按

5、所给提示归类。 5 分yellowdictionaryrulerhistoryblackpianoguitarmathbananaapple1颜色3水果2学习用品4乐器5学科III 单项选择 10 分 6Let svolleyball. Thatgood.A playing, isB play, soundsCplay, is sound7The man is David Johnson. Johnson is hisname and David is hisname.A family, firstB first, familyCfirst, last 8Does Mary like appl

6、es?.A Yes, she doesnt. B No, she does.CYes, she does. 9- Where are your bags? -on the desk.A It sB HesC YoureD Theyre 10 Areher parents?A thisB theC thatD your 11 Howyou spell yes?A areB isCdoD am 12 Thismy book, it sbook.A is, herB isnt, youCis, yourD isnt, his 13 - Is this your pencil sharpener?-

7、Yes,.Itspencil sharpener.A it is, myB its, yourCthis is, myD this is, your 14 - What s your brother s name?-.A Li linyongB Li Lin Yong 15 Thanksthe photoA of, forB for, for日常交际 15 分IV 从右栏中选出恰当的句子完成左栏的对话。 16 Hello, Anna. How are you? 17 What color is your sofa? 18 Whats in your bag? 19 Whats your tel

8、ephone number? 20 Sit down, please. 21 Is he your friend? 22 Do you have a volleyball? 23 Lets play sports. 24 Are your keys one the sofa? 25 Where are the CDs?CLi Linyongyour family.Cfor, of 10 分A They re on your desk.BYes, he is.CThat sounds fun.D Thank you.ENo, I don t.F It s white.G Some books.H

9、 Fine, thank you. And you?I Yes, they are.J It s 0779 2032525.V 补全对话,依照方框中7 个选项,从中选择5 个完成以下对话。 5 分A :(26)B : Hello, Jeff.A : What s your name?B :(27)A :(28)B : E R I C.A :(29)B : No, it isn t.A :(30)B : It s a computer.A : Thank you.阅读明白得30 分VI 依照所给图片选词填空,有两项是余外的。 10 分Dear Wang Lin,Can you 31some 32

10、to school? I 33my hat, my 34, my schoolID card, a picture and a pen. My hat is on the chair. The notebook is 35the floor, theschool ID card is 36the 37, the 38is on the dresser and my pen ison the 39.40.SisterVII 阅读明白得20 分AI m Jane. This is my room. The TV and the video tapes are on the table. Where

11、s mybackpack? It s not on the table. Oh! It s on the bed. My pencils aren ton the desk. They re in mypencil case and its in my backpack. My alarm clock, my ID card, and my keys are on the dresser.依照短文内容选择正确答案。 5 分 41 We dontknow Janes.A first nameB last nameCvideo tapesD pencils 42 My bag is.A on th

12、e tableB on the dresserCon the bedD on the desk 43 My pencil case has some.A pencilsB keysCvideo tapesD A and B 44 My pencil case is.A on the deskB on the tableCin the backpackD in the drawer 45 Theare on the dresser.A pencil case and ID cardBalarm clock and keysC ID card and TVD keys and backpackB认

13、真看下表,为短文中的空格选择恰当的答案。5 分Namebaseballtennissoccer ballTomBillKateTom, Billand Kate 46sports, but (然而 ) they 47the same (相同的 )sports. Tom likes baseball 48soccer ball. 49likes tennis and soccer ball. Katedoesntlike 50. 46 A likeB likesCareD arent 47 A haveB dontlikeClikeD are 48 A butB andCorD so 49 A

14、KateB TomCBillD Tome and Bill 50 A baseballB tennisCsoccer ballD A and CC请依照上面的失物招领启事,选择正确答案。5 分 51 If ( 假如 ) your watch is lost, you should call.A 439 6175B 458 7700C458 3216D 465 - 0921 52 Linda sis lost.A duckB catCblue backpackD school ID card 53 Alan found an English Chinese dictionary.A on his

15、 deskB under his deskCin his deskD behind his desk 54 If you found a school ID card, it may be (可能 ).A Alan sB PaulsCGina sD Jims 55 Gina found.A a white and black catBa blue backpackC a red dictionaryD an English Chinese dictionaryDMy name is Kate Brown. I am nineteen. My phone number is 39880275.

16、My mobile ( 移动的 ) telephone number is 13003524688. His name is David Hand. His phone number 27653914.依照短文内容判定正T误 F 5 分 56 David is nineteen. 57 His first name is Hand. 58 I have (有 ) a mobile telephone. 59 My telephone is threenineeight eightzero twoseven five. 60 His mobile number is onethreeoothre

17、e fivetwofoursixeighteight.VIII 写作 15 分 A 依照图片回答以下咨询题5 分61 Whats this in English?.62 A:B: They are on the table.63 Is he your brother?. He is my friend.64 Does Tony have a soccer ball? No,65 Do you like an icecream? B : Yes,. B 给你的朋友Mike写一封信,介绍你的家庭和各自的爱好,爱好。60 词,开头,结尾差不多给出。 10分Dear MikeHere is my family photo.YoursKate


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