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1、Section Writing 建议信写作技法指导 文体指导 建议信是针对某事向收信人提出建议和忠告的一种文体。其目的是要使对方接受自己的想法、主张,解决有关问题。因此建议性书信要写得简明扼要、目的明确、理由充分、具有说服力。正文是建议信的主体部分,其结构如下:1首段表明写作意图。陈述事由,简单介绍自己,注意语气。2主体建议的内容。围绕对方的困惑、 烦恼等问题,用科学委婉的语言提出自己的建议、方法。注意要充分考虑到对方的实际问题, 表达时应选择得体的语言。 切忌用语生硬呆板,泛泛而谈。3尾段简单地提出希望。希望自己的建议能对对方有所帮助。 亮点句式 1建议信开头常用的句式 I m writin

2、g to express my views concerning. Thanks for trusting me. I would like to suggest that. You have asked me for my advice with regard to. , and I will try to make somesuggestions.2表达建议常用的句式 I feel that it would be helpful if. If I were you, I would. As far as I m concerned. In my opinion. As for me.3建

3、议信结尾常用的句式 I hope you will find these proposals/suggestions/recommendations practical/useful/helpful.第 1页 I hope you will take my advice into account. I would be more than happy to see improvements in this regard. 分佳作构建 写作任 假 你是李 , 你市将建一个大型 , 考 到残疾人的需要, 你 目的 工程 写一封 100 左右的信,提出一些合理化建 。要点如下:1入口 建 椅坡道,

4、内 残疾人 用通道和 生 ;2 室 在一楼,并配 盲人 用 件;3 架高度的 考 到坐 椅的残疾人。参考 :坡道ramp 篇 体裁建 信时态以一般 在 主主 一些合理化建 人称以第一人称 主第一段:表明写作意 构第二段:提出自己的建 第三段:表达希望 遣 造句 . 接 元词汇1architect n建筑 2software n. 件3. wheelchair n. 椅4. disabled people/the disabled残疾人5have access to有机会使用6be suitable for 适合7as well as和;也8adapt to适合 .巧用 元句式、 法(一) 完成

5、句子1我听 你将成 我 城市新 的建筑 。I have heard that you are to be the architect for the new library in our city.2我考 到残疾人的需要,我想提出一些建 。第 2页I consider the needs of disabled people,and I would like to offer several suggestions.3首先,我建议在图书馆的入口处设计一个适合轮椅的坡道。First, I suggest a ramp that is suitable for wheelchairs be des

6、igned at the entrance tothe library.4建造一些残疾人适合使用的特殊通道以及厕所。Special passages as well as toilets that the disabled adapt to should be built.5他们可以很容易地使用它们。They can use them easily6所有的电脑都应该配备专门的盲人软件。All the computers should be equipped with special software for the blind7这样,他们就可以自由地使用这些书籍。Thus,they can h

7、ave access to the books freely.(二) 句式升级8用现在分词作状语改写句子2Considering the needs of disabled people,I would like to offer several suggestions.9用 and 和 so that.合并句子 3、 4、 5First, I suggest a ramp that is suitable for wheelchairs be designed at the entrance to the library,and special passages as well as toi

8、lets that the disabled adapt to should be built so that they can use them easily.【导学号: 19142019】 妙笔成篇 【参考范文】Dear Sir or Madam,I have heard that you are to be the architect for the new library in our city.Considering the needs of disabled people, I would like to offer several suggestions.First,I sugg

9、est a ramp that is suitable for wheelchairs be designed at the entrance to the library,and special passages as well as toilets that the disabled adapt to should be built so that they can use them easily.Besides,reading rooms should be on the first floor.What s more,all the computers should be equipped with special software for the blind.In addition, book shelves should be designed to be reached by people in wheelchairs.Thus,they can have access to the books freely.I hope you will find these suggestions practical.第 3页Yours faithfully ,Li Hua第 4页


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