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1、Section Using Language教 材 语 篇 细 研 .阅读 P38 课文内容 ,从三个选项中选择最佳答案1Which kind of flowers attract bees?AFlowers are wide enough for bees to land on.BFlowers with white or light - colored colors.CFlowers open at night.2Which group is the most important pollinators?ABirds and bats.BFlies,wasps and beetles.CB

2、ees,moths and butterflies.3Which is WRONG according to the passage?AFlies like strong smell like rotting meat.BHumming- birds like some colors that can be seen at night.CBats like flowers with wide mouths for long tongues.【答案】1.A2.C3.B.阅读 P38 课文内容 ,判断正误 (T/F)1Bees follow colored lines to the nectar

3、inside the flower.()2Flowers that are white or pale can be seen by night pollinators.()3Butterflies are attracted to sweetsmelling-flowers.()【答案】1.T2.T3.F核 心 要 点 探 究 evolve vt.& vi.发展;进展;进化(教材 P38)Over time,many flowering plants and their animal pollinators haveevolvedtogether.长期以来许多开花的植物是和它们的传播花粉的动

4、物一起进化的。Why did humans evolve to walk upright?人为何进化到了直立行走的姿态?He has evolveda new theory after many years of research他.经过多年的研究,第 1页逐 出了新的理 。evolve from从 化来evolve into 化成evolution n. 化How will the cityevolve from out of disaster to a better city? 个城市如何从灾 中 脱出来,并 展成一个更好的城市呢?Then,why havent anthropoids e

5、volved intohumans?既然如此, 在的 人猿 什么没有 化成人 ?完成句子人是由猿 化来的。Humansthe apes.端午 舟 已 展成 国 性的体育 目。The dragon boat has nowan international sports event.达 文提出了 化 。Darwin put forth the theory of【答案】evolved fromevolved into evolutionattach vt. 上;系上;附加(教材 P38)Pollen becomesattached to the animal during its visit to

6、 a flower and is then passed on to another plants blossom on its next visit. 物接触一 花 , 花粉就附着在它的身上, 物接触下一种植物的花 就把 些花粉 到花 上。Hell attach the label to your luggage.他会把 系在你的行李上。I attach great importance to this research.我 研究十分重要。attach oneself to sb.依附某人be attached to依恋;属于;隶属于attach to sb.与某人相关 ; 于某人becom

7、e attached to喜 ; 有依 attachmentn.附着;附属;依恋第 2页attachedadj.依恋的;依附的No blame attaches toyou.你一点 任也没有。He attached himself tome at the party and I couldnt get rid of him.在聚会上他老是 着我,我根本无法 脱他。He had become attached toa student called Hilary.他喜 上了一个名叫希拉里的学生。【 学号: 28422039】完成句子申 表上 附上一 近照。a recent photographyo

8、ur application form.蜘蛛网只有一根 吊在叶子上。The web was onlythe leaf by one thread.很容易喜 上和你相 的孩子 ,有 候会喜 。Its easy tothe children you work with.Too attached,sometimes.【答案】Attach; toattached to become attached toadapt to 适用于 ;适 (教材 P38)Through evolution,most flowers have adapted to attract specific typesof poll

9、inators.通 化,大部分花 得适于吸引特殊种 的花粉 播者。I do not think Ill ever adapt to this culture.我恐怕永 也适 不了 种文化。Yulan magnolia canadapt to a variety of soils.玉 花能适 各种土壤。adapt oneself to适 adapt as改 的形式adapt from由改 adapt vt.& vi .(使 )适 ; (使 )适合;改造;改装;改 ;改写第 3页adaptableadj.能适应的adaptation n.适应;改造;改编 (本)I have adapted mys

10、elf tonew manners and customs.我已经使自己适应了新的风俗习惯。It was adapted from a novel by Sinclair Lewis.它是根据辛克莱 刘易斯的一部小说改写的。完成句子她感到难以适应国外的生活。She found it difficult tothe life in a foreign country.他不适合做这种工作。He is notsuch work.阿 Q 正传已被改编为戏剧。TheTrue Story of Ah Q has beena play.【答案】adapt herself to adapted to adap

11、ted asgive out发出 (气味、热等 );分发;用完;耗尽(教材 P38)Smell: strong,sweet perfume,typically only given out at night.气味:浓烈的香甜味,特别只在夜晚散发出。Ill be back as soon as Igive out these forms.我发完表就回来。Plastic will give out poisonous gas when burned.塑料燃烧时散发出有毒气体。Our food supply at last gave out.我们的食物终于用完了。give away泄漏;赠送give

12、 in妥协;屈服give off散发出;冒出give up放弃;停止Dont give away to the public when we will start.不要向公众泄露我们出发的日期。He will give up smoking for good and all.他再也不吸烟了。第 4页【导学号: 28422040】用 give短语的适当形式填空The teachertextbooks to the students.His patience finally.The supermarket isa box of sugar to everyone who comes today.T

13、he government has said all along that it will neverto the terroristthreats. When they die , plantsgases such as carbon dioxide andmethane(甲烷 )【答案】gave outgave outgiving awaygive in give off写 作 技 能 提 升 植物描写写作指导 植物描写文是对植物的形状、特点、习性等进行的理解式表达表述的文章。其形式多为文字提示或图表。 此类文章陈述客观事实, 谓语动词通常用一般现在时。此类文章具有以下特点:1科学性。介绍

14、植物或解说事理揭示植物的本质特征,做到概念准确,判断恰当,分类清楚。2.客观性。按照植物的本来面目如实地加以介绍、说明和解释。不带有个人愿望或主观倾向。3.知识性。以说明为主要表达方式,用简洁的语言介绍事物或阐明事理,使人们获得关于某一事物的知识和道理。4解说性。目的就是在于把事物、现象或道理解释、介绍清楚,让读者明白。写植物描写文要注意以下几点:1抓住中心,分清主次。首先要仔细阅读文字提示或观察图表,确定文章的中心内容。 再根据内容把文章分成几个段落,每段都要拟定一个主题句。然后确定中心人称和主体时态。2列全要点,扩编句子。以拟定的主题句为中心,选择恰当的词和句型组第 5页织材料,编写句子,

15、形成段落。3布局谋篇,连段成文。按照一定的逻辑顺序,用适当的过渡词把已经写好的段落串连成一篇完整的文章。佳作构建 玫瑰是爱和美的象征, 请你根据下面的要点提示写一篇短文简要介绍一些玫瑰花。要点提示: 1.玫瑰在世界上长时间被认为是最受欢迎的花,原因是它多种多样的颜色、形状和独特的气味。2玫瑰是爱和美的象征;其种类、颜色甚至数量都有寓意;玫瑰花被普遍认为是爱的象征,尤其是红玫瑰。3玫瑰在全世界都被认为是最受欢迎的礼物;一束玫瑰甚至只是一朵玫瑰都能使一个宫殿活跃起来。4除了新鲜的玫瑰花,人工做的像丝绸等的玫瑰花也被广泛地用于装饰。注意: 1.不要逐句翻译,可以适当增添细节;2词数 100 左右。审

16、题谋篇 本文是一篇植物描写类的短文;属于说明文的范畴, 写作的关键是合理安排句式结构,对玫瑰的介绍次序, 以及使用适当的关联词使句子衔接合理、叙述流畅,合理的安排文章的层次结构。遣词造句 .词汇1认为2受欢迎的3各种各样的4意义5礼物6另外【答案】1.consider2.popular3.various4.meaning5.gift6.besides.句式第 6页1玫瑰被认为是世界上最受欢迎的花。Rosesthe most popular flowers in the world.2玫瑰被认为是爱和美的象征。The rose is considered to belove and beauty

17、.3玫瑰的数量有它们的象征意义。roses has their symbolic meanings. 【答案】 1.are considered to be 2.a sign of 3.The number of妙笔成篇 【参考范文】Roses have been considered to be the most popular flowers in the world for the longest time.The reason for the popularity of the rose flowers may be its various colors, sizes and frag

18、rances.The rose is considered to be a sign of love and beauty.The species,colors and even the number of roses have their symbolic meanings, so the rose is widely considered to be the flower of love,especially red roses.We all know that roses have been the most popular gifts all over the world.A bunch of roses or even a single rose can make a palace active.Besides fresh roses, there are also many artificial flowers like silk roses in different colors,which are widely used as decoration.第 7页


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