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1、Section Writing 英文广告写作技法指导 文体指导 本单元的写作任务是写一则英文广告。 一则完整的广告通常包括标题、 正文、广告语,有时还包括插图说明等。 广告是商品销售的一种宣传手段, 目的是使消费者对某种商品产生兴趣, 从而促使他们购买。 为了达到目的, 广告必须具有吸引力,特别是要引起广大消费者的兴趣。基本框架1标题 语言要精炼,要凸显出在广告中最主要的功能,它必须能引起读者的好奇心,吸引读者的注意力。2正文 主要宣传商品的名称、性能、功效、价格等进行符合客观事实的描述,增加说服性。重点突出对产品特点和亮点的介绍。3结尾 说明商品的销售地址和联系方式。亮点句式 1The ke

2、y to keeping fit is to eat food high in vitamins and low in fat.2People are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever before.3With the improvement of the living standards, more and more people, especially children are suffering from obesity.4Do you want to get som

3、e physical training?5These foods can help you lose weight and become slim.6All clothes in the shop are sold at a discount/on sale.7Those who have related working experience are preferred.8If you want to come to the farm,please call us at 023-65734618.满分佳作构建 写作任务 假设你叫李华,现在为新开业的健康餐馆写个英文广告,要点如下:1健康餐馆提供

4、均衡饮食,有利于减肥瘦身;2餐馆提供既有能量又有纤维的饭菜;第 1页3有快餐和特殊的饭菜;4有各种各样的中国传统面食(wheaten foods);5联系电话: 533599。要求: 1.题目为 Once Tasted,Never Forgotten;2词数: 100 左右。审题谋篇 体裁广告话题饮食时态一般现在时人称第三人称首段:交代写广告的目的。结构中段:具体介绍广告的内容。尾段:说明具体联系方式并提出对顾客的欢迎。遣词造句 .对接单元词汇1lose weight减肥2the healthy restaurant健康餐馆3full of energy充满能量4rich in fibre富含

5、纤维5fast food快餐6enjoy the exciting/active atmosphere享受活跃的气氛.巧用单元语法和句型(一 )完成句子1健康餐馆提供均衡饮食,有利于减肥瘦身。Health Restaurant serves balanced foodsThese foods can help you lose weight and become slim2我们的餐馆提供既有能量又富含纤维的饭菜。Our restaurant serves foods both full of energy and rich in fibre3我们有快餐和特别的饭菜。We provide fas

6、t food and special dishes4我们有各种各样的中国传统面食。第 2页We also offer varieties of/various Chinese traditional wheaten foods5我们保证提供最好的服务。We promise you the best service6餐馆位于湖边,风景优美。Our restaurant lies by the lake with wonderful views.(二 )句式升级7把句 1 合成一个简单句Health Restaurant serves balanced foods helping you lose

7、 weight and becomeslim.8把句 2 用 as well as 连接Our restaurant serves you foods rich in fibre as well as foods full of energy.【导学号: 65162019】妙笔成篇 Once Tasted, Never ForgottenDont you want to become slim? Dont you want to lose weight? Dont you want to eat healthily? Come to the Health Restaurant now!Heal

8、th Restaurant serves balanced foods that can help you lose weight and become slim and serves you foods rich in fibre as well as foods full of energy.We provide fast food and special dishes and we also offer varieties of/various Chinese traditional wheaten foods.Its fun to eat here.At lunchtime,there are many customers. You can enjoy the exciting/active atmosphere.Wepromise you the best service.Our restaurant lies by the lake with wonderful views.Why not pay us a visit? Telephone number: 533599.You are welcome!第 3页


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