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1、Unit 1 Women of achievementBackground information:School: Zhongheng Senior High SchoolTeacher: Chen HongyingStudents: About 60 senior high school students, Class 10, Grade oneMaterials: Women of achievement, Unit one, Book New Senior English for ChinaStudent s Book4Type of lesson: ReadingLesson dura

2、tion: 40 minutesDate: April 2, 2014The General Idea of This Period:This period includes Warming up,Reading and Comprehending of the Reading. It introduces a day of Jane Goodall and her colleagues in the forests, observing the chimps.After reading the passage the students can know about Jane Goodall

3、s working methods, her great achievements and her attitude towards wild animals. Reading the passage, the students can also learn some reading strategies such asObjectives:1.1) Enable the students to comprehend the story of Jane Goodall protectings the2) Enable the students to learn from Jane Goodal

4、l to treat animals in a human way and3) Learn some useful words and expressions: achieve,achievement,condition,welfare,connection,behave,behavior,worthwhile,speci alist,Watching a family wake up is our first activity of the day. / Only after her mother2.1)2)3. Emotional attitude & values1) Let stude

5、nts learn from great women, stimulate their love and respect for great women and develop their moral qualities.2) Develop studentssense of cooperative learning.1) Help he students to comprehend the story of Jane Goodall s protecting the African2) Get the students to learn from Jane Goodall s story a

6、nd come to the idea that great3) Learn and master some important words, phrases and sentence patterns in this1) Get the students to comprehend the story and understand what Jane Goodall has2) Get the students to believe that onepersonality as well as luck and ability is1) Predicting to guess2)3)4) T

7、ask-based activities to get the students to comprehend the passage and be able to debateMultimedia facilities, tape recorder, English book, blackboard, chalk,etc.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Lead-Ss:Good morning,Miss.Chen1) Show some pictures of women for the students to guess who they are and tellT: D

8、o you have idols? Now I would like to show you some pictures of women to see whether they areThe students might be very excited to see the pictures.They will tell their names and the reasons why they are so famous.But they will have the same point of view that2) Get the students to have a discussion

9、 about the qualities needed to be a greatT:Although they are so famous and important in a certain field,they are not great women.ST:Now what do you think is needed in order to be a great woman?Who would like toS:Let me have a try.In my opinion,a great woman should be intelligent and hard-S:I think a

10、 great woman should be determined and consistent.Because sometimes she might come across a lot of difficulties before her idea and invention are accepted by the public or other specialists.If she canstick to her opinion,she may fail inS:According to me,I think a great woman should be modest and resp

11、onsible.I don think an arrogant and irresponsible woman will become a greaT:I agree with all of you.But in my opinion,most importantly a great woman should be unselfish and willing to sacrifice.Otherwise they will not overcome different difficulties and make great contributions to humans and our soc

12、iety.Do you thinkS:I think Madam Curie is a great woman.She discovered radium(镭)with her husband and made great contributions to the field of science and also our society.She won theS:I think Mother Teresa is a great woman.She worked in India to help the poor,took care of the disabled people and won

13、 the Nobel Peace PrizeT:Now I would like to show you some more pictures to see whether you know themS:She was the vice president of PRC and she worked for women and children welfareS:She lived at the time when British and France fought“ the Hundred Years War” .encouraged the king crowned and showed

14、the French army how to win the war.SheS:In 1972 she began to organize ICBL( the International Campaign to Ban Landmines) and Jody was GiveS:She spent most of her life helping to improve the prison conditions in Britain.She first visited Newgate Prison in London 1812 and in 1816 began her prison scho

15、ol in Newgate Prison.In 1818 she talked to the leaders of Britain about life in prison and persuaded them to make the 1823 New Prison Act,which agreed to spend more money on prisoners.Besides,she published a book about what she had seen in many prisons.She won the NobelS:She is Chinese.She devoted a

16、ll her life to gynaecology and obsterics.She remainedT:So we areT:Good.They all made great contributions to our world and inspire us.So we should admi(Get the students to read the information of the six women together.)T:Today we are going to learn about one of the great women.Before that I would li

17、keT:If you meetSs:She is hugging the chimp and imitating itsT:Do you know where thT:Now let s have a look at the titleA protectorof African wildlife.After a glance atS:I think the passage is about how Jane Goodall protected the wildlife in Africa andT:Let s read and find out whether you are right or

18、 wrong.Get the Ss to read the passage and find the answers to the four questions (two minutes)3.When did Jane Goodall arrive in Gombe?4.What was the purpose of her study?T:NT:The third one?When did Jane Goodall arrive in Gombe? How old was she?S:4.Her purpose was to help the rest of the world to und

19、erstand and respect the life ofS:The passage is mainly about how Jane Goodle worked with chimps in theirGet the students to read the whole passage and sum up the main idea of eachparagraph.At the same time,instruct them the way of finding or summing up the mainT:Now we have a rough idea about the pa

20、ssage.How will the writer introduce Jane Goodall s story to us?How will she organize the passage?Iouldw like you to read the story carefully and sum up the main idea of each paragraph.How can we sum up theS:Try to see whether there are any topic sentences,which are usually at the beginning or the en

21、d of a paragraph.If there are not any topic sentences,try to sum up the mainT:What are the main idS:2.Thesecond paragraph tellsusJane swaytostudychimpsandherS:4.The last paragraph is a short summary of the whole passage,telling us that she hasT:Wonderful job.T:Now we have formed an overview of the w

22、hole passage.Next I would like you to read and get more information about Jane Goodall.Please try to find out the answers to the following questions.If there are some sentences that you cannot understand,put1.What did the group do in the morning in the2.Where did Jane Goodall suggest that the chimps

23、 beS:1.They watched the chimps wake up in the morning in theS:3.She discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat,how chimps communicate with(Not all the students can find the answer to the third question,or some of them can only find part of the answers.The teacher should instruct them the way of findin

24、g them accurately.First get them to find the possible sentences where the answer lies“ For example,one thing she discovered was that chimps hunt and eat meat.She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other and her study of their bodylanguage helped her work out their social system.” Remin

25、d them to pay attention toStep 6 Competition (TruDivide the students into four groups.Each student tries to tell whether the statements are true or false as soon as possible in order to gain points for their group.If he tells the right answer,he shall get one point.If the statement is wrong and he c

26、an tell the reason,he gets double of the point.The group that get the highest points shall be the2.The chimps show love in their fa4.Shesupposes thatpeopleshouldnotusechimpsfor5.She has spent more than forty years helping people understand her6.She has not built homes forKeys1.False.Becauseshe did n

27、ot study at a university to get any university training.She2.False.The chimps show love to each other by either feeding or cleaning each3.False.Jane Goodall has argued for the chimps to be left in the wild and not used forT:Good job.So we can see you have a good understanding of Jane Goodall s life.

28、DoS:We should show true love to others,as well as to animals.Everything is equal,no matter what they are.It is not because we are human beings that we are superior to the animals.We don t have the right to control the other living things on the earth.They are our friends and relatives.The only diffe

29、rence is that we have different appearances and different intelligence.Only if we show true love towards them can we make theS:I admire her for her belief and personality.Divide the students into groups of four and get them to choose a slip of paper on which their characters are designed( for exampl

30、e,suppose you are Jane Goodall/ Jane Goodall colleague/s Jane Goodall mothers etc.).Get them to discuss and retell the passage.Try to describe what she thinks.Among the four students,one should be chosen to make a record and give a report.1.The students raise questions about the passage and the othe

31、rs try to answer the questions.When necessary,the2.The students find the important words,phrases and structures from the reading and the teacher explains.Try to use effective examples to illustrate the points.After illustration,teacher can give the students some exercises to consolidate theirAfter t

32、he explanation of the language points,the students have got the total understanding of the reading text.Then the teacher draws the studentsto the text and puts forward a topic for them to discuss.Divide the students into two groups boys and girls and let them debate with each other about the topic:W

33、omen are able to do more than men.The girls are for the idea while the boys are against the idea.Each group tries to think of as many arguments as possible to defeat the other side.After their debate,get some students to give their report for their groups.T:Time is running out.Today we learned about

34、 Jane Goodall story and we have learnt a lot from her.Our world will become a more beautiful one if we all treat the animals equally and show our love to them.We will succeed in overcoming any difficulties and achieving our goals if we can be as strong-1.Read the passage fluently and re3.Finish the

35、word exercise attention b转写 :T: Class begins. S(z): (.)stand upT: Good morning, boys and girls.T: Sit down please. Today, I d like to talk about idols. Everyone has idols, right? Ss: YesT: To start with, I ll share my pictures with you. Now I would like to show you some pictures of women to see whet

36、her they are your idols and try to tell me whether theyare great women. (.)You got it?(Show some pictures of some famous people on screen. Bingbing Fan, Angelina Jolie,T: Good! All of them are very beautiful and famous , right? Do you like them? Ss: Yes.T: Well. Although they are so famous and impor

37、tant in a certain field, they are notgreat women. So what do you think is needed in order to be a great woman? I willgive you two minutes to discuss with your partners, are you clear?(Give the studentstwo minutes to discuss in pairs.)Ss: Yes.()T: Now what do you think is needed in order to be a grea

38、t woman? Who would like toS1:Let me have a try.(1.)In my opinion, a great woman should be intelligent and hard-working,(1.)S2:I think a great woman should be determined and consistent.(1.)Because sometimes she might come across a lot of difficulties before her idea and invention(2.) are accepted by

39、the public or other specialists.(1.)If she canstick to her opinion, sheS3:According to me, I think a great woman should be modest and responsible.(.)I don t think an arrogant and irresponsible wT: Who else would like to express your idea? (:)well, I agree with all of you. But in my opinion, most imp

40、ortantly a great woman should be unselfish and willing to sacrifice. Otherwise they will not overcome different difficulties and make great contributions to humans and our society.Ss:T: Now, next question,(1.) can you name some greatS1: I think Madam Curie is a great woman. She discovered radium(镭 )

41、with her husband and made great contributions to the field of science and also our society. SheT: Good.S2:I think Mother Teresa is a great woman. She worked in India to help the poor, took care of theT: Now I would like to show you some more pictures to see whether you know them and their achievemen

42、ts.(the teacher let the students pay attention to the pictures on screen)T: (1.)Ss:T:S1: She was the vice president of PRC and she worked for women and childrenT: Good.Ss: She is JoanS2: She lived at the time when British and France fought “ the Hundred Years War”.She encouraged the king crowned and showed the French army how to win the war.T: Good.Ss:T:S3: In 1972 she began to organize ICBL( the International Campaign to Ban


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