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1、年 级三级学 科英语备课时间年 3 月 17 日课 题Unit 3FoodLesson 6主备教师参与教师教 学 目 标重点、难点资 源 准 备1.复 巩固 :grape,apple,peach,melon,fish,cake,egg,orange,banana,carrot2.复 巩固句型; I like . /I don liket3.Learn some words:noodles, hot dog ,hamburger4.学 字母 e 在 音 中的 音1.I like . /I donlik et2.What do you like?I like .Do you like ? Yes

2、,we do. Four hamburgers, please.1.Some pictures of the words .2.Arecorder教学过程资源应用 .Warm-up 1.Free talk2.Greetings Review1.Some words:grape,apple ,peach,melon,fish,cake,egg,orange,banana,carrot2.Ask Ss to say :出示水果的 片I like . I don t like Presentation1. Lesson62.Show a picture of hamburgers and ask :

3、Do you like hamburgers?Lead to answer :Yes , I do / we do.3.Learn the words:noodles, hot dog.第 1页And tell students to pay attention to the word : noodles4.Translate the text into chinese.Show some pictures of food on the blackboard.Ask Ss to express their hobbies.跟读磁带5.Ask Ss to read after the tape

4、on page 236.Read after the teacher.7.Ask Ss to read by themselves8.Let s chant.9.Pay attention to the pronunciation;epen ,hen .red .egg Practice1.Listen. Tick or cross2.Evaluate yourself3.Play a game Homework1.Read the text2. 2.Activity Book Lesson 6. .Writing design:Unit 3 FoodL esson 5What do you like?I like .hot dogsDo you like .?hamburgersYes, I do. / No, I dont.在上新课前以句型I like . peaches和 I dont like .进行巩固上节课所学食物和水果的单词,再出示教学图片, (上面有很多食物)老师指着其中一种食物说教学反思I like noodles , 问学生 What do you like?引出此句型教学! 有了上节课的基础, 学与建 议生对此句型掌握 较好!上课过程中 但发现学生对可数不可数名词掌握不够好,此方面还要多加引导!第 2页上课时间年 3 月 26 日第 3 节授课教师第 3页


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