外研版 Book 2 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines 教案.doc

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1、Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines I. 模块教学目标技能目标Skill GoalsTalk about newspapers, magazines and news reports Learn to show belief and disbeliefLearn to use adverbial clause of time and adverbial clause of reasonWrite about a favorite newspaper or magazineII. 目标语言功能句式Ways of showing belief There are p

2、robably aliens living here on earth.There is some interesting evidence.Yes, its quite possible.Well, the writer is absolutely sure its true.Ways of showing disbeliefYou dont believe in aliens, do you?I cant believe you said that!I dont believe a word of it! Its a crazy idea!You must be joking!You ca

3、nt be serious! Thats a crazy thing to say.词汇1. 四会词汇photograph, celebrity, economy, politics, photographer, universe, orbit, flight, congratulation, aboard, welcome, historical, achievement, replace, alien, amateur, astronomer, autograph, delighted, fan, spaceship, surprise, telescope, politician, be

4、lief, disbelief, evidence, cultural, financial, review, royal, found, produce2. 认读词汇headline, cosmonaut, navigator, taikonaut, sailor, capsule, telescope, actor, backstage, part3. 词组work on, in space, take photographs of, the quality press, the popular press, take off, in total, now that, believe in

5、, be similar to语法Adverbial clause of time1. While he was traveling in space, Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station. 2. When he was orbiting in the capsule, he took photographs of planet earth.3. When Yang landed, Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Center.Adverbia

6、l clause of reason1. “As you have asked me so nicely,” said Sharon, “Id be delighted to sign your arm.”2. Since no one else saw the aliens, not many people believe Mr Bates.3. Now that I have made this first visit, I hope I can come many more times.重点句子1. Yang was in space for twenty-one and a half

7、hours and made 14 orbits of the earth. 2. The Beijing Space Control Center said the flight was a “complete success”. 3. When Yang took off from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9 am yesterday, China became the third nation to send a man into space. 4. Yang is the 438th person to travel in space, includ

8、ing astronauts from 32 countries. 5. While he was travelling in space, Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station, . 6. Around four million people read it every day and it sells more than any other daily newspaper. . 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本模块以 Newspapers and Magazines 为话题,旨在通过模块

9、教学,使学生了解与报刊、杂志有关的词汇,了解新闻体裁的文章的特点,并通过各种途径了解有关太空科技进步的相关知识。引导学生学习英雄人物勤奋的学习和训练精神、勇敢的探索和献身精神。以便学生在发展语言能力的同时,培养热爱科学、努力为国争光的情感和信念。 1.1 INTRODUCTION 以两幅关于报刊杂志的图片切入话题,使学生了解报刊杂志的相关术语;第二个活动以归类的方式引导学生关注更多的相关词汇,为本模块的学习作好铺垫。 1.2 VOCABULARY AND READING 中的课文以Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth为话题,以新闻报道为体裁,介绍了杨利伟遨游太空的事迹

10、,并阐明了此次航天飞行的重大意义。通过课文前后的五个相关练习,使学生了解、学习相关词汇和课文主旨。与课文相关的练习: Activity 1 是词汇练习,为阅读做铺垫; Activity 2 要求学生依据小标题猜测主题; Activity 3要求学生阅读然后依据答案和课文内容提问; Activity 4要求学生采用快速浏览的方法判断正误,潜移默化中培养学生skimming 这一重要阅读技巧,并要求学生掌握与课文相关的语言知识;Activity 5要求学生进一步理解课文并在此基础上进行讨论。 1.3 GRAMMAR 1(Adverbial clause of time) 通过一系列语法练习,旨在使

11、学生掌握时间状语从句的用法,特别是连词when, while引导的时间状语从句。 1.4 READING AND LISTENING 该部分有两项任务,一是读三篇新闻报道,并了解主旨大意。二是听三则新闻广播录音,然后完成与录音内容相关的练习,训练学生听新闻广播并理解各种体裁新闻的能力。 1.5 GRAMMAR 2 (Adverbial clause of reason) 通过一系列语法练习,旨在使学生掌握原因状语从句的用法,特别是as, since, now that引导的原因状语从句。 1.6 PRONUNCIATION 主要通过听课文注意句子停顿,通过跟读让学生划出句子的停顿,并自己总结出

12、句子停顿的规律,学会确定句中的停顿。三步练习逐步递进,环环相扣。 1.7 WRITING让学生展开想象,依据所提示的信息对所给材料进行扩写。 1.8 LISTENING AND SPEAKING以词汇为铺垫,听一段以电影为话题的采访,根据所听内容,回答问题并确定事情发展的先后顺序,并就此展开讨论。 1.9 FUNCTION AND EVERYDAY ENGLISH以对话的形式呈现表示“相信/不相信”和日常用语的句子,便于学生在真实的语境中掌握、运用语言。 1.10 CULTURAL CORNER 让学生阅读有关一些美国、英国日报的介绍,拓宽学生就报纸杂志这一话题的知识面和相关词汇量,增加对新闻

13、业的了解。 1.11 TASK 让学生在小组讨论的基础上,写一段文字介绍自己最喜爱的报纸或杂志。 1.12 MODULE FILE 部分简要总结了本模块的重点词汇、语法、重点句型、短语及日常用语。 2. 教材重组 2.1将INTRODUCTION 与VOCABULARY AND READING两部分整合为一体,设计成一节阅读课。 2.2 将READING AND LISTENING, PRONUNCIATION, LISTENING AND SPEAKING, FUNCTION AND EVERYDAY ENGLISH及 WORKBOOK中Listening and speaking 部分结合

14、在一起,上一节听说课。 2.3将GRAMMAR 1 与GRAMMAR 2 及WORKBOOK中Grammar放在一起,上一节语法课。 2.4将 CULTURAL CORNER与WORKBOOK中Reading 部分放在一起,再加入课外阅读材料,扩大话题信息量,上一节泛读课。 2.5 将 WRITING, TASK 与WORKBOOK 中Speaking and writing 放在一起,上一节写作课。 3. 课型设计与课时分配 1st Period Reading 2nd Period Listening and Speaking 3rd Period Grammar 4th Period E

15、xtensive Reading 5th Period WritingIV. 分课时教案The First Period ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇及短语celebrity, economy, politics, flight, photographer, universe, orbit, congratulation, aboard, historical, achievement, in space, work on, take off, in total, send messages of congra

16、tulations, a step forward for the whole worldb. 重点句式 P43Yang was in space for . and made 14 orbits of the earth. When Yang landed, Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned .When Yang took off from ., China became the third nation to send a man into space.2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the Ss to talk about what the

17、y know about newspapers and magazines and express their personal opinions about space travel.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the Ss learn how to express their opinions about Yangs space travel. Teaching important points教学重点Stimulate the Ss interest in space travel and our national hero.Teaching d

18、ifficult points 教学难点Enable the Ss to express themselves by discussing journalism and space travel.Teaching methods 教学方法Fast reading, careful reading, listening and discussion.Teaching aids 教具准备A multimedia computer and a recorder.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I RevisionCheck the vocabulary

19、part of WORKBOOK on Page 92.Step II Introduction Present the news at home and abroad which has drawn most peoples attention. And then ask the Ss how they got the news. Maybe some of them would say on the radio or on TV. Then guide them to talk about how they get the news at school. In this way they

20、can draw a conclusion that newspapers and magazines play an important role in the daily life. T: As we all know, a terrible event took place in the South Indian Ocean the other day. What happened? Who would like to tell us? S1: The earthquake and tsunami(海啸)of South Indian Ocean happened the other d

21、ay. It has caused great damage. T: You got it. Whod like to talk with more about it.S2: Its reported that soldiers searched for bodies in treetops, families wept over the dead laid on beaches and rescuers searched the coral isles (珊瑚岛) for missing tourists. S3: The WHO has called for clean water alo

22、ng with food and medicines needed to help prevent the spread of diseases.T: Yes. I think most of you have heard about the disaster. How did you get the news?Ss: On TV.Ss: On the radio.Ss: From the Internet. Ss: From a newspaper / magazine.T: Yes. There are all kinds of means by which we can get the

23、news at home and abroad, but for the students like us who stay at school all day, newspapers and magazines play an important role in getting news and enriching our life. Look at the screen please! What can you see? Show the pictures on the screen.Ss: Newspapers and magazines.T: Lets look at the pict

24、ures on Page 41. What can you see in the pictures? Ss: A magazine named TIME and a copy of China Daily.T: Thats right. Now match the terms with the numbered items in the illustrations of the newspaper and magazine. You can do the activity individually. If youre not sure, you can discuss them with yo

25、ur partners.A few minutes later, collect the answers from the whole class. The teacher can give more terms, such as edition, catalogs, contents, illustrations, and so on. T: Good! Now, lets see more words about newspapers and magazines in Activity 2. Please read the words and then divide them into t

26、wo groups. You can talk about them with your partners.After about one and a half minutes.T: I think its a piece of cake for you. Whod like to pick out the types of news items?Ss: They are business, celebrity, economy, fashion, international, politics, and sport. T: Quit right. After class you are to

27、 give recent examples of these two types. If you can, you had better add details. You can translate Chinese news into English or look up some news in China Daily or 21st Century. How about people who work on newspapers and magazines?Ss: Editors, journalists and photographers are people working on ne

28、wspapers and magazines. Step III ReadingT: Lets come to the next page. Read the subheadings in Activity 2 and predict what the article is about. Pay special attention to the date.Ss: The article may be about Chinas first manned space travel. Ss: Yang Liwei Chinas first man in space.T: Thats quite ri

29、ght. How did you find out the news?Ss: On TV.Ss: On the radio.Ss: From the Internet. Ss: From a newspaper / magazine. T: OK. Today well read a report about Chinese Taikonaut Back on Earth. Pay attention to the style of the passage.Task 1 Fast reading This task is designed to train the students to sk

30、im in order to get the general idea.T: First look at the three subheadings of the passage and then match them with the three parts of the passage. Four minutes for the Ss to get the general idea of the passage by matching them.T: Have you finished? Who would like to tell us your answer?Ss: Part 1: B

31、 October 16th, 2003 Part 2: A Conversations in space. Part 3: Congratulations from Around the World.Task 2 Reading for detailsThis step is designed to help the Ss understand the passage further. Ask the Ss to read the passage carefully and ask them to do Activity 4 on Page 42. They should not only d

32、ecide whether the sentences are true or false but also correct the false ones.T: Now, please read the passage again carefully and decide whether the sentences are true or false.After a few minutes.T: Now Im sure that you have finished reading. Lets do the activity in pairs: one reads the sentence an

33、d the other tells us whether it is true or false and correct the false one. Whod like to try?S1: The taikonaut was in space for twenty-one hours.S2: Its false. The taikonaut was in space for twenty- one and a half hours. S1: One of the astronauts aboard the International Space Station was born in Ch

34、ina.S2: Its false. The parents of one of the astronauts aboard the International Space Station were born in China.Ss: The third and the fourth sentences are both true.S1: Sean OKeefe works for the United Nations.S2: Its false. Sean OKeefe works for the NASA.S1: Kofi Annan thought that the flight was

35、 very good news just for China. S2: Its false. Kofi Annan thought that the flight was very good news for the whole world.Then let the students read the first part of the article and then make questions to match the answers in Activity 3, following the given example. T: OK. Boys and girls, I think yo

36、u have got the general idea of the passage. Now please read the first part carefully then do Activity 3 on Page 42 individually. Youd better read the example carefully. You are supposed to make some questions to match the given answers according to the first part.After a few minutes.T: Now, Id like

37、some of you to present the questions you have made. Volunteers?.Task 3 Listening This section is meant to improve the Ss pronunciation and intonation. T: Good! You all have done a good job. Now I will play the tape for you. Listen carefully and imitate the pronunciation. At the same time pay attenti

38、on to the language points in the passage and make marks where you have questions.Step IV Language PointsThis step is to help the Ss understand the text, build their vocabulary and improve their abilities to put what they have learned into practice.T: Lets look at the screen to talk about some langua

39、ge points together. Show the following on the screen.1. Yang was in space for twenty-one and a half hours and made 14 orbits of the earth.a. “In space” means “in the universe.” Make sure that there is no article before space.e.g. outer space 太空 the space age太空时代 space station 航天站 space travel 航天旅行 s

40、pace walk 太空漫步 spacesuit太空服 space walker 太空漫步者 spacecraft = spaceship: a manned spaceship 载人宇宙飞船 space lab 太空实验室 spaceman = astronaut宇航员 b. make an orbit of . = orbit vt.e.g. How many spacecraft have orbited the moon? 2. The Beijing Space Control Center said the flight was a “complete success”. succ

41、ess n. successful adj. successfully adv. succeed v.a. C a person or thing that succeeds e.g. Of her plays , three were successes and one was a failure.He wasnt a success as a teacher. b. U achievement of a desired end, or of fame, wealth, or social position; succeedinge.g. Failure is the mother of s

42、uccess. Difference, failure, beauty, surprise, pleasure, difficulty etc. can all be used in this way.e.g. She used to be a beauty. Beauty is only skin deep.succeed in something / doing sth.be successful in something / doing sth.3. When Yang took off from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9am yesterday,

43、China became the third nation to send a man into space.“To send a man into space” is used as attribute here. 当名词被序数词修饰时,定语的非谓语形式为不定式。e.g. The hardworking girl is always the first to come and the last to leave.4. Lu, whose parents were born in China, spoke to Yang in Chinese during the flight.e. g. T

44、he house whose windows face south is his office.The student whose handwriting is excellent is our monitor.Step V DiscussionAsk the Ss to discuss the questions in Activity 5 in pairs. Grasp the chance to encourage the students to learn from Yang and guide them to think about: How could Yang and his c

45、olleagues succeed? What can you do today to serve the people one day?T: OK. Boys and girls, I think you have understood the report quite well. Now lets have a discussion about Yang in groups of four. Turn to Page 44 and discuss Questions 3, 4 & 5. Three or four minutes for the Ss to discuss.T: OK! I

46、d like some of you to present your answers about the questions. Any volunteers?S1: When I first got the news that our great motherland succeeded in setting up manned spaceship, I jumped with joy. As we all know, space travel is considered as an important sign of scientific development. The success s

47、uggests our homeland has become one of countries that are advanced at space science. Im proud of China. S2: I felt very excited at the news that a Chinese has succeeded in traveling in space. I think Yang is a national hero who is not only well-educated but also very brave. S3: Me too! I have read in a newspaper that great efforts had been made to train him before he traveled in space. S4: Our group believes that there is no doubt that China should and must continue with its space program


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